Chapter 32 - The Black Snake Clan Slithers

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"Cantaloupe!" Ley said loudly as she pulled Can's blanket.

Cantaloupe immediately woke up with a quick gasp which surprised his sister.

"Are you okay?" Ley worriedly asked as she stopped pulling his brother's blanket. It was already morning. She knew that her brother has a class today, so she had to wake him up. Also, she was interested in what happened yesterday between him and Tin.

Can surveyed his surroundings to see if he was still dreaming. He was not dreaming anymore. Somehow this made him feel weird and disappointed. After realizing that he was not in a dream anymore, he calmed himself down as he got up.

He looked at his sister, who had a confused gaze, and answered, "I'm okay."

"Why were you drunk yesterday?" Ley asked as she crossed her arms. Seeing that Can was fine, Ley went back to investigating what happened to Can and Tin yesterday. Did they do something interesting? When she saw that they came home late last night while she was watching television, she immediately started thinking about different scenarios that might have happened while the two were together. She currently has a writer's block and needed some inspiration to continue writing her popular fanfiction so asking Can some questions about their relationship development might give her new ideas.

"Drunk?" Can furrowed his eyebrows as he tried to recollect the events that happened yesterday. The last thing he remembered was being transferred outside his master's Phoenix Garden. Before that, he was in his master's villa. As he remembered the things that happened yesterday, he finally realized that the sweet water that he took must have been the cause for him to be drunk. He put a note to himself that he should be more careful with the things that he put in his mouth next time.

"Yes! Tin had to take you here to your room. Thankfully, it was me who saw you and not mom," Ley continued.

"Huh!? Tin took me home!?"

When he heard his name, Can immediately remembered all the things that they did in his dream especially in the bedroom. The little beast summoner felt embarrassed all of a sudden as his face blushed. His heart was like a huge drum that is being beaten simultaneously as it produced loud sounds.

He immediately covered his reddening face with both of his hands.

"Calm down. It's just a dream, Can! It's just a dream," Can whispered to himself repeatedly as he tried to calm his heart.

Ley, who saw his brother's reaction, became enthusiastic as her eyes started to glimmer. Something interesting must have happened between the two!

She grabbed his brother's shoulder and shook it due to her excitement.

"Tell me! Tell me what happened!? Did you guys do anything fun last night?" Ley delightedly asked as her smile became bigger and brighter.

Can knew what her sister was thinking, so he tried to dismiss her thoughts. If he does not do anything about it, her sister will keep pestering him about it. He tried to compose himself as he put the R18+ event that happened in his dream aside for now.

"Nothing happened," he calmly answered his sister. He saw what time it was, so he got out of bed and fixed it.

Ley frowned. She knew that his brother was trying to avoid the subject.

"Suspicious...." Ley whispered as the smile on her face and glimmering eyes were gone.

Can heard her sister's whisper but he ignored her.

"Don't you have school today? You should get ready," Can told Ley as he continued to fix his bed.

Ley quickly looked at Can's wall clock. It was almost 8:00 am. She is going to be late if she does not prepare herself for school immediately. But before she left, Ley looked at his brother.

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