Endevores house 😩🌫️

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Au, were endevwhore isn't as big of a bitch, no hitting, but still constant training and slight verbal abuse, an I'm a lil older...like 2 years older

It was spring break, the commission let everyone go to there family.... My family is in america so I can't go there, I'll have to stay here "HEY MILO?" Touya yelled from the shared bathroom "what?." He walked out in a white tee shirt and leaned on the door frame, his hand almost touching the top of the door "wanna come over to my house over the break,?" He smirked "get away from here, and~ you get to meet my dysfunctional family" I slightly smiled "sure, I will not promise that I won't be a bitch" he smirked again "fine by me~" he turned back into the bathroom....so now I have to pack some clothes "what would your family dem inappropriate for a guy?" He leaned back out "almost everything you wear" "witch is perfect~" I smirked and pulled out my 'go bag' and got dressed in some of my own clothes "maybe next break we can go to my house, my family definitely wont like seeing us together" Touya smiled "that'd be fun" we were packing up making small talk "when do we get out. Like officially a hero and outta here?" I asked
"I think at 19"
"Damn you only have about 2 years left" I pouted a bit "yeah, If I don't leave this place"I softly laughed and smiled "that would be nice, running off to be in the circus" he chuckled and smiled "it would" we got done packing about 2 weeks of clothes and left out the door...well more like a supervisor chasing us because we aren't supposed to have 'our own clothes'. We made it to the train station "will your parents like me?"
"Oh definitely not"
"Perfect" he smirked as we got on the train heading straight to his house
3rd POV
The two stepped off "I have a couple ideas on how to piss them off" milo grew a mischievous grin as Touya told him about some plans to piss his family off. They arrived "here goes nothing" he knocked loudly, he was nervous... The door opened to a white haired boy "Touya!" He hugged him "hey Nat" milo was behind Touya, he moved to the side, the white haired boy looked confused "....who's that?" He pointed to him "that's Miles, he's a friend from the commission" Touya smirked "nice t-to meet you" Natsuo looked concerned "you know dad won't let you" Touya smirked again. Natsuo wispered to the white haired boy "are you two dating?" Touya looked down smiled and shook his head slightly and stepped into the house, milo following behind, Enji Walked down the stairs "ah Touya your back,...who is that" he had a angry tone, "oh yeah, this is my friend" he sounded unsure of his awnser "hi I'm miles" he extended his hand, endevwhore just looked at it with crossed arms "ah, ok" he snapped his hand back "Touya we will have a talk when he is gone " and he stomped away, "...good boy~" he wispered in Milos ear "T-Touya,". He hissed "what you don't want some, positive affirmation~" miles blushed a dark red "j-just shut it" he hid his face. Touya smirked "let's go to my room and get settled in~" Touya flashed a smile at his brother, Natsuo. Natsuo shook his head with a proud/disappointed look
Touya lead me to his small room "I kinda got the short end of the stick when it comes to rooms, mine is the smallest in the house" I looked around seeing almost nothing "heh, so what should we do?" I smiled "we can plan on how to piss off endy " he smirked as I sat on his bed, his very squeaky bed "woahaha your beds loud" my eyes were wide "yeah endy picked out the cheapest for me" he smirked " and he knows I have such a great sex life" he was being sarcastic as he leaned down to my face "didn't want me having sex~" I blushed he was really close to my face "so how should we piss him off?" I thought for a bit "hmm maybe just being loud and rude?, I don't know ¯\('ヮ';)/¯" he had a devilish smirk "we can discuss my plan later~, we can go and be with my siblings"
3rd POV
The two teens left the room and went to the living room "Touya-nii chan!" Shoto yelled out exsitedly, he jumped up and hugged his leg "hey sho" he patted his head, the child looked at milo, he thought before shouting out "...cat-nii chan! ( >▽< )"
"H-hi" he waved, Fuyumi stood up "hello, I'm fuyumi, touyas younger sister" she smiled "what's your name?" Milo looked kinda surprised "I'm miles!, But you can call me milo or miles, witch ever you prefer (·_·||)" fuyumi smiled. Natsuo was looking suspiciously at milo "natsu, stop looking at him like that" Fuyumi wispered to her brother "so, how old are you?" Natsuo Asked "i-im 14- 15! Im 15" Touya looked worried "dude you litteraly forgot your age"
"Shut it it's my quirks!" He hissed to his friend. Shoto looked up to him "cat-nii chan? Why do you have cat ears?" He looked down "it's my Quirk"
Like 4 hours later
Dinner, it was chaotic to say the least
Touya "so like what if I just said fuck it and became a villian"
Rei" please don't swear"
Shoto "fuck!" Natsuo held back laugher "yeah, fuck" milo said nodding to Shoto "no, don't say that!" Fuyumi said worried "oh sorry I don't fucking care" milo said sarcastically Touya and Natsuo were holding laughs "can we just eat?" Rei asks "sorry mom" Touya said liting his finger up poking the meat "woah" Shoto had stars in his eyes, "wanna see something cooler kid?" Milo said getting some smoke from his chest "yeah cat-nii chan!" Milo smirked and made the smoke hot and liquidy and poured it on his plate, making it glow a purpley tent "now watch this" he made it cold instantly making ice shoot out "heh didn't think it would work" Shoto jumped up "WOAH!" Natsuo was laughing a bit as milo grabbed the mist up and started eating "this is delish miss Todoroki" she smiled "why thank you miles" Touya was looking down, his eyes darting around. He quickly set his cup on fire and drank it "Ahhh, refreshing~" Natsuo exploded with laughter as touyas mouth was on fire, he grinned milo smacked his hand over his mouth holding laughs. Shoto was eating, endevwhore was silently furious Fuyumi was peacefully eating, "fuck" milo dropped something "please refrain from cursing" Fuyumi said "oh! Shit sorry my guy....fuck..shit,...I'll just stop talking" Natsuo and Touya were trying not to laugh "mom? What's a fuck?" Shoto Asked, Touya couldn't hold it he started histaracly laughing, Natsuo quickly following, Fuyumi holding in her laughs trying to be mature. Touya finished his dinner milo finishing after, "can we go?" Touya Asked standing up, Rei nodded, Touya pulled Milo out of his chair dragging him to his room, he shut the door "I know how to piss endy off the most~" milo was sitting on the floor looking up at him "what is it!" He was excited, Touya went though his room and threw a pack of cigarettes and condoms on the boy in the floor, "smoking and...sex?" Touya smirked "yeah~" milo blushed and pulled out a cigarette"....how about I think about it~" the white haired boy nodded and lit up a cigarette and milos cig "okay, I won't force you~" they started smoking and watching a random movie, milo in his lap on the bed "... wouldn't it be kinda weird to fuck...cause your like a adult and I'm 15"
"If your okay with it I don't think so, it isn't illigal" milo hummed in agreement and layed his head on the tallers shoulder letting out a deep sigh "I am pretty horny~"he smirked and whispered into the fire users ear "we can fuck~" Touya smirked and blushed. He put his hands down miles pants softly rubbing "hah~ fuck~" he shuddered "w-what is the time, oh shit~"
"10:39? Why~" milo just moaned softly, he was getting hard he inserted a finger "ahaahh~your good at this, guess watching porn every night helps~" Touya flushed red "s-shut it" he shaked slightly and bit his lip "fuck~" he smirked "your pretty tight~, it's your first time isn't it?" Milo looked at him "of course it is, I got to the commission at 7 aha~ and I only, fucking hell it feels so good~, and I only hang out with you and Kegio" his moans were getting louder "heh~" he quickly turned him over so Touya was hovering over the cat boy, he leaned down and gave him a short sweet kiss, Touya pulled miles pants down, "hoodie on or off?~" milo looked away "o-on" he softly smiled and pulled his hoodie up and softly kissing down his jaw and neck leaving small bruises "hah~" he was softly moaning and blushing hardcore. Touya lowered his head to the ladders boxers he looked up briefly "w-wait I-i I'm Embarrassed" he was blushing from embaressment, touya smirked "so? I don't care~" he blushed and pulled them down, he smirked and licked making him shudder in pleasure (idfk how to write it) he threw his head back and let out a heald back moan pulling on touyas hair....the door opened... endevwhore was there "...." Touya didn't stop, "AhhH~" his eyes rolled back, and he gripped onto Touya's hair again, endevwhore closed the door loudly with a traumatized expression, Touya chuckled "Hehah~" he slightly growled and started sucking harder, he moved to Milos thighs sucking and biting "ahh~ ahh~ fuck~" he started working on his member again "HAH-~" he smacked his hand over his mouth "that one was loud~" milo gave him a dirty look and let out multiple small moans, he covered his mouth as he started to nut, "AHhah~ fUCK~" he was shaking slightly "good job kid~" milo sat up "hey, I'm not a kid" he pouted angerlly "you look like one~" miles hissed "then why are you fucking me if I look like a kid~?" Touya fell silent "heh~, you got me~ now~" he pulled his pants down, his boxers with a very noticeable tent, he pulled them down, his member springing out, miles blushed "how big are you!" His eyes were wide "hmm, I don't know, I think 9 maybe 10" milo was blushing really hard "you have to go slow, it's my first time!" Touya smirked "yeah, oKaY~" he was being sarcastic "have your head facing the door baby~" milo blushed "why?"
"Beacuse I said so~" milos eyes lit up "I'll think about it~" he moved his head to the side "do it, now~" miles was so turned on he did as told "good boy you did as I said~" Touya positioned himself "w-wAIT, condom" he smirked and grabbed a condom and slipped it on "there~" he grabbed miles hips and pulled his ass up to his pelvis, he was grabbing at his ass "a slutty ass"
my eyes widened and I blushed h a r d *"what the fuuucckk"* Touya looked at Me "what you like being called slut~?" I hide my face "you do don't you~, you have a degrading kink~". Touya smirked and started pushing his cock in "you have such a nice ass~ just the perfect size for my hands~"
miles was falling apart "f-fuCK~" he had tears streaming down his cheeks, it hurt so much "is this the biggest you've ever taken?~" miles nodded his face in the bed "oh yeah, cause you can only sneak in small things~, nothing big enough to please you~" Miles face was hot, Touya wasn't moving, every once in a while he would thrust more in. "Ow fuck Touya let me adjust"
Natsuo POV
I was walking to get some water, like I do *"that milo guy is pretty sus, I like him he's cool, but he's suspicious*" I was almost to the kitchen, right in front of mom and father's room "*milo will not be aloud back here, especially with Touya*"
"Well what happened?" Mom and father were talking about Touya and milo "* I walked in to tell Touya something about training, and he was.... giving oral to miles, and he didn't stop when I walked in"...OH SHIT DAD CAUGHT TOUYA SUCKIN DICK, this is too good, I walked back to touyas door putting my ear on it "ow Touya let me ad-just" "oh~ yeah, I'm too big for you~" I heard a couple smacks "*is he hitting him?"* "Ahh~ hahahh~" "OoO, so you also like spanking~"what's next~, you like, praise, degrading, spanking, hickeys~ what's next, Bondege~" ......ewwe
3rd POV
Milo was blushing, it's been about 10 minutes "y-you can move now~" Touya smirked and started to slowly thrust, there was blood on his member "....your bleeding...that's hot~" Natsuo was still listings in *"WHAT THE FUCKKKKK?!*" He was screaming at himself. The bed was squeaking every thrust, "hah~, fuck, ahh~" he gripped onto the sheets Touya leaned down and bit his shoulder "F-FUCk~" he smirked "h-harder d-daddy~"
"Daddy huh~?" He speed up "HAHHA~" he covered his mouth. Touya leaned down "safe word is coconut~" Milo nodded as Touya went faster "fuckin hell your tight~" he groaned out. "AHH~ FUCK TOUYA~" His moans were muffled Touya started to go faster "MHM~ FUCK, daddy~" he groaned out daddy, Touya smirked and let out loud groans
"good boy, you take it~"
Endevwhore POV
"..... Rei, milo is no longer allowed at our house"Rei nodded "yes, Touya should not be able to have friends over" she sounded discusted "....if he is aloud too, a new bed and room away from ours" rei sounded defeated I nodded "...I think they stopped" rei turned over to me "can you go to them and get milo out of the room.? And have them turn the TV off" I sighed softly and got up and went to there door, I put my ear to the door *"...ok I don't hear anything...small squeaks" I opened the door. OH GOD THEY DIDN'T STOP,
3rd POV
Touya pulled Milos hair to make him look up "oh, hi dad!" He smirked milo was still getting pounded "AhH fuck~" he bit his lip "how are you this fine evening" Touya was just being a little shit and he started going faster "HAH~-" milos eyes rolled back and stuck his tounge out "F-FuCK~ HAAH~" endevwhore turned away and quickly left, Touya Chuckled "good boy~, you take that dick~" he spanked and squeezed his ass "f-FUCK~ right there daddy~" Touya smirked "guess daddy's staying~" he started to go faster, he shoved in as far as he can, bottoming out "AHH~ fuck Touya it h-urts~" he was already getting close "fuck~, your really tight~" he moaned ,and started thrusting harder "OW~ FUCK~ YES~" he was about to cum "G-oNNA CUm~" Touya smirked and reached down and started rubbing his member "F-UCK TOUYA~". He came "Good boy~, such a good little slut~" he kept thrusting "F-Uck~, I'm close" he wispered in the smaller's ear he started to quicken "AhH~ T-OUYA fUCK~" he bit his lip almost drawing blood. Touya was a shit head so he reached down and pulled the condom off "fuck milo you SupEr tight~, FUCK~" he threw the condom off the bed and spanked miles "AhH~, HUH~ TOuya it hu-rts~" he smirked "too bad you fucking take it~" he was getting close and started going faster, he was getting sloppy "FUCK~ AH~" he came....inside "T-Touya..." He thrusted a couple more times "what?" They were both breathing heavily "...why the FUCK is the condom on the floor"
"....." He stayed silent "WHAT THE FUCK?!" Touya smiled he felt the cum drip out "I just wanted to cum inside~" milo was furious, he punched him, cum was getting on Touya's sheets "I hate you>:(" the fire user got up "now I have to shower Ò︵Ó" Touya smirked "yeah probably, get my cum out~ hahaha" he laughed "Hmpf...>:(" he got up almost collapseing "ouwch" he winced and put on his pants awkwardly "where's the bathroom" Touya put on his clothes wiping his brow "I'll show you~, come to think of it I also need to shower~" he looked at milo with a mischievous grin "HMPF! >:( fine" milo hissed Touya got some clothes "wear my shirt~" milo looked at him "fine~" Touya quietly opened the door and headed to the bathroom, milo awkwardly limped behind him holding onto his shirt "c'mon babe~"
"B-BABE?!" Touya smirked and kept walking
Natsuo POV
I could see Touya and miles walk out the room....well limp and Walk. I over heard that Touya pulled the condom off.... he my brother but that's fucked up, The bathroom door opened and they walked in, oh god.... Nothing "you got a pretty nice body~" "shut up no it's not, it's so feminine" "I think you look damn good~" the water started "damn~, you got abs~" I could tell Touya was smirking, he always has the same smirk when he is complemented "your starringg~" .....they better fucking not "also you need to tell me that you have a breeding kink~, BEFORE you cum inside of me"
"Guess I just forgot~" I don't want to know my brothers kinks
3rd POV
Miles and Touya were getting the shower ready, milo sitting on the toilet trying his best to get touyas cum out "I've got to say~, when I pulled out and I saw my cum dripping out of you~, it was pretty fucking sexy~"
"Hmpf>:( you still Should have told me before you came" Touya playfully smirked "yeah, yeah" he tested the water "it's ready~" milo got up, he looked uncomfortable with the cum still dripping down his thigh, "ò_ó, I still don't like you" he turned his head and pouted. Touya smiled as milo got into the shower he grabbed his ass "ahh~, TOUYA!" He mean mugged him but blushing hardcore, they were both washing up, Touya started grabbing the shorter's hips rubbing cercles with his thumbs pulling him closer, milo looked over to him "why are you so horny all of a sudden~" he was teasing, he just smirked "would you be up for another round~" he was semi hard firmly rubbing and slowly starting grinding getting fully erect "hmm~"
"Can i~?" Miles nodded. Touya grinned and spit on his finger shoving then in quickly "hahh~" he thrusted a couple times, he pulled out his fingers but quickly replaced them with his cock "AHH~" He covered his mouth trying to muffle his moaning, Touya started going harder "HAH~ FUCK". Miles slapped his hand into the wall "HAh~ F-FUCK~ TOUYA~" he chuckled and grabbed miles shoulders "hands, now~" milo moved one hand back letting Touya grab onto his wrist "both of them~" he moved his other hand back, Touya grabbing his wrists pulling him back, going deeper "HAA~ S-HIT~" he leaned to his ear "good boy you take that fuckin dick~" he blushed and moaned louder "ffffffff-FUCK~ HAH~ MHHHE~" his knees were getting weak
Natsuo POV
They really are? Are they...? I heard them get in the shower and, I'm guessing miles moaning, "HAH~ FUCK TOUYA~ RIGHT THERE~" a 15 year old shouldn't hear this...wait DIDN'T MILES SAY HE WAS 15?! TOUYAS 18 WHAT THE FUCKKKK, it's not illegal but still WHAT THE FUCK, "fuck babe~, how the hell are you still tight~" I do not want to hear this shit "GAH~, KYA~" why do they have to be so loud (•́ - ,•̀) "HMM~, FUCK~ D-ADDY~" .. ..guess Touya likes being called daddy (╥﹏╥) I don't want to know this. "HAH~ FUCK~ R-RIGHT THERE~" the slapping started going faster...a lot faster, Oh god that shit sounds painful, the moans sounded similar but a set was significantly deeper "that must be touya's..eww" the 'clapping' Slowed down.... silence

3rd P0V
Miles had his hand over his mouth, tears pricked the corner of his eyes, "Embarrassed~? Now? You weren't when you were screaming my name earlier~" he had a teasing tone and started going faster "HMM~, HAA~ AHH~" Touya smirked "oh~, is it because Natsuo is in the next room~" miles nodded blushing hard, Touya was roughly grabbing onto his hips heating his hands up, branding his hand prints "HMM~, FFFFUCK~" he covered his mouth, tearing up "oh~, am I going to rough~?" Miles shook his head "MMMMMaAAG~ HAHH~" he came Touya kept going "d-id you just Hmah~ cum?" He stayed silent "I'll ask again, did you cum" miles turned even more red "u-hh, n-no~," Touya smirked and slapped his ass setting his hands of fire "OW TOUYA" milo looked back at him "what~?" His eyes were teary "don't d-o that it hurts" Touya smiled "then tell me when you cum~" he started thrusting again "I'm close baby~" he wispered in the cat boys ear "y-ou Better pull out, hmm~ this time" he smirked and started going faster "oKaY" he was being sarcastic. Miles knees were weak and he almost collapsed, "Ahh~ FUCK" He twitched "p-PuLL out" Touya slapped his ass one more game and pulled out, stroking a couple times and cumming onto his lower back. Both were breathing heavily "f-fuck..~" milo stood up straght "I better not have your hand print as scars" Touya smirked "and why is that~, don't want future boyfriends to know your a slut~" he blushed and cracked his back
"Hmpf, it hurts" he pouted, Touya smirked and lifted his chin kissing him "of course it does~ I'm too big for you but you still took it like a slut~" he blushed and looked away "s-shut it Touya" he stepped out of the shower drying off "...Touya, what did you do to my shorts"
"Hmm?" He looked over to the burnt shorts "oh~, there was a bug so I burnt it"
"....... Your an ideot" he put on touya's oversized shirt, it covered to his mid thigh "I cant wear those shorts, there burnt to a crisp" Touya smirked "then don't wear pants"
"I can't just not wear pants" Touya got dressed "do it~" milo pouted "but I need pants"
"Do. it.~" miles blushed and sighed "f-fine, but you owe me~" he tried to walk out of the bathroom but winced and was heavily limping "what~, need to be carried princess~" miles heart dropped "I'm. Not. a. Girl!" he turned his back to him "jeeze calm down, would it be better to be called Prince~"
"Hmpf, y-yeah" Touya smirked "okay prince~" he blushed and looked away, Touya smiled and grabbed milos waist pulling him closer "cmon babe~" he picked miles up bridal stile "t-TOUYA PUT ME DOWN!" He grabbed onto Touya's neck trying not to fall, hiding his face in his shoulder "you better not drop me!" Touya smirked and whispered to miles "your ass is showing~" he jumped slightly and blushed hard and pulled his shirt down "you owe me a new pair of shorts >:("
"Yeah, yeah" Touya smiled and opened the door carying milo back to his room "I don't like being carried" he pouted "well you can't walk, so~"
"Hmp, I hate you~" the boy hid his face on the fire users neck lightly purring "your... vibrating?!" Miles slightly jumped "hmrg, m-my Quirk is cat..I can purr and I can't really control it"
"Heh~ I'm totally telling hawks about this~" they got to his room"NO! Don't tell Kegio!"
"What if I told him about us fucking~" the cat boy blushed "NO! don't tell him!" "If you do I'll cut your dick off!"
"If you cut my dick off then how will you get pleasure~"
"WHO SAYS WERE DOING IT AGAIN!?" Touya smirked and set miles on his bed "I do~" he leaned in and kissed him "Touya!" He blushed hard "your insufferable" he shook his head "but you love me~" he looked down at the blonde "Hmpf, it's already 3 we should sleep"
"Fine by me babe~" miles blushed "j-just get in bed, baby~" it was Touyas turn to blush hard "heh your blushing~"
"Just shut up" Touya huffed and sat on the bed "wanna watch a movie?" Milo nodded, the white haired boy put on a movie and layed next to the shorter
3 hours later
Endy POV
They are done, but the movie is still playing "Rei?" I slightly shook her shoulder "I'm going to turn off there movie" I got up leaving the room and heading to the two boys room and opened the door "*there ... sleeping?*" 'Milo' was laying half on top of Touya, littiraly clinging onto his chest "*tsk I don't like this kid"* I turned the movie off and left the room and went back to bed falling asleep

4200 words


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