don't you dare 💔☁️

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I made that at, it's Tomura 💙
Im done , I'm done with trying,...with life... Today's the day, I wrote my letter cut one last time and put on my nicest clothes, put the letter razor and Money on my freshly made bed, "good bye Tomura,Dabi,Jin,Toga, Magne, Compress, Kurogiri, Spinner,even Tamaki, hawks... and finally good bye Grain I'll see you all in the after life" I went out the door, head down, location on and my headphones. I passed by Dabi as I was leaving "were are you going?"
"J-just for a walk" I gave my last smile, my voice gave away that I was about to cry, "oh okay, bye"
"Bye,I'll miss you" I left almost crying. I bet Toga will find it, or Jin they always check up on me, I finally got to the tallest building, I heard my phone go off
T:NO,you better not do this
D: milo... Please don't do it
TS:no, please don't, I don't know what you have gone through but I promise it will get better
G:kid.. please please please don't,I don't want to lose you
S:I don't know you that well, but please don't do this
I started crying harder I went into the group chat and sent my location, put my music on high... And jumped, it felt like I was flouting, the cold wind rushing past me,the faint wispers of 'introduction to the snow ' made me feel at peace I felt for once, happy, I started crying thinking of all my friends I have made, It felt as if my life was going in slow motion, all my memories flooding back to me,like an unpleasant flip book I braised for impact, that's when I realized... I can't leave them, they need me, I need them I can't die on them now, I need to see the hero society crumble, I need to see more death to the heros, I was trying to activate my Quirk but it wouldn't work, that's when I felt wight less and then warm arms around me. I looked to see who it was "t-tomura?" I croaked out he looked at me teary eyed and hugged me closer, I felt more arms, Dabi and then toga "y-you i-i-idiot, w-why" she was crying hard, I just started sobbing and hugged them all tighter "i-im s-s-sorry" my words were wobbly "j-just n-never do it a-again" Jin mumbled out, we were on the roof  for about 30 minutes, until we were all warped back to the hideout. Tomura grabbed me and brought me to the old couch, he sta down and pulled me down as well "your not leaving my sight" toga threw a blanket at us, Grain brought some water and hot chocolate, and some snack food. I couldn't get out of this, I've never seen him like this he's gone soft, I cuddled up to his shoulder, he smells nice, he wrapped his arms around me, he was wearing gloves for the first time ever. I knew I fell asleep when I woke up, I was still next to Tomura... Well more like on top of him, his arms were wrapped around me, I was using his chest as a pillow his light snores was the only thing that I could hear. The room was dark and cold, the only heat was Tomura he was warm, he is the only warmth in my life of coldness, I smiled a real smile and cuddled back up to his chest his arms re-wrapping around my back, a soft grunt coming from him, I moved the blanket higher up on us, "I love you and, thank you"

650 words

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