perv ✨(😩?)

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Idk if this counts as smut or not cause it's phone sex

"Arhh~ f-fuck~" Tomura started pumping his fist faster huffing and gasping in pleasure "hahf~" he bit his lip slightly bucking his hips trying to not decay his phone "f-fuck he just had to send that picture~ he's lucky restro is here~ F~UCK" he let out a low moan and got a great idea he exited pictures and dialed a number
Someone is calling? Oh it's Tomura ( ᵕ‿ᵕ)♥ I answered "hi!" Only heavy breathing "do you need something?"
"Y-yeah~ hmf~"
" ...what are you doing?" I slightly laughed "fuck~ what you can do is~ show me that sex~y body hah~"
"FUCk~ I, just wa~nna see your sexy fucking body~ ah~" oh damn- I'm horny now.. "baby~" he moaned again "hmm~ how about I do this~"
"D~o whaht~" I smirked
"Hah~ fu~ck Tomura~ hmmuf~" I had butterflies "fuuuucccccccc~kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk~" I could tell he was getting close, he always has this tone *bitting lip*
✨🦋B U T T E R F L I E S🦋✨ "you really are a sick fuck"
"W~hen restro is gon~e your getting fucked so ha~rd harf~ sshiit~"  I bit my lips getting flustered "hmm~ am I?~" 
"Y~eah! FuCK" he was breathing heavily and his breath was hitching, he lazily rolled his head back "fuck just thinking of you drives me crazy~" 
"O-oh~" "i-is this because of the picture I sent you..~?"
"I just wanna~ see you *huff* naked ~" he started breathing harder "leg~ spread~, FuCk~ open, AhH~" he came, the warm cum landing on his chest/ stumach "ight bye" he hung up throwing his phone and layed there coming down from his high, breathing heavily whipping his brow "fuck that was a great fap" Tomura sat up and grimiced at the cum sliding down his chest "ew"


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