Chapter 114 - Removal of Power

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Belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone!


The breaches in the walls of the hospital have increased. As the flow of the soldiers became steady like a river flood, it was certain that it was impossible for the defenders to stop them.

From the first floor, both Xu Xian and Bacsojin were already cornered by the soldiers. Thankfully, due to their experience in battle and strong will to fight and survive, they were still managing to hold on, although barely.

The two were covered in the blood of their own and their enemies. They could be easily distinguished from the crowd as their stench of blood and the dripping redness from their body was too evident to miss. The pile of dead soldiers on the floor that became a pool of blood was horrifying. Just entering the first floor would make one's hair crawl and feel the chill of death.

In the middle of it all, one could hear the clash of metal, magic, and grunts.

"Gaia's Floras!"

From the pool of blood and corpses on the floor, a strong vibration like the beating heart could be felt was occurring on the ground. The soldiers were uncertain as to what kind of spell it was, but they remained vigilant and continued to fight.

All of a sudden, the pool of blood and the corpses began to move and dragged in one direction. They were heading in the middle of the huge hall. An opening on the ground then emerged and swallowed the splatters of blood and the corpses.

"What's happening?" one of the soldiers said as he slowly backed away.

The process of swallowing the dead and their essences was rather quick. The vibration on the ground then stopped after the corpses and their blood were sucked into the hole.

From that hole, thick red vines sprang out and spread around the hall. They quickly targeted the soldiers closest to them and gripped them. As for the soldiers who were caught, they tried to break themselves free, but the more that they move, the tighter the grip on them. They were unable to breathe and eventually lost consciousness. For those who were able to break themselves free, they would be caught once again by more vines.

The more that they fought and struggled, the more that the vines grew angrier as they multiplied. With every enemy caught they would go straight to the hole in the ground which hid the horrifying head of the man-eating plant: Flora. That horrendous plant like a Venus flytrap with a huge mouth and sharp and long teeth like a shark would tear the flesh of the soldier and consume their spiritual energy.

With this monster of a plant that was eating the flesh of the soldiers, it grew stronger. It was perfect for Xu Xian and Bacsojin to retreat as they were badly wounded. They had to go back since soldiers were coming from different places. They had to make sure that no one could get into the emergency room where Can and Tin were contained.

For Kengkla and Techno, they tried hard to fight back and slow down the enemies, but they were unable to do so. Their contracted beasts were overwhelmed and the two of them were exhausted from using their spiritual energy. They rushed back huffing to the 4th floor where the emergency room was located.

On their way back, they met with Cha Aim and Earth. The two were looking lifeless. The color of their skin was as pale as a cold corpse. Blood dripped from both of their mouths as they held one another staggeringly.

Earth shakily moved his chin up gazing at the two.

"We managed to cover most of the holes, but we can't take them all," he said with hoarseness in his voice. The blood in his mouth and throat were in the way. So, he spat them out to the side.

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