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Hero AU,villian are hero's, hero's are villians

It was a warm spring afternoon, almost no one was in the streets only catboy and Tenko were in the agency. Catboy threw his head back off the back of the  chair "TeEeEnNnNkKkKooOo, I'm booorrrrreeeeddd" he said to his boss also know as the number 2 pro hero,  the rescue hero: Tenko Shimura, "your supposed to be doing paperwork, not being bored" he said back sarcastically. Milo pouted and looked out the window and started to daydream, about a big villian attack, the villians running across the buildings with the heros chasing after them, he was in the front line, almost catching the villian, he was spaced out daydreaming, and he didn't notice Tenko standing right next to him, "get back to work" he said in Milos ear making him jump "b-but bubba, I'm boredddd" he did a pouty face, Tenko almost cracked, " you have to work"
"BubbasSsSsSsSsSss, why can't we go homeee" he was pouting like a child "because we need to finish littiraly two pieces of paper, each, it's not that hard". Milo got up from his chair and walked to his unknowing, soon to be partner, and started playing with his hair, Tenko flinched but quickly eased up. Milo pulled Tenkos light blue hair up, into a messy bun, "There!" He looked happy with his accomplishment "now your hair won't get in your eyes" he smiled and kissed him on the cheek "I Know your trying to get out of work, your taking more time not doing it than Actually doing it" milo flopped down onto Tenko  making him slouch over "but, gravity seems to have taken over c-ant mo-ve" he acted like there was a force pushing him down "milo, please just finish your work so you can go home"
"B-but babbbyyyyy"
"We aren't dating"
"We're almost dating, your too scared too admit that you like me u-u" Tenko flushed red and whispered "because you'll leave me like everyone else does" he got a little teary but quickly whipped his eyes, milo over heard him "why won't you, I wouldn't leave you, or give you up,let you down, run around or desert you"
"Did you  just Rick roll me?" Milo smiled "hehehe Yeah"
"But how would I know you won't leave me, it's happened before" he had a sad look in his eyes "it's because I'm from a villian family huh, or it's because I'm not good looking, oh actually it's probably because my quirk" he was tearing himself up as tears rolled down his face, "why would you be different?, That's what everyone else said and they left me!!" He looked up tears streaming down his face "bubbas..." He never knew this is how he felt, he always looked so happy, Milo slowly started moving twords Tenko "heh, I'm stupid to even think you like me just because, your probably just after my money and fame" he had a bitter tone "Tenko, no I like you beacuse, your so beautiful, funny, fun, compassionate, caring, wonderful fun to be around guy, and the list goes on, but I truly do love you, not just for fame and money" he hugged Tenko, full on kola hug in his desk chair, burring his head into the tallers shoulder. Tenko was in shock, tears were still streaming down his face, but he just sat in shock untill he felt tears on his shoulder "why are you crying?"
"I-its just I know what it's like to hate yourself, and I hate the fact that YOU hate yourself, it doesn't sit right with me" he hugged tighter, Tenko finally snapped out of the trance like shock and hesitantly hugged back gripping onto the back of his shirt  and barring his head into Milos neck silently crying "Tenko... I promise I will never leave you, your too awesome to leave" he chuckled a bit and kissed  lightly whatever was closest witch was Tenkos neck "i love you too much to hurt you"
"B-but how do I know, everyone else dated me for money and sex, and then brake up with me when I refused both" he started crying again and his grip tightened "i-i just want a normal relationship" milo hugged tighter, "t-t-tenko, the pppppeople who left you because you diddddnnn't give them something, are ideots, how can they not see, how wonderful you are"
"You are so ,funny sweet, pretty, sincere, cute, smart, strong, kind, your so amazing, and who ever can't see that, isn't for you" he started lightly playing with milos hair calming down "and if we truly want to date, I can wait for you until you feel ready" Tenko slowly nodded and buried his head back into milos shoulder,  and stopped crying, "o-okay,"  milo lightly kissed his cheek and got up and started doing his work

820 words

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