✨ pin up shoot ✨

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✨Band AU ✨ miscellaneous is working on the cover art of there new album 😛✌️

The drummer was tapping on the table leaning back in his chair "what is the cover art going to be?"
The bass player looked to the lead "yeah! I want it to be something trippy!" Tomura sighed "I'm still thinking about it, oboro was talking about having the band on the front with something in the background"
"That's not cool! How about a nude model~"
"NO" the others looked at Touya angerly "that's out of the question, but tomu~ can you maybe get a model?" The gutarist sighed "maybe, cause models are pretty expensive" Dabi shot back and sat up straight "didn't your boyfriend have a past in modeling?"
"Yeah...only like one thing though" he pulled his phone and wallet out, throwing a picture out of it of miles modeling "I have a couple more, or we could have a graphic designer come in and do it" the others looked at the picture "what are the other ones?" Blondie asked tilting her head "more provocative ones... And we'll you don't get to see them"
"Eww stop talking about that!" Tattooed bitch threw the picture back "I think he could help us~ he's pretty good at it"
"Toga? Any other ideas?" She shook her head "okay then, I'll tell oboro and the others we have it figured out". Tomura stood up and called his lover

Me:hi baby! I did something

Tomura:...what did you do


Tomura: like my color?

Me:yup, a lil more blue

Tomura: I have a question, can you help make a album cover?

Me:SURE! Like with my art? Or modeling?

Tomura: modeling

Me:bet, when is the shoot?

Tomura: I donno yet Maybe a week?

Me: okay, so do I have to like shave or do skin stuff

Tomura: no, but can you maybe bring some outfits that you think will work

Me:yup! Can I come over and brain storm with you? Cause I need to know what to expect

Tomura: okay~ my door is unlocked see you soon

Me:mhm! Bye bye bups

Tomura: bye baby

They hung up and Tomura went and handed his note and brain storm ideas with the modeling to oboro "thank you Tomura Shigaraki, do you have a model In mind?"
"Uh yeah, milo was a model and we agreed we can use him to save money, so we can go on tour for our new album" the manager nodded "alright, he Is 18 right?
"Yeah, and some ideas are more sexual than others"
"Are you sure? He is your boyfriend" Tomura nodded "yeah, it's okay, and since more of these songs are more of what we want to do, more punk, sexulized lyrics, rock music, etc I think Milo as a model will work really well" oboro thought and nodded and said "alright, I will have a place to set up in 2 to 5 days"
"Sweet" he swiftly walked away thinking about more things to do for the cover "*my manz is going to be here soon... Fuck I need a shower I look gross, eww"
✨Once I arrived ✨
"Okay babs I have a bag with some outfits!"
"Alright, so we have some ideas, some are more reviling than others, and some are.. basically nude" the bluenette (me) thought "alright I have some ideas with the modeling!, since the album name is cold day in hell"
"Sick, wanna show~?" He nodded and pulled out some reveling and normal clothes
Photo shoot day
Miles walked onto the set streaching his back and staying close to his love "so what do I have to do..?" Tomura looked over to him "just do what the photographer asks, and I'll tell the photographer about the ideas" the bluenette nodded and shyly stepped out infront of the camera

Camera man: you must be the model

Moi:yup, so what do I need to do?

CM: can you change into those black demonia's and some jeans with the band tee?


He went and changed

T: k babe we need you to hold these balloons

He smiled and gave him the red balloons

Afters couple of pictures

T: okay so I have an idea~

Moi: what is it?

T:nude~ with those thigh highs and those platforms with the name of the band~

Miles turned bright red

Moi: o-okay nice
Moi: can it just be the photographer and you..?

T: ofcourse babe~ and I don't want the others seeing what's mine~

Moi:m-mhm I'll go change..

T:good boy~ this will be the last series of pictures

The photographer rolled a shield over a chair

CM: okay you can change behind this!

He changed out if what he was wearing and put on the very little amount of clothes

Moi: I'm going to have a towel over the things untill it's time to get the pictures

T: alright as long as your comfortable

The camera man set up chairs and a green screen

CM: alright can you try and replecate this pose?

CM: alright can you try and replecate this pose?

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Moi: yeah! I can totally do that

He got in position and pictures were taken

After the edits and almost finishing the cover

Tomu 🐢:baby, the editor is almost done with the cover, want to see it?

🥋:Yes! Show meeeee

Tomu🐢: here it is


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I did draw that💅 I just felt like it 😃

917 words

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