what's that? (💔?)

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¡¡Mentions of suicide and self harm!!

Miles had reached up to grab something, his hoodie sleeves falling up exposing his arm "hey milo-kun~ what's in your arms?" Toga was seated at the bar "oh..my tattoos?" Her eyes lit up "YEAH! do they have meaning?" His eyes sunken "y-yeah, alot do have meaning" Tomura had looked up now noticing the rooms atmosphere shifting "can you tell meeeeeee" he nodded rolling his sleeves up "my half sleeve is of blue fire... Its on my arm that I used to c-cut on and I wanted to cover the scares up so I don't see them and remember my self harm" toga eyes turned softer "I just thought you really liked me" dabi said cockly from the couch "you wish, the next one is my semi-colan on my right wrist it's a widely used tattoo signifies I survived a suicide attempt and I got it in dark red cause I like that color" the leader looked some what concerned. "Do you have any others?"
"Yeah, I have an unfinished head on my shoulder, fuck you, on my right forearm daddy on my inner lip a dinosaur on my chest , shark on my right arm, a little moon and stars on my hip and a purple diamond on my thigh"
"WOAH! Didn't it hurt?"
"Yeah, the most painful was when they were blacking out the background of the fire, OH! And I have little slut on my collar bones, I got that one like when I was ~15! Same with a matching tattoo with my best friend"
Toga was confused "you had all these tattoos and I've never even seen one?"
"I don't know how you haven't, I even have hand tattoos, litteraly skeleton on my left hand "

I wanna get all of these tattoos
305 words

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