dumb shit ✨?

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"Hey, hey, miloooo" toga was knocking at the short raven haired males door while jumping up and down "w-what do you want?"
"Me,Dabi, compress,jin, spinner, kurogiri,magne,and possibly Tomura are going to play truth or dare, do you want to play with us?"
"Sure,I never back down from a challenge" he got up and followed toga to the living room, Shigiraki was at the bar drinking a corona "TOMURA AAA are you going to play?" Toga screeched
"No" he replied getting another corona from behind the bar. "But,Tomuuuu" she started to pout "Don't call me that,and why do you want me to play?"
"Becausssseee, were friends right?"
"But everyone is playing" milo added "do I look like I care"
"Yup, your playing" milo said as he sat next to the boss
"Oh, hi Milo" magne said as she sipped on a cola. Everyone was in a somewhat  circle "ok who first!" Toga yelled "I'll go, no i won't" twice said "OK,JIN truth or dare?"
"Okay I dare you to chug a whole bottle of vodka" Twice got up and grabbed a bottle of vodka and well... Chugged it, and he sat back down "okay, hmmm Milo Magne, truth or dare". "oh sorry I mean milo"
"Hmm, truth" he replied "ok, so you know every other day you say you have to go to your work, and you have a big bag, what is that work?" (I head cannon Twice to have memory loss, not severe but like he won't remember last months tv show he watched) Dabi piped up " you dip shit we're  villains it's probably murder of something"
"What if it's nottt" everyone looked at him most confused "what is it then?" Toga Jumped up "umm, do I have to say, it's kinda embarrassing"
"You have too, it's your truth,no you don't"
"Ugh fine,  I'm a stripper"
"A what? I didn't here you" Dabi said from the couch "i- I said I'm a stripper" he was looking down red from embarrassment "wait really!?, How much money do you get in a day?"
"I'm not telling, alright, ummm, Dabi Truth or dare?" Dabi looked up and Said "dare, I'm not a pussy" milo thought for a bit then smirked " this one is going to be good,
Use your teeth to remove an article of clothing from someone playing"
Toga was laughing her ass off with twice while Dabi thought out loud "wait, that's pretty dirty"
"Well he's a stripper what do you expect?" Magne said trying not to laugh "ugh, fine, What would be the easiest"
"Oh , glasses, masks, headbands, socks,Ties, bracelets, any kind of jewelry really and gloves" milo replied "hmm, who would be pissed the most if I did it to them" he looked around the room and his eyes landed on Shigaraki " you would hate this" Dabi made his way over to Tomura  " if you touch me I'll kill you" Tomura hissed "aww come on Tomura he's not that bad.... Okay he's pretty bad" milo said looking at Dabi "that's rude" dabi went up and lowered his head and bit Tomura's hand (on his face) and pulled it off. He had the most discussed face "I hate you so much" he said as he  snatched his hand back
After about an hour
"Milo, truth or dare?" Spinner asked "umm dare" he had a confidend tone "hm, guess the people who are playing body count,like how many people do you think they have slept with" milo thought for a second "okay, I'll start with Dabi,I don't know I would think the most 2" dabi looked offended"Hey!"
"What, you have all those scares and probably people would find it gross" milo said looking up from his apple juice "next would be Tomura, hmm I would say 1," toga butted in "no he's probably a verginity"
"Why are you so rude to me?" Tomura said "no I would say 1 or 2"
"Next, Toga , hopefully none, your 16 right?" Milo said "yup you got that right" toga smiled "oO oO, do spinner next" toga chirped "spinner, sorry bud but zero"
"What?,why!?" Spinner pouted "dude your a fuckin Lizard, I don't think anyone would fuck a lizard"Dabi said "next, twice, hmm 5, magne probably 3, compress, 7, kurogiri 0"
"Why did you give compress 7 but me a 2?" Dabi asked "not to be mean but your gross" milo said
After about alot of drinks from the participants
"MiLooOo~, t *hick* uth or da-re" toga said to a sober milo "you shouldn't have drank, but truth"
hOw many TiMes h-ave you HaD sëx?" She said as kurogiri took away her martini "do I have to?"
"YuP!" Twice was almost passed out Dabi was tipsy and Tomura was barely drunk even though he has drank the most "would you believe me if I said zero?"
"NoPe you real NumbEr" she slured  out "that is my real number" Tomura said Dabi snapped there head to the teen (in this îm 17)(I'm way to obsessed with BNHA ~-~)
"Hold oñnn what!?" Dabi said "your a  virgin?" Dabi added on "y-yeah"
"But your a stripper" he said again "yeah I have a rule, 1 orgasm per customer, I just give em Handys and use my Quirk"
"Honestly I don't blame him, it's old stinky men asking for sex from a 17  year old"magne said trying to lift twice up, "yEah" toga added... Then she passed out, "I expected you to at least have some after the f-" dabi cut himself off "what dabi?" Milo asked "oh nothing".
"Can someone help bring jin to his room?" Magne asked "oh I could help, milo pulled his shirt down to expose the holes and slid a cloud under Jin and one under toga, and flouted them to there rooms

983 words

I actually have no idea what was going on through my brain while writing this 😃

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