Chapter 21 - Grievances

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Can's opponent who was unconscious was immediately transported to the emergency facility in the university. Her contracted beasts that were defeated were already transferred back to their dimension.

"Kyuu!" ("Thank you!") Gucci ecstatically uttered as he jumped.

He was happy because he was able to help his master although it was mostly Thanatos who did most of the work.

"The debt has been repaid," Thanatos said as he squatted and patted Gucci's head while ignoring everyone's attention towards him.

In the audience area, the people were curious about Thanatos.

"What's the relationship between the two? If I saw it correctly, it was the slime beast that was able to summon Thanatos and not Can," one of the audience members said curiously as he rubbed his chin.

"It's weird, right? I have never seen such a thing happened. Can is truly an interesting person! Ahh, I can't wait to see more of him in action. I think this one of the best fights I've seen so far," the other audience member said cheerfully.

"Kyu-Kyu?" ("What debt?") the naive jelly beast asked the magical demon knight.

Thanatos put a genuine smile on his face as he continued to pat Gucci. This red jelly beast is truly naive.

"For saving me back then when I was heavily wounded," the demon knight said softly.

The people who saw Thanatos' facial expression felt a sudden chill all over their bodies. For them, Thanatos' smile looked like an evil smile where he was about to do something wicked. In Gucci's case, his smile looked like he was truly happy. Still, he noticed the slight sadness in his eyes.

"Kyuuuu! Kyuuu!" ("It's not a big deal. If I see someone who is in need, I should help them out. That's what master told me!") the red jelly beast proudly said.

"Your master?" Thanatos slowly glanced back at the kid who was beaten up earlier not far away from him. Can who managed to defeat his opponent earlier went back to check on Valkyrie. While communicating with Valkyrie, he suddenly felt that someone was staring at him and caught Thanatos looking at him. He suddenly felt chills. Why was he staring at him?

Valkyrie seemed to also sense that Thanatos was staring at her master so she immediately went into a defensive position as he blocked the demon's view.

"Valkyrie, what's wrong?" Can asked.

Valkyrie did not answer but rather focused her attention on Thanatos as she frowned in contempt.

Thanatos then focused his gaze on the angel beast and smirked. This foolish angel.

"Kyuu! Kyuu!" ("I have an idea!") Gucci said who seemed to have a great idea in mind.

The demon beast stood up then listened to Gucci.

"What is it little one?" he asked as he looked at slime beast.

"Kyuu!" ("Become my master's contracted beast!") Gucci enthusiastically suggested.

"Kyuuuuuuu! Kyu!" ("With you on our team, we'll be indestructible!") he continued. The red jelly beast imagined his master, Thanatos, Valkyrie, and other contracted beasts fighting evil individuals who might try to cause harm to them. Gucci also imagined himself as a hero fighting in the frontlines with his teammates!

"Pfft..." Thanatos immediately held his laugh as he looked at Gucci's expression. He could tell that this small beast was thinking of something ridiculous.

"Kyuu?" ("What's funny?") Gucci immediately returned to reality after hearing the knight's sudden urge to laugh.

Thanatos composed himself as he answered Gucci.

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