Chapter 16 - Humiliation

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The rules are simple in order to win a battle. One participant must either get the other opponent to surrender or be pushed out of the stage. Of course, these are the options that none of the participants would like to get. They would like to win and would do what it takes to do so. 

Before the battle even commenced in the first stone platform, the crowd already began to focus on Can and Trump. Since a person from the top 10 is involved, everyone is excited to see the duel. Trump is very well-known not only for his arrogance and wealth but for his great power too. Most of the people in the stadium believed that he would be able to beat the challenger in a quick and decisive manner. Although it might be the case, they still want to see how Trump is going to deal with this arrogant and naive challenger.

Trump knew what everyone was thinking, so his ego grew bigger. Now that everyone was looking at him, he would not disappoint at giving them a good show. He actually wanted for everyone to watch him and let it be known how powerful he had become. This past year, he has been training and working hard for this specific event. Not only did his power increased, but also his confidence and arrogance. He specifically wanted to show his two nemeses, Techno and Kengkla, his skills by defeating their pathetic friend, Can. Just thinking of the look on their faces after this battle gave him a sense of satisfaction.

As soon as the referee announced the start of the battle, Trump just took his time to do a sigh of mockery and plaster his evil smile.

"You can surrender right now so you can save yourself from humiliation because I won't be too merciful after you refuse. If you have the guts to refuse, I'll make sure you wouldn't dare challenge me next time. Well, that's if you're still intact and alive by then," Trump said arrogantly as he looked at his opponent.

Can just calmly stood there as he focused on his opponent on the other side of the stone platform.

"I will not surrender," he said.

"Pfft. That's great then! Even if you beg for mercy, I will not show you such thing," Trump said threateningly. He will make sure that Can will be beaten up so badly.

"I summon the Earth Dragon King, Gopinich!"

"I summon the Earth Dragon King, Gopinich!"

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(A/N: This is from Ragnarok online!)

Suddenly, there were vibrations in the middle of the stage that spread throughout the stadium. The weak tremors continued for some seconds until a crack was formed in the middle of the stage. This crack grew larger which resulted in an opening.  As a hole was formed due to the crack, a three-headed green dragon beast emerged. It was Trump's most powerful beast: the Gopinich.

Gopinich is a proud dragon beast that is categorized under the lower epic tier. It possesses the earth element which allows it to control the ground to defend itself and use earth elemental offensive attacks. This particular dragon is very well known for its great defenses. In addition to its strong defensive earth spells, its natural hard skin is tough to penetrate. So even though the offensive attacks of this beast are rather weak, it is compensated with its strong defenses. As long as the enemy is not above its rank, its defense is impenetrable.

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