Chapter 57 - Long-awaited Reunion

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It was a peaceful night. The moon and the stars were up in the sky where they give the world a glimpse of light from the total darkness. These bodies of the universe were once used for navigation as not to get lost and to be able to find one's way back home.

Looking up above the familiar sky, Can knew that he was home.

In front of him was a white gate that was next to an old light post. It has already lost its pristine white color, since it was already covered with rust. Can must remind his mother that they have to repaint the gate.

As he was about to touch the lock of the gate to open it, he hesitated all of a sudden. How was he supposed to greet them? Would it be better to visit them in the morning after all?

In the end, after contemplating, Can still decided to go inside. He wanted to meet them as soon as possible and tell them that he is still alive. He knew that his family has suffered enough.

Opening the lock of the gate with his key that he kept in his storage ring, he entered. Slowly, he took his time as he looked around and reminisced the moments he had at the small front yard that they have. His parents used to plant their own vegetables in this small area. Ley and he would help out from time to time to help nourish the plants. It was a fun bonding activity for the entire family. Yet, after their father died, somehow planting and nourishing vegetables were not as fun as they used to. It was suffocating even. In the end, the plants died and the front yard became empty.

Now approaching the door to his house, Can suddenly became nervous. As he took a deep breath to calm down, he took out the house key from one of his pockets. When he finally unlocked the door and came inside the house, he turned on the light of the living room. Surprisingly as he looked and walked around the room, there were no changes. Their old television was still there. The small green sofa, the small wobbling wooden table, and the cheap shelf with a bunch cheap decorations were still there.

When he walked towards the shelf, the picture frame that was on the top shelf of his still complete family caught his attention. He grabbed it and looked at it for a great while. This was the picture of him with his family when he was still young. It was taken when they went out to the mall to celebrate Ley's birthday. It was the last picture that they have taken as a complete family.

"I'm home," Can whispered with a weak smile on his face as he softly touched the picture of his father.

Putting back the picture frame to the shelf, he decided to go to the kitchen. He looked around once again. There were no changes. The kitchen was still the same.

Suddenly, Can's stomach grumbled. He was unable to eat normally today due to the nervousness of going home. It was unexpected of him since when there was usually a problem, he would eat until he felt better. It was not the case this time. Thankfully, Xu Xian, Bacsojin, and Pond were forceful enough to make him eat. Speaking of them, the three decided to roam around Thailand and visit wonderful places at night while they left him to deal with meeting his family. Talk about supporting a friend...Those three might have gone to the night market and eating great food.

Quickly, Can opened the refrigerator and saw some leftover home-cooked food. When he checked the contents of the plastic container, his eyebrows slightly frowned. There were ham and cheese hot pockets.

"Who made these?" Can whispered with confusion evident on his face.

Usually, he was the only one who would prepare this kind of food in the house. Was it Ley? It would be impossible if their mother made them since she did not know how to cook.

Taking a piece of the already cold food, he took a bite. They were less flavorful compared to the ones he made. Still, they taste good. Actually, it could be that he was too hungry, which could be the reason why they taste good. In any case, he would eat them since he was hungry.

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