meeting hero's🔥

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Milo was looking at the dead body and burning building smiling crazily "HAHAHA YEAH THEY REALLY THOUGHT I WOULD BE A GREAT HERO" he took a deep breath as he added his signature murder token, a simple cat drawn with blood and the words 'you are getting closer hero but I don't think youll  find me~ she was screaming for a hero but I guess you never heard her, how sad :(' he started to lite up the next building, he got the lighter and lit up the gas soaked walls seeing it gleam "FINALLY HAHAHÀAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH YES AHAHAGAAH" he was grinning like a mad man and laughing at the top of his lungs seeing people try to evacuate the building. He was standing there infront of the local teachers body , he looked at it with lifeless eyes and crushed her head leaving brains and blood squashed out "so pitiful she could have at least fought back" he was covered in blood and ash, he  sheathed his knife and started to walk away back to ether grains place or the LOV base  he lifted his blood stained hoodie and sprouted wings and took off, he heard police sirens in the distance. He then realized... "Wait if I'm flying I will be more of a target... Im an idiot" he landed on a building and started jumping from building to building, he landed on a hero agency "... isn't this ironic" he slammed both hands on the roof all ten fingers on, the building started to shake (part of my overwhelming pleasure Quirk is if I touch an Inanimate object it will shake uncontrollably, Because if like you're overly happy your Aura starts to shake it's kind of like that)
He heard screams and falling debris he looked over the edge and saw the one and only... Eraserhead Milo quickly ducked out of sight he quickly texted Tomura
DUST DADDY: a warp should be there soon
Milo looked over again and saw eraserhead swing up to the roof "AH HELL NO" milo tried to jump off the roof  but got caught with Eraserheads scarf pulling him back. He knew how to get him to release him "AHH~ , HARDER~". He moaned out eraserhead released the scarf in shock "NOW ARE WE GOING TO DO THIS THE HARD WAY, ORRR THE HARDER~ WAY"he moaned out 'harder' he was now just antagonizing the poor hero "how about I catch you and put you in jail?"
"Oh your the UA teacher right? Yeah, I can say you torture them better than any villian" the tired pro sighed "your so childish"

"OH HO OH HO, NO IM NOT~"  the two were still throwing punches and dancing around the roof top. Eraserhead got close enough and punched milo right in the nose, he bent backwards and sprung back up "Ow!, That hurt" he jumped back and pulled out his knife pointing it at the hero, "ya know, you like cats right?" He was trying to get him to talk "shut up villian"
"It was a simple question , yes or no?, Ya know what I'll take that as a yes" he quickly jumped at the hero and stabbed his arm "ARGH, FUCK" milo sheathed the knife and threw it to the side "cinnamon" he said behind eraserhead he turned around only to see a cat "what the-" he tried to grab it, Milo left the clothes pile and ran around to the knife eraserhead following trying to get him with the scarf. Milo was making him run in cercles as a cat when he had the heros back to the knife and him behind eraserhead "cinnamon" he turned back, eraserhead quickly turned around "OH SHIT YOUR NAKED" he closed his eyes in shock releasing his Quirk as Milo grabbed the knife and made a couple men out of the mist, he stabbed the unknowing hero and made a wall to block his vision leaving him to fight the fakes as milo ran and clothed himself. Eraserhead wrapped his scarf around one mist clone and squeezed it into to two "one down 3 to go" he ran at the other clones and did the same, he turned around to see... 8 more clones the clones he tore in half made the two halves into two new clones he was fighting relentlessly when he felt a hand with one finger up "you don't want I find out what my other Quirk is, unless you are willing to be embarrassment on live television" Milo pointed to the news helicopter tht was circling the building, Eraserhead elbowed milo "damn, you already made my nose bleed AND your exhausting me by making me overuse my quirk, what else do you want?, A kiss on the cheek?"
"All I want is for this fight I end with you in hand cuffs"
"Ohhoh kinky~, don't go too hard" he went cat mode and popped up behind eraser "Daddy~" milo had his knife and stabbed him in his back almost hitting his spinal cord "ARH" he fell to the ground bleeding profusely, "oop- guess your going to die of Blood loss" he looked behind him and had his mist come back, he collected  all or it and sawThe warp open up "aww good bye hero it was fun talking to you" he jumped into the warp as Eraserhead tried to crawl forward trying to get to him. He stepped in and into the bar "What in fucks name were you doing" Tomura asked "I was just having fun, welp, now imma take a shower" Tomura grabbed the back of his hoodie "no your not, you have a black eye bloody nose multiple bruises all over your face, and you have a  fucking missing tooth, you call that fun?"
"I mean... I got to hurt someone so yeah I guess so" he turned around and left to shower all the blood off and tend to his wounds,

1012 words

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