☁️( ˘ ³˘)♥(~ ᴗ ~) ☁️

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~The commission, the doctor, him reaching, no,  he's going to give me another, no no no no no no nonononono I can't, I need to get out, my arms and legs are strapped down~
I shot up from bed "...oh ok, just a bad dream" I got up to clear my mind, I walked out onto the roof, looking at the stars "whew, I need fresh air, good thing my window is right by the roof thingy" I took a deep breath coming back inside, it was un- characteristically warm out, it usually was cold cold, but tonight it was in like the mid 30s early 40s, I grabbed a glass of water and sat back on my bed, completely forgetting my dream I had. I set my cup down *"hmm,"* I slightly smiled as I moved the hoodie I was wearing up to my face, smelling Tomura's cologne still in the fabric, I smiled again and looked at my clock "...hmm, it's 3, it's just getting day time"  it was one of my favorite seasons, mid spring. I fell back onto my bed smiling softly and cuddling into the really big hoodie *"I wonder how Tomura is. . . He's probably sleeping, my heart is going b o o m💖💞❤️💟🦋, ...what if he isn't sleeping, he probably is... But what if, okay imma go see*" I slowly got up and checked my phone and went into his contact
*Bubbas💞♥️💦 is online*  I smiled and grabbed one of my blankets and started walking to his room in the attic. My blanket slightly dragging on the floor as I walked up the stairs and to his door. I softy knocked... No answer, I Knocked a little louder, I heard a soft muffled "yeah, who is it?" I excitedly smiled for a bit "milo, can I come in"
I heard rustling, the door opened, Tomura obviously had not went to bed yet "what do you want Dove?" He asked softly, I blushed "c-can we cuddle" he looked confused, but then his face softened and he slightly smiled, "okay, come on" he moved to the side letting me in
3rd POV
"Bubbas did you even go to sleep" milo chuckled slightly "uhhh"
"Bubbaaa, you need sleep not just games" milo was sitting on his bed  slightly pouting "but it wasn't games, it was plans  for attacking hero's, and making a new nomu, a very high tech one" he was walking around cleaning up what he was using
"But you still need sleep" he pouted and  started doing grabby hand to Tomura, he looked over he looked confused but was slightly smiling "what?" He chuckled  " I want cuddles" Tomura smiled slightly, and looked off to the side "okay, i just need to put something up" milo pouted and got up following Tomura around helping him "heh~ what are you doing pup"  milo blushed "helping" Tomura picked up a binder and moved to the shelve, watching out of the corner of his eye, milo following him. Tomura softly smiled seeing the shorter of the two following him around  *" he's like a lost puppy...well lost kitten :) so cute, fragile. I could just break him at anytime if I wanted too*" Tomura got a psychotic grin, but quickly shook his head getting the thought out of his head. milo grabbed onto Tomura's sleeve  lightly pulling "what are you doing?" He softly Chuckled "🥺 sence we cant hold hands, I'll hold your sleeve 🥺" Tomura blushed and looked away "* oh god he's so precious"*  "okay~, I've got to put up 3 more things, you think you can handle 3 things with out touching me?" He laughed slightly (I fuckin love Tomura giggle, you know what I'm talking about) I pouted " 🥺 but I want to cuddle 🥺" he sighed "fine" he sat down on his bed next to miles and layed next to him, grabbing onto him "there? Happy" miles smiled and cuddled into his side and looked up "yes( ◜³◝ )"  he leaned up and lightly kissed him making him blush "aww bubbas are you blushing🥺" he cuddled back up. Tomura smiled and wrapped his arms around him "okay can we sleep?" Milo yawned "mhm" Tomura grabbed a blanket and softly hummed a melody and slowly fell asleep

721 words

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