Chapter 102 - Lord Thanatos's Family Arrives

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Inside the grand hall where Lord Thanatos receives his visitors, the atmosphere was full of tension with the guests.

"What's taking your lord, my son, this long? I'm growing impatient!" said by Lord Odium with irritation apparent on his face. Wearing formal clothing of that of an aristocrat, it showed his arrogance and nobility. Despite the horrible scar across his left eye and weariness due to current political affairs and old age, he was still strong-willed and stubborn just like in his youth. He was the former general now turned as one of the closest advisors to the king of Niflheim. With his influence, Thanatos has now taken the position of a general within the king's army. Of course, it was mostly due to Thanatos's great military achievements and charisma towards the people that he was able to achieve the title of being a general. Lord Odium was a Legendary ranked beast like his son, which meant that their family was well-received, envied, and hated by different kinds of people in the country and other nations as well.

"My dear, calm now. Our son has been busy lately with other affairs. Be a bit more understanding," said calmly by the woman next to Lord Odium. It was Thanatos's mother: Lady Maero. With one glance, it could be easily determined where Thanatos got his looks from. Gloominess radiating from her, yet her beauty was striking that no one could forget. Despite her gloominess, she was the calmest and the kindest within the family. No wonder everyone respected her, especially Thanatos.

"Hmph!" Lord Odium uttered as he then turned silent.

"Mother, Father, when are we leaving? I don't like being here," said by the little pretty child that was next to them who seemed to be fearful. Her name was Lady Despera. If no one knew her, no one would connect her to be part of Thanatos family. The contrast of their personality and looks were like heaven and earth. Lord Thanatos was gloomy while Lady Despera was full of life and radiance. Her brother did not like to talk while she would like to talk non-stop. Her brother likes to be in the dark while she likes to be exposed to different light colors, which was the reason for her pink polka dot dress. So, with these stark differences, the two of them were never close. In addition, Thanatos was busy doing the king's biddings, so even if he wanted to bond, there was no time.

Both her parents comforted their child. "Don't worry. We won't be long,"

Lord Odium, who was initially irritated by his son's tardiness, patted his little daughter as his mood became better.

"Don't be scared, my child. You're safe," Lady Maero bent down to reassure her.

Little Lady Despera nodded as she felt the comforting gestures and words from her parents, although still deep inside, she held fear of the place and her sibling who she rarely sees.

Finally, a commotion happened. From the long staircase towards down the hall, Linda's rushed movements could be heard as she came running down.

"L-L-Lo-Lord Th-Thanatos i-is cu-currently in the middle of some-t-thing," she stated as the blush on her cheeks expanded all over her face. She tried to maintain her usual welcoming attitude with her guests but with her breathing becoming erratic, she was unable to. As the founder and president of the ThanaGucci fan club, she was already lucky that she did not have a nose bleed after seeing such a scene of her lord and Gucci. She must tell the others in her fan club about this exciting good news!

"He's in the middle of something?" Lord Odium's hand curled into a fist.

"He should already be aware that his family is coming to his castle," His voice now gradually rising. "What's so important that he's letting us wait!?" His patience could not hold him anymore as he exploded in anger. As he was about to go look for his son while Lady Maero attempted to calm him down once again, the man in question showed up.

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