random shit

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✨ Au ✨ the one were I get caught and get put in UA

"Miles...no last name, tell us everything about the league" tsukauchi said getting closer to the blue haired villian "hmm, Tomura has a monster coc-"
"WE DON'T NEED TO KNOW THAT" miles smiled widely, mockingly "dabi dyes his hair" sansa wrote it down "toga is a year younger than me"
"And how old are you?" The cat man asked "I'm between 13 and 27"
"That narrows nothing down"
"Please cooperate, as you know my Quirk let's me know the truth so don't even try lying" the former number one hero walked into the interrogation room looking at the Young villain "hello young miles"
"Hey ass might" he grinned mockingly again "that was uncalled for"
"Your ugly ass face is uncalled for" he spit at the retired pro grinning as the spit hit his face "okay! Stop that! Tell me everything you know!" He started using his Quirk "fine.. Tomura isn't his real name, same with Dabi," sansa wrote it down "hmm almost everyone is lgbtq"
"Can you tell me who is what?"
"I'll tell you if there out to the league" the police officer nodded getting his note pad ready "toga, dabi and Tomura are all bisexual, spinner is straight, Mr compress is gay, big sis magne is a trans woman, kurogiri is nonbinary and Dabi's pronouns are he/it, and that's all I know" all might nodded "and what are you..?"
"I like boys, and I was born a girl now I'm a boy" all three nodded, the two police officers wrote it all down as Aizawa walked in "it's getting late, it's already 3, wrap it up"
"Right, sorry Aizawa, where is he going to stay?" The sleepy male sighed "we have the new program and sence we don't know his age, he'll stay at the dorms"
"Sick, will I get my own room?"
"Yes, and I Know you have a phone" miles was puzzled "how? It's up my ass how do you know"
"That was a guess.... How did you even fit it up there"
"Secret" the Ravenette sighed grabbing the hand cuffs pulling him up "you'll get your own dorm, you will keep on the Quirk canceling bracelets, and you need to keep the bandages on your hands" tsukauchi said getting up placing his hand on the young villians back pushing him out the door, "can I have my bead bracelet back? It's really important to me" sansa wrote down what miles had said (420ヾ(°• ͜ ° )ノ) "yeah, as long as you don't break the glass beads or use the string as something" the retired pro gave him the blue bracelet "why, does it have '♡Tomura♡'? Is there something between you two?"
The bluenette thought, thinking of a lie, but not plan out lie "yeah, he's my husband" he was surprised with himself, he didn't even sound like he was lying "How long have you been married?"
"I think about 10 months? I don't remember, we both don't keep count"
"Well what do you do for your anaversey?" All might butted in "well, we care for each other every at so it's like an anaversey everyday!" He softly smiled thinking of his "husband" the orange cat mans eyes softened "I never knew villians could be so kind"
"Oh yes, Tomura completely hates everyone but me and 1 other, he really is sweet in his own way"
"...is that why you have burises all over you?" Aizawa was conserned even though he was a villian "does he hurt you..?" The police was now catching on as they walked "oh no, he doesn't hurt me!"
"Then why do you have bruses on my neck, thighs and chest?" Milo looked down know actually seeing what he was wearing, his shorter shorts and Tomuras shirt witch was too big, and it exposed his Shoulder and some of his chest "oh yeah.. well u-uhmm he doesn't mean to leave t-these" he was quite and blushing like crazy "I'm taking that as he does hit you.." miles snapped his head up "no! He doesn't hit me! I told you that"
"Well then tell me why he gave you bruises" the shortest stayed silent, looking back down, getting more flustered by the second not speaking "tell me what he does, if he hurts you your save"
"He doesn't hit me I u-uhm like h-hickeys and I'm a sub" he was barely audible covering his face with his hair looking like a tomato. Sansa heard him "what was that kid?" Aizawa asked leaning his ear closer to the cat boy "I-i like hickeys and I'm a m-masocist sub" that shut the pro up the police man looked to them "what did he say?" Aizawa sighed heavily "he's a sub and likes hickeys, he's not being abused, he's just kinky" that shut Him up real quick. "Okay... We're here, now I need to know your age, it is very crucial"
"I'm not 17 and I'm not 19"
"18...?" He nodded
"Wait so you and Tomura Shigaraki got married when you were 17, correct?"
"Yup, so witch dorm is mine"
All of them looked concerned and confused "and how old was he!?!" Miles thought, his small stub of a tail swishing " about 19, but we kinda got married the day before his birthday so yeah, ACTUALLY! He was 20 not before his birthday it was after his birthday" he was opening up more talking about Tomura "I'm guessing you really love him..." Tsukauchi was kinda confused but got the spirit
"Mhm! He's my favorite we made matching bracelets and used those instead of rings" All might smiled "so that's why you asked for the bracelet" the bluenette sofltly smiled thinking about his boyfriend and nodded "so he means alot to you huh" miles lovingly sighed and nodded again "okay we're here, your dorm is on the top floor room 235, here's the key" Aizawa followed him up the stairs finding the room. "Thank you sir sleepy" the cat boy opened the door and got on the bed "don't make noise please, the other kids are sleeping"
In the morning
Milo woke up hearing a certain loud blonde yelling at a 'shitty hair' "ohhhh fuck me, I still have the hand cuffs on" He groaned getting up "fuck this morning fuck this week fuck this school I can just like bomb it right? Yeah.." he jumped at a loud knock at the door "COME ON WAKE UP"
"Nothing..!" He already hated everything to do with this day. The pale boy got up finding a ua uniform on his desk, but completely ignored it and opened the door finding a anger looking Aizawa "hi Mr mental illness! I had a bad night how was yours"
"Shut up, you need to meet everyone" he rolled his eyes sighing "*e* oh fuck off I hate them already" Aizawa sighed resting his hand on his shoulder/back slightly pushing him to the stairs, before miles straight up bolted down the stairs running down the floors jumping down the last few stairs trying to run out the building "FUCKER..!" Aizawa ran after the cat boy using his capture weapon snagging it around his torso "MOTHER FUCKER! JUST LET ME LEAVE!" The 1-A class looked at the villian "NO! YOUR LUCKY YOUR NOT IN JAIL"
"Oh fuck off! I HATE YOU! DIE!" The class looked confused "Mr Aizawa sir why! Is there a villian in the dorms!" Iida swished his hands Conserned "ua is keeping young villians at this school"
"IM 18 JUST PUT ME IN JAIL PLEASE I DON'T WANT TO BE HERE" at this point miles was going in hysterics almost crying ".. please let me go back to him!" Most of the class looked at the bluenette, mina being the only one stepping closer to the almost hysterical villian "you good homie?"
"Fuck off bubble gum reject, I just want my b-husband" Milo was almost crying hiding his head in his boyfriends shirt smelling the faint comforting sent of the leader looking up seeing everyone looking at him "this is miles no last name or as you probably know him as, the villian who attacked you all, say hi" a jumble of hellos and hi's came from the shocked class "fuck off, I don't want to be here" the green one crouched down next to the scared? Villian "why do you not want to be here? Other than the obvious"
"I just hate hero's sure im technically a hero with my license but I hate it" deku was about 3 feet away barely hearing him "so you were a hero but something happened? so now you're a villian?"
"Shut up,I don't want to talk to you, your not Tomura"
"WHY IS THE VILLIAN IN THIS CLASS WHY CAN'T IT BE 1-B?!" The Pomeranian yelled "shut up! Please just fucking shut up! it's not like I want to be here ether!" He kept his head down trying to not have an anxiety attack "miles! Get up you need to introduce yourself and tell them how and why you got caught" miles grumbled getting up glancing at everyone, seeing Conserned faces "I'm miles, I already hate you so don't try to be my friend" Aizawa sighed resting his head on his palm "miles. Tell them how you got caught" the pale boy smirked "me and the league were going out for twice's birthday and getting stuff to bake a cake and then some asshat called pros on us i didn't even get to say happy birthday" deku was still standing close to miles, even though he was a villian "what's your full name?" Iida was chipping air carrots "*shit- I'm 'married' so miles Shigaraki...wait *big pleading eyes*"* "m-miles Shigiraki?" Almost everyone was confused "but... You two look nothing alike?"
"What's he like?"
"What side?!"
"WhAT?! THATS NASTY" the class erupted in questions "wait... what? ofcourse we don't look alike" mina squeeled "what's he like as a sibling! And who is your 'husband'!!" The cat boy was looking at the alien very confused "he's..not my sibling? I'm his husband" this just made the class exsplode into more questions "WHY HIM?!"
"Why him though"
"NASTY HAND FACE?!" Miles backed up hitting the wall getting very overwhelmed "OKAY! CLASS one! ONE QUESTION AT A TIME!"the sleepy teachers hair started flouting glaring at the class "Mr Aizawa sir! Why don't we have one person asking the questions while everyone is in there rooms" the class rep looked at the 'reforming' villian cutting some air celery for his air soup "fine....Ashido you'll do this" the pink bisexual nodded as everyone else left to there rooms "hey my dude, so I have a bunch of questions for ya!"
"Sure.." (so like, Lmao I'll use this ❇️ for bubble gum and like 🕹️ for me cause I like that emoji)
❇️: Okay when did you get married!

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