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💔💔💔💔 this is super angsty 💔💔💔💔 also trigger warning suicide, self harm and eating disorders

Tomura was laying on his bed crying and mumbling along to the song his sleeves rolled up showing deep cut and scares a razor I'm one hand and pills in the other *flashback* "hey creep" dabi said across the room "you really are gross looking ,no wonder you wear that hand"
Tomura kept repeating "creep,gross ,ugly"in his head "yeah you too ash tray" he retorted angry and sad *end of flash back*
He was crying harder now "creep,gross, monster,loser,ugly,nasty, crusty,man child, fat" he kept repeating it to him self "wow I really am gross, this is going to be my last minutes on earth and I spend it crying" he laughed at him self mumbling the words "I want a perfect body~, I want a perfect soul" he started crying again. In the other room Milo hear soft sobs and the music and went to see what's up "I want you to notice~ when I'm not around" "but I'm a creep"
"I don't belong here" milo almost ran to his room and put his ear to Tomura's door and heard a light "good bye" he opened the door to see Tomura mid slash through his wrist and him swallow the pills "oh tomura no" he ran over to see him pass out from blood loss "K-k-KUROGIRI ,G-GEt IN HE-HERE" he yelled through sobs kurogiri ran in and saw. Milo holding Tomura's limp bloody body and him crying "w-what happened here?" He asked disheartened "h-he sla-slashed his w-wrists and swallowed a h-h-handfull of pi-pills" he choked out, kurogiri warped a first aid to the room "I need you to call Dr, ujiko, his cuts are deep and the pills will kick in soon" kurogiri said almost crying (idk if he can actually cry) he kept patching Tomura's arms milo called the doctor as Dabi and Toga woke up. Toga walked in to see what the commotion was about "s-shiggy? W-what happened?" She said tearing up "h-he t-tried t-to kill himself" he started crying again as Dabi stood wide eyed in the door way (he can't cry in cannon).
The doctor arivved not even five minutes later . He got Tomura stable and let him rest in bed . Milo didn't leave the side of his bed the only time he did was to got to the bathroom
Around 1 AM
Milo had his head on the bed tomura was in, Tomura woke up,he tried to get up but a sharp pain shot through his body "i-i should be dead" he said silently. He looked over to see Milo sleeping soundly "thank you"

477 words

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