Chapter 29 - How to Appease the Angry Prince

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Even though Can is truly gifted and has a great future ahead of him, Master Khang still believes that his disciple has a long journey ahead of him. Right now Can is still weak. If only Master Khang was able to take Can as his disciple much earlier when he was a kid, Can would most likely have been a rainbow level beast summoner by now. Although Old Man Khang regrets not being able to find Can sooner, it was still not too late to properly train and teach him. With his heaven-sent gift, he should be able to level up with much more ease. As long as he properly trains, he will be on the right track.

"Master, I finished planting the seeds." Can, who did not seem to be bothered that he was covered in mud and sweat, approached his master who was already standing up from his seat.

"Good work my disciple!" Master Khang happily and proudly praised Can. He quickly glanced at Dokebi by his side and gestured the small devil to grab the empty pouch from Can's hands.

"Thank you." Can somehow got embarrassed from being praised just for planting some seeds. When he saw Dokebi approaching him, he quickly squatted down to return the pouch, but his sudden action startled the small devil causing him to flinch.

"Sorry, if I startled you." Can regretted scaring Dokebi, so this time he slowly handed the pouch to him. The small devil hurriedly took the pouch and went to hide behind his master's leg. Can could not help but find the little beast's action quite adorable.

"He is not used to strangers." Master Khang chuckled while looking down at the shy beast behind his right leg.

"Since you're going to be here more often, I would recommend that you start knowing my beloved contracted beasts that are working here," he continued. Master Khang crouched down a bit as he encouraged the shy Dokebi to meet Can. At first Dokebi was hesitant, but eventually, he gathered his courage to approach the stranger. When Can saw the small devil beast walking towards him shyly, his mouth started to curve up from pure joy. Can is weak and soft-hearted when it comes to beasts especially the small kind like Gucci for example.

"My name is Can Rathavit. I'm your master's new disciple." Can extended his arm to try to shake the small beast's hands. When Dokebi saw Can extending his arm towards him, he was slightly confused as he tilted his head. He looked back at his master to ask for assistance, but he only got a nod in return. Dokebi decided to put both of his small hands on top of Can's left hand.

"Do-ke-bi," the small beast said as he looked into Can's eyes.

Can looked at his master who smiled in return.

"You two are now friends. Congratulations on making your first friend here," Master Khang as he scratched his nose.

"Alright, let's return to my small villa. Can, you shouldn't go home like this. I don't want anyone to think that I'm mistreating you," he continued as he started walking towards the direction of his villa. Can did not know that his master actually cares about his own image even though there were a lot of rumors surrounding him.

When they entered the villa, Master Khang handed his disciple new clothing before Can took a bath. At first, due to his master's odd sense of fashion, Can thought that the clothes that his master would give him were also odd. Surprisingly, they were decent and new.

The clothes that he wore earlier, which are the expensive clothes that Tin bought, were currently being washed in a washing machine. Since it would take some time to remove the mud stains, his master suggested to just pick them up tomorrow when comes back in the morning.

Before being returned to the university, Master Khang handed Can an Epic grade Summoning Control training manual that is appropriate to his current level. This manual teaches a beast summoner to control a large number of contracted beasts at once like Old Man Khang.

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