Bonus Chapter: Text Messages

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Hey ya all! I decided to write a bonus chapter before I publish the actual next chapter on Friday or Saturday. So here ya go.


Can went to his bedroom that night after Tin took him home.

He took out his new clothing that was in his black pouch. It still felt surreal for him that Tin bought him such expensive items. That rich prince mentioned that these were an investment. If that was what he said, then he would believe him. He just hoped that Tin would not make him pay for them because he cannot afford any of them.

One by one, with careful and meticulous movement, he put the clothes in his cabinet. Knowing that there is limited space in his room, Can decided to just keep the rest of the items in the special pouches that were given to him by Tin. Those pouches were put in his special small cabinet that has a lock attached to it so that no one will be able to steal those pouches easily. Speaking of stealing, the little beast summoner could not get over about the fact that the rich young prince stole his first kiss. How dare him! He is saving it for someone special. For Tin to just steal it away from him so casually, who do you think you are? You only kiss someone who you love and we are not lovers!

Thinking about it, Can wondered if Tin is currently in a relationship with anyone. Suddenly the little beast summoner felt an uncomfortable sensation within his heart.

"That can't be. Knowing his cold personality, I don't think he is in a relationship right now," he reassured to himself.

With that conclusion, Can felt at ease. He sat down comfortably on top of his bed smiling without really knowing the reason why. As he grabbed his phone, a notification appeared. It was a message by Tin.

Tin: "Are you getting used to your new phone?" (sent at 10:30 p.m.)

Can: "I'm still struggling with the keyboard...." (sent at 10:34 p.m.)

Tin: "I see. You'll get used to it eventually." (sent at 10:35 p.m.)

Tin: "Goodnight." (sent at 10:35 p.m.)

Can: "WAIT WHY DID YOU KISS ME!?" *deletes*

Can: "Don't call me Cantaloupe by the way! Just Can." *deletes*

Can: "I had fun today with you." *deletes*

Can: "Goodnight to you too Tin. :)" (sent at 10:45 p.m.)

Tin: "I want to take you out again." *deletes*

Tin: "Sleep well" (sent at 10:46 p.m.)

Tin: "Good morning" (sent at 7:15 a.m.)

Tin: "What are you doing?" *deletes*

Can: "Good morning" (sent at 7:20 a.m.)

Can: "What are you doing right now?" *deletes*

While Can was thinking whether to ask Tin how he was doing, his sister came to the kitchen for breakfast. A curious look was expressed on Ley's face. She knew that her brother arrived quite late yesterday. She wanted to tease and joke around with Can about his date with Tin. Even if they are not dating, it is still fun to tease and see Can gets flustered immediately.

As Ley slowly approached him behind his back, she noticed that he seemed to be troubled.

She looked at the thing that he was holding on his hand. It was the latest and new smartphone! She knew very well that Can could not afford such phone. One thing is for sure, Tin bought it for him! It makes sense now! When Can said that they were not friends, he meant that they were actually lovers! The development of their relationship is simply remarkable. She could not believe that his brother has the capability to capture a huge and rare fish. Now she needs to know how they actually got together. Right now, she is looking for new ideas for her fanfiction. She could definitely get great ideas by asking her brother. Just thinking about it made her excited and determined. In order to make his brother talk about his relationship with Tin, she has to be cautious as to not trigger him.

"So how was your date with Tin yesterday," Ley spouted enthusiastically behind Can.

Can jumped after being frightened from the sudden voice behind his back.

"Ley? Why are you standing behind my back? And what do you mean by date?" Can asked as he calmed down.

"Sh*t I already messed up. You know what might as well ask him...." she whispered to herself.

"Didn't you go out with Tin yesterday?" she blurted.

"True, but that didn't mean that it's a date. We went out to the mall. We just looked around and had fun together. He treated me with delicious food. After that he took me home," Can said as he continued to explain to Ley how yesterday's event with Tin was not a date.

"The things that you mentioned to me, isn't it already considered a date? I mean hugging or kissing could help prove that it could be a date, but they are not necessarily required when you are starting to date someone," Ley answered.

"Ki-kiss?" Can stuttered as yesterday's memory of that kiss replayed in his mind. With Ley's explanation, the little beast summoner then just realized that it might have actually been a date. Immediately his face turned red as he gripped his phone more firmly. He decided to walk away and go back to his room in order to hide his embarrassment.

"Yes, kiss or hug is an intimate way to show affection," Ley confidently explained. With her experience with boyslove manga and fanfiction, she has a good foundation of how romance between men works. Unfortunately, the person who she was talking to was not listening and was already gone.

"Can, wait! I'm not done explaining yet!" Ley said but her brother was already upstairs.

Tin: "Good luck to you tomorrow." (sent 8:00 p.m.)

Tin: "I'll watch your performance." (sent 8:01 p.m.)

Tin: "Goodnight." (sent 8:01 p.m.)

Can: "WHAT? SERIOUSLY?" *deletes*

Can: "Yesterday, it wasn't a date right?" *deletes*

Can: "Ok, Goodnight." (sent 8:05 p.m.)

That Sunday surely became one of Can's restless days which left him more confused about his emotions towards Tin.


So what did you guys think? I'm thinking of writing more of this kind of bonus chapters in the future. We will see though! :) Btw I did pretty good on my mid-terms this week! To anyone who has yet to do their exams, good luck! For those who are already finished, Congrats! Alright bye!

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