childhood house

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*J*= in japanese

Hero's, hero's everywhere miles was pinned Tomura was tied down dabi knocked out, toga down and the rest scattered,"K-KUROGIRI WARP US TO ****** *** NOW" warp, everyone falls in "*j*what the- miles...were are we" toga asked confused "*j* milo, what the"
"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!" someone yelled from the house "*j* okay just trust me, this is America," the leagues faces dropped. "*J*WHAT?!" Everyone yelled at the red head, the man from earlier walked up to them with a curly haired woman, miles turned around ", mom, dad" the league looked confused. "*Deadname* is that you..?" *My mother* asked "mmm", twice stood up "*j* milo....what's happening" that's when *little brother* came running out "*DEADNAME* IS THAT YOU? I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU CENTS YOU WERE 13!" He hugged me, I. Hate. Hugs. "*little brother*" I pushed him, " is it okay if me and a couple friends stay here...?" She looked at us all " old is everyone?" She sounded concerned, Dabi woke up "*j* were are we?" Tomura looked over to him "*j* were in america!" He sounded pissed. I glared at him "*j* you all better be on your best behavior, no crimes or murder! I don't want an american crime record" They looked stunned and they all quietly replied "*j*yeah"
", I'll tell you about them when we settle in, and I don't know if they can speak English, they kinda dumb"
"That's rude to say about your friends" dabi and Tomura looked offended "HEY! IM NOT DUMB!" Dabi yelled at me, he sounds so different!  "oh! Guess he knows how to speak English" *mother* looked confused "i can speak English" WOAH TOMURA'S VOICE SOUNDS SO DIFFERENT, I LOVE ITTTT, I know I was blushing "*j* why are you flustered~" he was being flirty "T-TOMURA!" *Parents* looked very confused "let's just get settled in" everyone got up and following me to my old room, Tomura "so like what is happening?" I looked at him "Sents you were a dumb bitch, got us caught I made kuro warp us to my childhood house" I looked at him with dead eyes, Toga "*j* what are you saying?" I looked at her "*j* about how Tomura's a dummy"
Twice "you know I can speak English too! *J*no I can't!" *Older brother* walked in "*deadname* who are all of these people?" I looked at him "uhhhh" "*j*quick give me some names"
"Tenko" Tomura said waving slightly "just call me D" I am so done with Dabi "*j*OH OH CAN I BE JUST HIMIKO" she gave me puppy dog eyes "that's Himiko" I pointed to toga "HI! Im jean" twice said "NO IM T-" he covered him mouth "he has multiple personalities" compress looked at me "*j* can I just be like marble?" "*J*.....fine," "that's marble" *brother* looked confused "are you dating one?"he was being an ass "U-UM NO!" He could tell I was lying "witch one" this shit head. Tomura looked at him "whats your quirk?" He got distracted "super strength, what's yours?" Tomura smirked and looked at me "*j*aperintlly making miles blush,*E* decay, I can decay anything I touch" he looked at Dabi "what's your quirk 'D'" dabi looked offended "*j*none of your damn business *e* fire", he left "*j* alright, now, no one exsept us know japanese,so if we need to talk about villiany use japanese" Tomura was looking around my room "what the hell is this?" He picked up a old stuffed animal "S-SHUT IT" I grabbed it away
After settling in
Everyone was pissed, there was only one bed...miles bed "*j*okay, one of y'all's getting it" everyone looked exsited "and it's me" he jumped into the bed as everyone else started yelling, "*deadname* can you tell me about your friends!" Everyone filed out of miles room "ight," Tomura sat at the table, spreading his legs obnoxiously wide "I'm Tenko, nice to meet you" he grinned and reached his hand out, miles slapped his arm "*j*TOMURA ò-ó no murder" he retracted his hand smiling "I'm 'D' "
"JEAN! no im-" he covered his mouth, "that's Himiko, and marble" Tomura grabbed miles pulling him twords him "*j*, why don't you sit~" he blushed "*j* t-tomura we aren't going to fuck" the rest of the league looked at us "*j* what? I said we aren't" *mother* looked at miles "what are all of your quirks?" Dabi lit his finger on fire, Tomura grabbed a pice of paper decaying it, compress turned toga into a marble and snapped turning her back, "Himiko can transform into someone by drinking some blood" twice quickly made a small phone charger " I can make doubles of anything I know the exact measures of!"
"Why do you wear that mask honey?" Twice froze "personal reasons" she nodded and asked compress the same thing...and got the same awnser, Tomura grabbed miles again pulling him onto his lap "*j* T-TOmura," he blushed like crazy and looked down, "*j*, I have old g-gloves you can wear" Tomura nodded "*j* alright dove~" *mother* was looking at the other members "are you two dating..?" Miles looked at Tomura "no,,," Tomura smiled and layed his head onto Milos shoulder lightly kissing his neck "*j*bub~ can you not infront of my parents..?" He sighed but stayed were he was " I don't believe you. You two are dating aren't you" milo blushed "m-mom I already said we're not" Tomura kissed his neck again, unnoticeably of course, the league looked at them disappointed "bottom~" dabi whispered and leaned on the wall "what does bottom mean..?" *Mother*  asked confused "OKAY, how about we go and watch like a movie while we wait for dinner,yeah?" Milo stood up and dragged them to his room "*j* DABI, would it kill you to shut up about my sex life , INFRONT OF MY PARENTS" he walked up to miles and lifted his chin up "*j*, no can-do sweet cheeks~" he winked, hand still on his face. Tomura saw this and got angry and grabbed milos waist pulling him to his body, going protect mode"*j*hands off" he  growled, mean mugging dabi "*j*awwe bubbas" dabi backed away, not wanting to get dusted at the moment. "*J* your protective huh?" Miles hugged him Patting his back "you too baby" he quietly whispered in Tomuras ear "*j* Okay, so we need to get the sleeping arrangements" everyone looked at milo "*j*....I don't think everyone can fit here" mr compress said looking around the smaller room "*j*...yes you can, I'll get a cot, you guys figure out who sleeps in it," miles left, "*j*....I GET IT!" Twice yelled "*j*WHAT?! NO I GET IT!" Everyone was fighting over it, exsept Tomura, he knew he already has a bed, milos bed. Miles was grabbing the cot and brought it back "*j* okay I'm guessing it was dabi who got it?" Everyone looked butt hurt and burned "yeah, I just threatened them" he smiled. The cot got set up vertical of his bed, the rest of the league set up there make shift beds, toga vertical of Dabi, twice right next to Dabi compress at the foot of milos bed and, a 'just in case' bed for Tomura horizontal of miles bed "*j* okay does everyone have a bed?" A jumble of yes's and yeahs "*j* okay, now dinner"
After dinner
"*J* okay you all have to be in bed at 12, got it" dabi looked at miles "*j* why 12?"
"Cause it is when my parents are actually asleep, now get in your bed" he grumbled and sat on his bed "....I can't wear jeans to sleep" miles rolled his eyes "then wear your boxers" dabi smirked and took his pants off leaving him in red boxers and his shirt "*j*.....all of you in jeans, just wear your boxers and in the morning put them back on" compress promptly took his pants off, under the covers of course, he isn't an animal like Dabi. Everyone got into there respected beds, toga was already in hers sleeping but one person was unhappy with his bed, Tomura "yes Tomura you can sleep with me, you don't need to ask" milo smiled while leaning off the bed playing with his hair. Tomura blushed hiding his smile and quitely stood up milo opening the blanket letting him in "do you want to sleep in jeans?" He slightly shook his head "I just don't want to take my pants off.." milo kissed his forehead "you can just stay under the covers no one will see your underwear" he slipped his jeans off "I don't know how someone could sleep in jeans heh" he grabbed onto Milo with his gloved hands and held him close, milo smiled and layed his head onto Tomura's chest wrapping one leg over him, burring his head into his chest "good night bubbas"
"Good night" he looked at the others in the room before kithing milos head lightly playing with his hair light purrs were coming from milo "*he has such a squishy face... Why am I thinking about his cute face. . . WAIT- DID I SAY CUTE, FUCK I regret love? Yeah I think that's the word,love, ( ◜‿◝ )*" Tomura slowly drifted off

1564 words

There is going to be a part 2

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