zoom link ☁️💔

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I. Hate. Zoom. it always gives me anxiety so much I start having panic attacks ✌️I really don't want to do this "hey baby~ you know how I have to do random zoom meetings?" Bups lifted his head, he looked very tired 💞he's so cute💞. He hummed softly and slowly nodded "for the highschool program, I have to go on one today.."
"O..kay? What you want me.. to do" hes fell back asleep, landing his head on my shoulder nuzzling closer "*help he's so fucking cute. how can I love someone so goddamn much, my heart can't take it (♡ヘ♡ )"* it was 8:27...it's almost time "Tomura, it almost time, I need to get up"
"Mngh no"
"Yes... I have to or I'll get caught,"
"Hhh mine"
"Yes I know" I tried to move, but he just hugged me tighter "mine, you can't move"
"y-yeah but let me get my computer" I tried to get up but Tomura is alot stronger and pulled me back turning me over... facing me having my face in his chest "babyyyy! I do love you but I need to do this!" He just hummed and held me closer, grabbing the blanket with his free hand pulling it up. Hmmmm his heart beat is relaxing... brain: mush
Heart: pumping out love
Time?: Irrelevant
Hotel?: Trivago.
His. . . smell? Is so soothing. Faint cologne, fabric softener and just him "ba..be it's 8:28"
"Shit, Tomura I need to get my computer" he just hummed and relaxed his arms a bit letting me move, I kissed him he tiredly kissed back and I grabbed my laptop and logged in "I don't want to do this..."
I got in the class "baby I do love you, but you have to let go of me" Tomura grumbled and let go turning around, hoGGING ALL THE BLANKET, sure he has no shirt on but I want blanket too ò︵ó he's lucky he's cute and amazing and pretty, this teacher sucks ass, I'm 18 I shouldn't have to do this shit I'm a grown adult "miles can you check in please?" Fuck my life I turned on my camera "okay, so today I need all of you to keep the camera on so I Know your here and doing the work" i started panicking oh fuck no "Tomura...you can cuddle me now.." he looked over his shoulder confused "why"
"I have to keep my camera on"
"What if I don't want to?" i pouted knowing he was just being an ass "hmmm...no sex and I'll take one of your games" I Know I wasn't going to do anything but he always does it after (•‿•) 100000/10 best boyfriend, he turned over grabbing my waist pulling my ass to his morning wood "TOMURA! WHAT THE HELL!?!" My baby kissed my neck and jawline, it tickled "sorry baby I can't help it" he smiled agents the shorter's neck kissing again "hahaeheh! Your hair is tickling me~" he kept giggling as the tallest man kithed all over the exposed skin making him blush squirming, giggling "your laugh is cute~" the bluenette blushed, staying quite then quickly kiss his boyfriend "I'm still tired" the whitenette (fuck you I get tired of typing out white haired male) softly smiled "your cute when your blushing" he blushed harder "Okay so today we are talking about reforming you all, as you all are reforming 'bad influences'" the couple kept talking quietly slowly started making out "hehm~ Bups your too pretty~" the bluenette softly kissed tomuras mole, right next to his mouth "even with the scars..?" Miles smirked "exspeslly the scars~" he moved up and kithed his scar across his left eyelid, making him blush and go shy, the leader hugging onto the shorter tightly; burring his face in miles neck "if you don't have something to say please mute" the two didn't think it was to them so they kept kissing and talking, completely forgeting about the zoom meeting "babyyyy I'm hungery" Shigiraki smirked "you can eat this dick~"
"BABY im not Sucking you off right now, maybe later"
"A maybe huh?" Milo nodded "mhm"
"But I'm hard now~" the cat boy kissed his boyfriend "later, I pinky promise". Tomuras eyes lit up "okay.." and they pinky promised "I...love you~" the leader blushed softly and covered his face with his long white hair, pulling his shorter boyfriend closer by his waist burring his scarred face in the back of miles neck "I Know" He said muffled "okay class I've heard some convos, so please mute yourself unless you are asking a question" miles looked at the screen muting Instantly turning red, almost hyperventilating "why are you breathing so heavily?"
"W-w-we wer-werent muted" He started tearing up picking at his fingers "your going to start bleeding, stop it" miles stopped but started shaking his hands, cowering closer to Shigiraki's chest feeling a panic attack rise though his chest "your going to hyperventilate or suffocate just breathe" he felt sick starting to cry "t-tomura I'm sorry..I'm so stupid" Tomura Shigaraki held him closer cradling miles. "Class make sure no one else is in the room it is a distraction Miles, Yuki, Hannah, and Mr,Eijirou Please have whoever is with you leave the room"
"T-tomura please don't leave" the bluenette was shaking clinging to the taller male, he sighed "fine, so do you want me to turn off the camera?" The bluenette nodded clutching on his hoodie "alright" Tomura started typing out to the teacher "thank you Yuki, Hannah and Eijirou, Miles you still need to get your friend out of the room" whitenette sent the private message 'can I turn off my camera'
"Miles, no you cannot I need to see you doing the work" he started typing again 'listen lady, I'm his boyfriend and he's having a panic attack, so can he turn off his camera'
"Miles, you still cannot turnoff the camera"
The loving boyfriend typed out another message 'lady, he is having a PANIC ATTACK right now, because of the camera being on, let him turn it off' the teacher looked at the couple seeing miles clinging onto the taller seeing him shaking and crying "...Mr miles you can turn off your camera, only for today but once you're better turn it on" Tomura immediately turned the camera off, hugging onto his boyfriend rubbing his back "just breathe, it's okay the camera is off" his heart beat was getting faster and kept crying "I don't w-want to do zooms anymore"
"Okay, I'll make sure you won't, do you know we're this teacher lives?"
"Heh, yeah, she lives in hosu city in *insert apartment complex here* the 3rd floor house 367"
"Good, you're teacher is going to die soon" miles smiled shifting around, climbing onto Tomura's chest laying down "why do you always get on my chest?" Milo shrugged grabbing onto Tomura's shirt slowing his breathing curling up facing away from the computer "your m-my personal pillow"
"since when?" The bluenette softly smiled "since you agreed to date me"
"I never agreed, you held me hostage" Milo smiled burrowing his face in Tomuras chest "your the most complying hostage, all the others ran away" the whitenette chuckled resting his left arm on his boyfriends lower back "heh~ ofcourse~ or my dumb heart said 'how about you fall fooorrrrr that one!' I'm pretty sure my heart doesn't console my brain when it comes to love" miles smiled "same my heart really said 'mmmmm sexy emo man with big hands'" both chuckled "was the hands one of the reasons you are dating me?"
"Mhmm big hands helped" the taller sneakily smiled seeing his man not panicking and not crying "are you going to turn the camera back on..?". The cat boy started tearing up again "probably not, unless they want to see us fucking" Tomura smirked slightly turning miles onto his back pinning him down giving him a sweet kiss, the receiver giggled kissing back "hemph yeah but I-i d-don't want to h-have s-sex today"
"Why are you studering? It's not like I would be angry if you said no" Tomura kithed him again laying back down neck to him "I donno I just don't like letting you down..."
"Your not letting me down? It's like your choice and I don't want to force you" he blushed grabbing to the whitenette's arm cuddling closer "your the best person, before with my job people have asked and well ... That's why I had that black eye" he fiddled with his lovers glove "and that's when you quit right?"
"Good" the tallest pulled his Milo closer, making miles 'gkrfmhpf'
⁄(⁄ ⁄@⁄︿⁄@⁄ ⁄ )⁄ "why do you get so cuddly in the morning~"
"Well are you complaining?" He shook his head turning around facing his boyfriend again. Nuzzling (?) Closer "that's gay"
"YOUR gay" Tomura gave a 'Wtf?' face "your gayer than me"
"YOUR the one who sticks your dick in a guy"
"You take it!"
"With a grin~" the leader blushed surprised "Jesus Christ.." "sluuuhut~"
"You know it~" he winked kissing him again

....1530 words ꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡

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