Chapter 124 - Alethran

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It felt like a bolt of heavy lightning striked Can throughout his entire body. Goosebumps was felt all over.

"The Beast God... Emperor?" he stammered.

The beast gods were powerful beings that existed way before human civilization has begun. They were the ones that taught the first beast summoner of magic skills and onto the humans. They were the ones that created magic itself. They were magic itself.

Everything was rooted from them. They were gods. And they were ruled by the Beast God Emperor.

To this day, their very existence was still a mystery. Everyone thought of it mostly as a myth, but Can knew. He knew the truth. The First Beast Summoner told him the story of their existence although he did not reveal why the beast gods left the dimension. It would only be the First Beast Summoner; the imprisoned God of Mischief, Pond; and other beasts would be left. Eventually Can became the dimension's guardian.

Seeing how Can reacted, the twins realized that Can knew of their existence. They gave a meaningful gaze at one another.

"So, you're already aware of his existence?" Marco asked curiously.

Can slowly nodded.

"Then you must be aware of what HE is capable of..."

"But what does he need from my children?" Can asked holding Kit and Kat tighter.

"We need to harness their power to destroy the curse created by an evil traitorous witch of ours," Maririn answered. At least she thought that this person deserved to know what they were going to do with them after taking them away.

"A good cause," she said.

Those words triggered Can.

"What do you mean... a good cause!?" he whispered. He was shocked by those words. That emotion changed into rage.

"You want to take away my family from me for your own gain? You just expect me to let you do that!?" Can shouted. He found it ridiculous and infuriating how these two just barged in and thought that he was just willing to take his children away willingly.

Maririn pointed at Can. "We gave you humans our essence. The gift of magic that helped you grow into a powerful and successful society. We handed it to you, for the betterment of your kind. Now, we're asking for help. A small sacrifice on your part."

"You just expect me to agree? Are you insane?" Can roared. He did not care about the gift of magic they gave the humans. They could take it away for all he cares! His spiritual pressure further burst, but it did not affect the twins, at least they did not show that they were affected.

Can's anger filled him. Just because they were beast gods did not mean he would let them do whatever they wanted.

Maririn calmly stated, "We're not expecting you to agree at all, Can Rathavit. We'll take them by any other means possible."

"You have to go through me then," Can said. He had no choice but to fight. Although he knew that he might lose, he has to give it all. Why was there always problem after problem?

Can knew that he could not fight in this mansion. It was too dangerous. He needed another location to fight.

"I thought so too," Maririn whispered.

The twins moved. As they were about to approach Can with a step forward, their surroundings changed. In a blink of an eye, they were in a different area. Another dimension.

Lush greenery. Ancient buildings. Beasts of various forms living in harmony. Strong spiritual energy. A quick glance and they knew. They immediately felt familiar and connected to it. It was Alethran. Their home. The homeland that was forced to be abandoned due to a powerful curse that even their father could not destroy.

A Magic to Melt A Heart (TinCan)Where stories live. Discover now