Chapter 80 - Vision

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How's everyone right now? I've been stuck at home for a couple of weeks now. I'm becoming crazy XD



Inside the cave where Ae's father was hidden, the first of the three defensive barriers that were protecting it was starting to disappear.

This sudden change was felt by Master Tanapon. He was quite surprised at this current development as his anger surged.

"How dare he!"

As he shouted, the cave shook for a quick moment.

Earlier, he learned from Adam that a group led by Tin entered the first tower. At first, he was not worried since he knew that Tin was incapable of disabling the tower without a key. Yet to his surprise, he was informed that his son has decided to join forces with them.

For him to betray his own father, this was certainly unforgivable! How could his son join his enemies!?

Now having his son join his enemies, what could he do? How could he prevent him from helping Tin disable the rest of the towers?

"Yes...that's it....," he whispered repeatedly as an idea appeared in his head.

Adam looked at his master's expression that was reflected on the huge-mirror like wall in front of him. He noticed the sudden change in his master's temperament as soon as he mentioned his plan about his son.

"Yes....that' just have to kill my son...that's it...that's it....," Master Tanapon continued to whisper as his smile grew more wickedly.

Adam raised his eyebrows while maintaining an indifferent look on his face. Although it was surprising to hear that his master would consider killing his own son to assure that Tin would not succeed, it was somehow expected.

Since the moment Master Tanapon started to tame the King of the Beasts, his behavior has somehow changed. He has become more obsessive for power, more sinister, and more devoid of empathy. The only thing on his mind was destroying E.A. Whatever or whoever it was that would prevent him from doing so would make him insane. Just like right now.

It really seemed that his master had truly gone insane to a point where there was no return.

Continuing to shout, Master Tanapon said, "Kill him...kill that bastard son of mine! KILL AE!"

"Understood," Adam said as he bowed.

Personally, Adam did not care about who he had to kill. As long as it fulfills his goal for the creation of a new world, he would kill anyone. Indeed, it seemed that he was as insane as his master. He has no sense of remorse.

As he turned around, he disappeared into thin air.

Currently, inside of the first tower, Ae was almost done disabling the source of power of the beast tower. The white-colored sphere that was in front of him was gradually disappearing.

As he was being supported by Pete, Tin was helping Can bury the items that were left behind by Pannin. When he turned to ask how Can was feeling, he saw that he was much calmer compared to earlier.

"I'm alright," Can said as he wiped the remaining tears on his cheeks.

Of course, Tin knew that deep inside, Can was not alright. Although this was the case, he did not want to argue how he truly felt.

Standing up after burying Pannin's items in the ground, Tin pulled Can's face towards him slowly and carefully.

"This was the path she wanted to take," Tin said softly as he wiped the tears and the dirt that was on Can's face. Looking straight into his eyes, Tin saw the sadness that still remained in him.

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