Chapter 33 - Demonic Elementalist

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"Who are you? W-what do you want?" Can asked as he was breathing heavily.

Earlier this afternoon, after he left his master's office, Can decided to go straight home. As he left the university, he summoned Beholder to take him back. As he was lifted through the air and started flying towards the direction of his house, he was immediately intercepted by an unknown group of people who were wearing black masks and cloaks. Without any explanation, all of them immediately formed a restrictive barrier in which he was unable to break through no matter how hard he tried. Before he could summon Valkyrie, a needle was sent flying to his neck. As it made contact to his skin, Can immediately felt sluggish and eventually lost his consciousness. He fell from Beholder's back where he was seating, but he was caught by one of the masked men. Without its master's constant flow of spiritual energy, Beholder was sent back to his dimension with distress on his face.

"Since you will die sooner or later, I'll tell you," the old man folded his fan revealing his evil smile.

"I'm Master Shin of the Black Snake Clan. As for my purpose?" the old man lifted Can's chin with his fan.

"I want vengeance for my clan members who were killed by that despicable elementalist!" As the old master thought about his fallen clan members, his composed evil attitude changed into displeasure. He gritted his teeth and gripped his fan firmly with his hand as it shook due to his anger.

"Killed clan members by...Tin?" Can thought about the words of the old master Shin and remembered the three malicious people who tried to harm Tin in the forest. Was it not those three people's fault to begin with? They were trying to harm Tin. Of course, Tin had to defend himself!

"Why are you blaming Tin? It was natural for him to defend himself," Can said with a firm voice.

"You foolish kid... You don't know anything about the person you're siding with," the old man scoffed as he shook his head. It was true that he wanted to harm Tin. Part of the reason was to eliminate competition for the Friendly Faction Competition, but the major reason was the deep grudge of the Black Snake Clane towards the Elementalist Association from the past. (A/N Chapter: 5 if you want to remember )

"If I tell you that the Elementalist Association massacred an entire clan in the past, would you believe me?" The old man asked as his heart trembled from sorrow.

Can just froze as he stared at Master Shin. He was not sure whether to believe the old man or not.

Can is quite knowledgeable about history since he is fascinated by how the world came to be the way it is today. So back then when he was young, he would read a lot of books about it. In history books, details about different wars were mentioned quite often, but this was the first time he heard about a massacred clan by E.A. If Master Shin was not lying, why would this incident not known or in the history textbooks? Unless, it was covered up?

"It doesn't matter to me if you believe me or not. I will repay E.A hundredfold this time, starting with Tin Phiravich," the old man stood up straight and started chanting. A burst of power was released in the room as Master Shin made different hand seals.

"Witch Prison" 

After finishing his hand seals, Can was lifted into the air and was put inside a huge transparent white bubble. The Witch Prison spell acts as a defensive barrier against any kind of attacks, but this is not its specialty. This ancient forbidden legendary spell allows the person who cast it to be immune to specific kinds of attacks. The reason for this is because the attacks the caster will receive will be transferred to the person who was inside the transparent bubble prison. In this case, if someone attacks Master Shin, the ones who will receive these attacks would be Can. Since this spell requires sacrifice, it was considered forbidden by the Black Snake Clan.

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