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This is a part 2 to 'snow❄️'

The two villians were eating peacefully watching the news, the snow still pouring down, the slow jazz music overpowering a soft hum from the heater,  , "the snow has been falling nonstop eh" Tomura said with a mouth full of French toast "yeah, but I like the snow, it reminds me of my birthday" milo said smiling softly "the wind has picked up since last night, I wonder if it's going to blizzard"
"It might, but at least I'm with youu~"
"Gross, I'd rather be in the cold"
"Oh you love me~"
"Possibly" Tomura grabbed his coffee and sipped extra loudly "your mean~" milo pouted "well, your stuck with me" Tomura smiled a little agents his cup. The TV started glitching and flicked from one news station to the other "This just in , The City *INSERT CITY HERE*. Is on high blizzard watch, only leave your houses if necessary, and keep warm" and then it flicked back "... Guess there is going to be a blizzard, pfft hahaha" Tomura looked over to him "hehah, guess so" he chuckled. Milo finished his toast and moved next to Tomura cuddling up to his side "what are you doing?" He asked "conserving heat~, duh~" milo said in a playful tone, he smiled and  buried his head into Tomura's side "you're insufferable~" he said and kissed the top of the red heads, head "aww, but you love me~" he slowly started moving onto the bluenette's lap, finally straddling him "what are you doing?" he  moved in and lightly pecked the latter's rough lips "conserving heat~" he kissed again "duh~" Tomura leaned in and kissed him, even longer this time. The TV changes to a old Christmas movie. the two started making out, Tomuras cold hand slipped  into Milos sweat pants, squeezing roughly, he gasped "you h-ands are co-ld" (his Pinky's are wrapped in bandages) "you can help warm them up~"
"And how would I do that~?" Tomura smiled and squeezed his ass "like that~"
"Bubbas, stop being a tease~" he reached down plunging his hand into Tomura's pants and grabbed his semi hard member "you call my hands cold!?"
"Heh, that what you get" he started slowly stroking, Tomura let out  a low groan "so t-his escalated quickly" he chuckled holding back a low moan "but you seem to like it~" he chuckled again "your hands are still cold" milo couldn't handle it "PFFT, hahahaha" he stopped and started laughing and landed his head on Tomuras shoulder. "Oh god, hehaah" he started again "ohh fuck~" he was working the flushed pink tip, rubbing in cercles, getting low groans "ahh~ fuck~, keep doing that Angel face~"
Neighbors POV
(These neighbors are a family of 5)
"Darling, do you hear them?"
"Yes, yes I do, we should get the kids out"
"We're on blizzard watch"

"We can use sally's Quirk, teleport, we can go to my mom's house until the blizzard is over"
"Good idea, I'll go get the kids and our bags"
Other neighbors POV
(These two are  college students. And just friends)
"there at it again, 3rd time this week and it's only Thursday"

"*Oh FUCK~ yeah, kee-p doing that Angel face~*"
"Damn they have a better sex life than me"
"Yeah, fuckin vergin"
3rd POV
Tomura pulled Milo up, cum dripping from his mouth "ready~? "
"Y-es please Daddy~"  Tomura smirked and pulled him into his lap unwrapped his pinky and dusted his pants and boxers (he wrapped it up again) "I liked those sweats" he pouted "you can wear mine~" he lifted Milo up and positioned his cock and slowly pushed milo down the length of his cock "arhh~, f-fuck~" He started slowly thrusting up "ahH~, Yes~" "hmm, your taking my cock so well~"
"R-eally? Im do-AhH~ing go-huh~od?"
"Really~, such a good slut~"  he grabbed milos hips and started going faster "f-fUCK~, AHHUHH~"
"You like that don't you~"
"OH GOD I LOVE IT~" Milo put his hand on the tallers shoulder and threw his head back in  pleasure
Other neighbors POV
(These two are  college students. And just friends)
We were just trying to enjoy the morning but SOMEONE thought it would be a great idea to get railed AT 10 FUCKING AM "not gonna lie... Hearing them... That hot"
"Connie, your weird" they just shrugged and sat down and started working on there school work
"*OH FUCK~ AH~ GUH HUH~ HUHHUAAH~*" *"already came huh?*" "*Well, okay, you deserve it, you did make me breakfast~*"
"Oh he sounds sweet,"
"Bruh, connie he let his boyfriend cum because he made breakfast"
"Shut it, Haiba, I think it's sweet"
"*Turn around~*" "*make me~*" "*Now, slut~*" "*yes sir~*"
3rd POV
Tomura bent Milo over the front of the couch (like the seat part) "you look so good right now~" he pushed in "fu-huhhu~-ck~, j-just like that~" Tomura started thrusting faster "AHH~ GOD YES~" "So slutty~, no wonder you always want my cock~"
The couch was hitting up against the wall making the room (almost) shake, he started to go faster "F-FuCK~, spank me da-ddy~" "oh wow~, alright Angel face" he spanked him leaving a red mark.
The two roommates were sitting in shock, the wall sounded like it was going to break down. "Hey, hey Connie? Can you possibly tell them to keep it down?"
"Yeah, I'll bang on the wall
Connie banged on the wall "CAN YOU KEEP IT DOWN?!". Tomura smirked and started going faster and harder "AHH~ AHH~AHH~FU-CK~, SLOW D-DO-WN"
"you fuckin take it~" he spanked again "OH F-FUCK~ AHH~" Tomura was squeezing his ass leaving red marks that will definitely bruise "good boy~, your taking my cock so well~" "OH AHH~YOUR COCK IS SO HUGE~ FU-FUCK GONNA C-CUM~"
"Then cum~" Tomura was still going at that Pace, Tomura hips snapping at Milo's red ass "AHUHIGHU~ FUCK TO-MURAAAUH~" Tomura was still going "fuck~,I'm close~" "j-HUUH~-st cu-M INSIDE~,FUCK~"  Tomura was getting sloppy "OH FHUHCK~" he cam inside, thrusting slowly one more time and he pulled out "hmm~ you look so slutty~, my cum dripping out of your wet hole?~” said in his (human) ear "ta-ke a picture it would last longer~" Tomura smirked and pulled his phone out and well... Took a picture, milo saw the flash "wait, DID YOU ACTUALLY TAKE A PICTURE?!"
"You said too~" milo Tried to get up but almost immediately collapsed on the floor "ouwch, Tomura you better delete it"
"How about, no~"
Tomura walked away to get a towel. He threw the old towel at milo "here, your getting cum on the couch" milo slowly got up and looked at the couch. And sure enough there was puddle (idk what to call it (╥﹏╥) ) of cum.he put the towel down "here" Tomura threw a pair of pants at his face and one of his hoodies "go shower, don't want all my cum in you" he smirked and went into the kitchen. Milo went and showered
Tomura POV
I was making lunch "damn, about 2 hours just on fucking" I finished making the ramen and then ACTUALLY Cleaned up the cum from the couch and set the plates down and changed the channel to some Christmas baking show. "He better fucking like this, I even gave him one of MY favorite hoodies" I heard the shower turn off and milo walk... Well more like limp, out "Aww bubbas, can we cuddle" (imagine the big pleading eyes emoji) "fine, but you better eat your lunch first"
"Ok!" He jumped on the couch "owie, " he pouted and ate his lunch... We cuddled the rest of the day... maybe making out... Yeah making out alot

1310 words


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