Chapter 89 - Battlemage

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Master Tanapon examined the blade of his sword with such admiration. He worshipped it like a god.

"Now, my turn."

He whispered to his sword with a weak and wicked smile on his face, "Blade's Fury."

The dark energy in the dimension intensified; black orbs suddenly appeared out of nowhere. These orbs were swiftly converging and collected by the Honglyun Sword. When a few moments had passed, the sword was shrouded in thick black mist.

"Sonic Wave!"

Master Tanapon acted and made a slashing movement with the sword. A strong wind gust was created. It was then followed by a strong wave of force.


Tin avoided the fatal attack and teleported behind Master Tanapon. With his hand, he quickly cast another spell.


A burst of huge flame came out of his palm and burnt the entire area that was in front of its way. As for the enemy, he just laughed.

"Haha! This is rather ticklish," Master Tanapon arrogantly shouted while still in the flames.


Master Tanapon made another slashing move, which caused the fire to be extinguished. Once again, Tin teleported out.

"Sonic Wave!"

In a successive move, another powerful wave was created. Tin was not aware that the powerful wave created by the sword that he was avoiding was being redirected to Can.


An explosion hit Can. With a strong impact, he flew away. Yet, in mid-air, he was hit by the beast with its claws and he was slammed to the ground. Despite these beatings, he was still safe because of his shield. Still, chunks of his spiritual energy were gone. He had to compensate a large amount of his spiritual energy for using the shield to protect him and Tin from powerful attacks.

Can continued to stand and attack, but he always ended up getting slammed into the ground. This could not be kept up for too long.

On Tin's side, after realizing Master Tanapon's tactics, Tin decided to face him in a much shorter distance. This, of course, would be to his disadvantage. At a long-range battle, Tin would have an advantage since he could use stronger and more eruptive magical abilities. If it was short-range, the set of spells that he could use would be limited. Thankfully, although he was at a disadvantage, he still had a barrier that could protect him.

When it came to speed, Master Tanapon was much faster. His attacks were swift to the point it was invisible to the naked eye. With each attempt of piercing Tin with the Honglyun Sword, there seemed to be thousands of swords that would come out per second. Fortunately, Tin was skilled and was able to block most of them. It was also thanks to the barrier cast on him by the Guyak Shield that he was unharmed or so he thought.

At one point, Master Tanapon was able to penetrate Tin's protective barrier and shattered it completely. As soon as he noticed this capability of the Honglyun Sword, Tin confirmed that the sword could shatter Guyak Shield's barrier. Still, could it penetrate the shield itself?

"Can, another barrier!" Tin requested.

Can nodded and cast another barrier on Tin. Before he could do so, the beast was already in front of him and prevented him from casting. He was again slammed into the ground.

Tin witnessed what happened, so he increased the distance between him and Master Tanapon. He could not keep up with his speed, so if Master Tanapon managed to pierce him with his sword, it would be quite fatal. Of course, the moment that Tin increased his distance from his opponent, Master Tanapon used his Sonic Wave once again and redirected it to Can.

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