😩 cock warmer 😩

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Yeah this isn't finished I just need to publish some more (there are more than 100 parts) and I don't want to delete this part

In this one me and Tomura are dating
Tomura was in the living room doing god knows what, so me being a brat I went to annoy him "heyyy tomu~" I was wearing my new choker with "Tomuras slut" on it he looked up  "what are you wearing?"
"Oh this, its my new choker, do you like it~" I saw Tomura was getting a lil red "sure? It has my name on it" I went over and jumped beside him "what do you want?"
"Hmm I don't know,I'm kinda horny" I wispered the last part in his ear "that's good cause I am too" he pulled me into his lap and started kissing my neck lightly sucking. I slowly started grinding his growing bulge "we have to be quite, we don't want the whole league to know your a slut now do we" he wispered to me as he turned on the TV "are we going to do it now? Or wait King"
"How about we do this, lover boy" he grabbed a near by blanket and covered us up  and slid his hand into my pants and started rubbing my member through my boxers "mm~"a muffled moan came out of my lips "shh,dabi is coming" and almost on cue dabi walked in "what are you watching?" The tv was on some horror movie "scary movie-s" Tomura pull my pants and boxers down as I was talking "cool"
"MILOOOOO" Toga came running in "y-yeah?" She looked over and saw what was on "oh nevermind, your watching something, OH can I watch too?"
"Sure? Why not" Tomura slowly pulled his pants down to reveal his hard cock, he pressed it on my ass as toga sat down "Hey dabiiiiii, are you going to watch also?" Toga said as Dabi walked back in "what movie?" He asked with a mouth full of pop tarts "oh it's *chosen movie*" I said as Tomura rubbed my member. I was bright red  "what is the plan king ?" I very quietly wispered in Tomura's ear "well you'll be my cock warmer and if you can do that for this movie marathon, you'll get a reward~" he wispered back "*how am I going to do this*" I don't think I can do this. Dabi sat in-between us and toga, Tomura lifted me up a bit aligning his cock with my entrance, the movie had a jump scare... Tomura  pushed me down making it look like I jumped "m~-" I cut my muffled moan off "aww milo it wasn't that scary~" Dabi teased "s-hu-t up I d-idnt expect it" I could feel Tomura smirk from behind me, I knew I was blushing like crazy. It hurt..."* I'll probably never get used to his size*" I moved closer to his chest deeply and lovingly sighing, god him inside is already driving me crazy I laid my head on his shoulder bitting my lip.
About 17 minutes later
He was driving me crazy I already have had... Umm alot of orgasms he was still working with my member, I had just cum "hmm~" I slightly moaned out "shh we don't want them to hear~" he started to slowly thrust. The first movie ended, Dabi got up and looked at us "want anything from the kitchen?" Toga jumped up with a knife, I don't know when or where she got it, "can you get me some juice, Grape juice please" toga went running to her room "and you guys?"
"I-m f-ine" I smiled at Dabi, he looked closer to my neck "does your choker say 'Tomuras slut'?"
"Ye-ah? Why" he looked to Tomura "what do you make him do?" That's when he realized I'm blushing heavily, breathing heavy, small tear streak down my face... And most importantly my pants are alot bagger than normal "OH, Boss you pervert, seriously now, infront of Toga?" Dabi made a tsk noise and went to the kitchen "hmm, no one is in here I can give you your reward~"
Milo and Tomura heard a door close and Dabi grumbling with a glass of grape juice then toga jumping down the hall "dabiii do you have my grape juice?" "Yeah" Tomura saw out the corner of his eye toga starting to walk in. Dabi grabbed her shoulder "I wouldn't go in there if I were you" he was shaking his head "what why?!" Dabi wispered in her ear "oh, eww" she walked off and a faint "crusty dick" was heard "good now that there gone you can get your reward~"  the door heavily shut. Tomura pulled the blanket off and threw milo on his back and pulled his pants and boxers off and threw them across the room, Tomura immediately lowered his head sucking on his tiny dick (I get dysphoric if I call 'it' it's ACTUAL name so I call it weird names like tiny dick) milo grabbed Tomura's hair pulling "Oooooh~ FUCk~" "right there~"

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