Chapter 125 - To Be Cursed By The Black Mist

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"Where did it come from?" Marco frowned. His body shook from fear. He only heard the black mist from the stories. The black mist destroyed everything. The mist that the goddess of curses created. The traitorous witch. Athena was already dead, but her power lingered still striking fear in the living beast gods.

All of the hatred and power that Athena put into the curse could be felt in its dark clouded form. Within it, endless darkness. No light could pass through it. Anything on its way seemed to be eaten whole. It was slowly expanding on the ground towards Marco. Somehow, Marco could hear the voices of agony. The voices of helpless souls who were in damnation. Someone help! Help us! Kill me! End it!

Were they just tricks in his head or were they actual real voices? Were they the voices of the fallen beast gods?

Soon, the black mist stopped. It retreated and then formed itself into a human form but it was just pure blackness. The inside was like smoke flowing in many directions. No facial features or any that made it look human. Just the form itself.

The black mist just stood up in Marcos' direction. It did not move. Although there were no visible eyes, it seemed to stare directly at him. Judging. Looking deeply into his sins.

Marco felt chilled.

There was no time to think. He must get away. No time to confirm how powerful the black mist was or if it was the black mist. If he get caught by it, if it was the infamous black mist, then that was it for him.

From the stories, the cursed black mist has the power to devour the power of the Beast God eventually killing the victim. It liked to play on the victim's emotions by showing the most painful memory or anything that the victim fears the most. The more that the victim felt agony, the longer the torture; the more the black mist has its fun. Marco would not want to experience it.

Although Marco wanted to leave the dimension immediately, he still has to find the other baby. How fast was the black mist? Marco was decently fast. One of the top five fastest beast gods. He was not quite sure how fast he could escape but if the situation became worse, then he would have to leave.

After a quick glimpse at the black mist still in its human form and that it was not moving, Marco left and sped up to locate the other baby. The baby in his arms did not stop crying.

"Sorry, little one," Marco whispered bitterly. He thought that this would be one of the worst things that he had done in his life. Unfortunately, his guilt was overcome with resolve. It must be done no matter what.

Through the use of his spiritual energy, he was able to pinpoint where the other baby was located. He left spiritual marks on both of them back at the mansion the moment he saw them since he has determined that the separation could happen. Can was certainly not the one to be underestimated. Still, the supreme ruler of this world was no match to Maririn. If it was during the era of prime for the beast gods, the supreme rulers would be considered as jokes. Too bad, the beast gods were now in an era of decline.

They must return to their homeland as soon as possible.

As he passed by different terrains, although it was vague, he could certainly sense the familiarity and connection with the land. The lush greenery, the high mountains covered with white clouds, the pure lake of the water dragon, the river of the sacred vermillion fish, and many more landmarks important to the beast gods. They were all there. They were filled with other beasts but no beast gods to guide them. How did these lowly beasts feel when their gods have left them? Were they saddened? Happy? Angry? Perhaps it did not matter anymore. It has been thousands of years since the beast gods left their lands. How would they react if they see him, a beast god? Would they revere him and welcome him back? Or would they consider him as an invading foreigner?

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