Chapter 7 - Heal

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As the car entered through the open huge white gate, the driver hurriedly steered to the right and went to an inconspicuous forest path instead of going through the main road that leads to Pete's grandeur and beautiful mansion that sits in the middle of the forest. 

This short forest path will lead to Pete's small wooden cottage next to a lake. But instead of a breathtaking view of nature, partial gloominess and silence can only be witnessed as the car drove through the thick forest. Due to the density of the tall trees, the sunlight was blocked even though it was still noon. At the end of that path, however, a pleasant and alluring environment that will captivate anyone can be spotted. The small cottage by the transparent lake that reflected the clear blue sky was surrounded by various beautiful colored flowers and plants. Some of them are used for decorations, but most of them are used for medicinal purposes.

When the car reached the end of the forest path, there was a slightly steep slope that it has to go down to. Pete grabbed the car handle on his side as he firmly held Gucci to prevent him from moving. Tin, who was already firmly holding Can in place, held the car handle on his side. After going down, the car proceeded to follow the bumpy dirt road that leads to Pete's cottage.

This place gave Tin a nostalgic feeling. It has been a long time since he last visited. He remembered that he would occasionally come here when he was a child under his father's order to befriend Pete. His father wanted him to have reliable allies, so he recommended Pete from the Diverse Spirit Clan. Initially, Tin would only interact with Pete to gain his trust. However, due to Pete's good-natured personality, he genuinely wanted to become friends with him eventually. The two would come here to play and train. This was a period of time which Tin truly cherished. When was the last time he came here? 

As soon as the car stopped next to the cottage, Pete opened the car's door and let Gucci out. 

"Tin bring him in and put him on the huge table inside."  Pete went outside the car and ran immediately inside the small wooden cottage.

Tin carefully took Can outside the car, still in a bridal carry style. The driver who was outside to assist him was ignored. Gucci, who was still happily smiling, followed his unconscious owner being carried inside by Tin.

Inside the cottage,  loud noises of items falling can be heard. 

"Tin, over here!"

Pete removed the remaining items that were on the huge black table and dropped them on the floor to give room for Can.

Tin slowly lifted Can and laid him down on the table. Pete then checked Can's current state once more.  He was already in a critical condition. Can's face and entire body's color were turning pale. 

"He needs the spirit recovery potion right now, but it will take some time to prepare it!" Pete started panicking. The longer Can is deprived of spiritual energy, the worse his condition will become.

"I'll transfer my spiritual energy to him," Tin said.

"You'll what? Tin that's dangerous!" Pete warned.

Transferring spiritual energy to someone is not an easy process. Just like blood transfusion, the person who is transferring spiritual energy must be compatible with the person who is receiving it. If they are not compatible in terms of spiritual energy level and purity, then the receiver would reject the spiritual energy. In return, the donor will risk damaging his or her own body. Because of this, no one would dare risk it. The current safest way to transfer spiritual energy is through the spiritual energy recovery potions.

"We don't have much time." Tin who was next to Can started concentrating and collecting his spiritual energy from his body.

"But..." Pete looked at him with worry.

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