hit with a Quirk

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Milo and Tomura were walking around finding places to stalk and find more info about hero's and the underground Drug Ring, "hey tomura, can we go to get ice cream?"
"No,were here to do one thing" milo started pouting "b-but, pleassssseeeeeeee?"
"No, I already told you"
"What if I yell out that your kidnapping me" Milo took a large breathe "HEL-" Tomura covered his mouth "fine" he hissed in milos ear. They went to get ice cream
After getting the ice cream
They were walking and eating the ice cream. Milo had vanilla while Tomura had Chocolate.
We were walking around when two middle school girls ran into us, falling to the ground, "what the fuck?" One of the girls stood up and looked at us "y-y-your v-v-villians" she looked terrified the other girl was still on the floor. I bent down to her "here I can help you up" I gave her my most pchycotic grin, they both held there hand up to us "Tomu-" I got cut off by me ducking and Tomura getting hit with there Quirks. I got up and the girls were running away, I looked over to Tomura.... He was shorter and looked, younger? "Tomura get up" he got up holding his pants up "what the fuck?" He said he grabbed at least halfway down his thigh "oh I thought my dick wasn't there, I just grabbed too low"
"Tomura, do you feel alright?"
"Well your with me so yeah, actually better than alright" he smirked at me "we need to get back to the hideout, no they will probably do something dumb," I faced smaller Tomura "ok so we'll go back to the hide out through my window"
"Oh trying to get me to your room are we~" oh god I turned red " let's go" I grabbed his wrist and ran to the hideout
In my room
"Okay, I'm going to ask you questions"
"Alright baby~"
"Oh my god your acting like Dabi" I wispered "alright, how old are you?"
"Umm, 12, that too young for you?"
"Ok so your 12, that's great" I sarcastically said "why are you so flirty? And not murderous?"
"I'm always like this? I've never been murderous"
"Okay so I'm guessing an age play quirk and a personality swap quirk"
"Here let's play some video games and I'll get you some clothes" small Tomura looked over to me and just smiled and nodded. I went over to his room carful not to get caught by dabi or Toga, I got to his room and grabbed a pair of pants and the switch, I walk back to my room and see small Tomura looking around... He was reaching for my stripper bag "OK WOAH LETS NOT LOOK IN THERE" I grabbed my bag up and threw it under my desk "why, what's in it?" "How can he look so innocent". I gave him his pants and the switch "alright these pants are smaller than the ones you have on... So put them on"
"... ... ... Do you want to watch or should I change in the bathroom~"
"Your 12"
"And your hot"
"I'll just turn around you get changed, and you do know I'm a guy, right?" I turned around facing the door "it's okay I swing both ways "good to know" "you can look back babe" tiny Tomura said I turned back around "I kinda didn't realize that your still taller then me" I saw him walk up to me "yeah your short~"
"Im 5'4 not that short" I huffed "okay if you say so, I'm going to play games" he set off to my bed laying down and playing on the switch
17 minutes later
"Im hungry" tiny Tomura said looking at me "okay what do you want?"
"We don't have sushi"
"Umm pork bowl"
"We don't have that ether"
"Ummm miso soup?"
"Don't have it"
"Hmm, do we have soba?"
"Nope, I could probably get a pork bun from near by and instant ramen"
"Nah, oh do we have any onigiri?"
"Yes we do have that"
"Can I have one, oh with chips please!" He said and I walked out "oh god" I went into the kitchen and grabbed two paper plates and two onigiri and threw em on and grabbed a bag of chips and some sodas and I grabbed a thing of Pocky for me and walked back I opened the door and saw him in my stuff again "here is you food"
"Thank you!" He took a bit and smiled "Aww that was cute... Not in the poedofilice way" I thought as I opened my pocky and my soda... well my monster. "Alright tiny Tomura I need to use the bathroom you stay here don't go through my stuff, you can play videogames or like draw" I pointed to some paper and pencils and left to the bathroom.
3rd person
Milo finished using the bathroom and went back to check on tiny Tomura. He opened the door and saw tiny Tomura standing on his bed "what are you doing?, You better not jump on my bed" tye little shit known as tiny Tomura look milo I'm the eye and jumped "what are you going to do about it~" he kept jumping "Tomura get down, NOW"
"No" tiny Tomura just started jumping harder and faster "TOMURA STOP YOUR GOING TO BREAK THE BED!" Milo yelled... Right as the youngest villan was walking by, Toga "ooOoOoO this is the real tea, so Tomura goes hard-"  Togas thoughts were cut short by a loud crack "TOMURA *HUFF*YOU BROKE MY BED!"
"Oops" Toga kept skipping hatching a plan to terrorize them tomorrow,
I was running around my bed trying to catch tiny Tomura "I am out *huff*of shape *huff*"I thought as I ran around thats when the loud crack was heard... He broke my bed...HE BROKE MY BED, "Tomura, you owe me a new bed, a NEW bed not a used one from the side of the road" I looked at him with terror in his eye he nodded "oh my God it's getting late go to sleep" I said to tiny Tomura as I tried to.fix my bed tye best I could so I can sleep on it for tonight as he just flopped on it and slept
In the morning
I woke up, no more tiny Tomura regular Tomura... With his arms around me sleeping. Ohmyfuckinggodimgoingtodiefromyhisheissocute


"Soooooo~, bed breaking huh" toga said as milo ate his breakfast (Tomura was back to his normal age but the personality was still different) "shut up toga"
". surprised you can walk, I heard the bed break"
"Toga shut up, nothing like that happened" dabi walked in putting bread into the toaster "how's your back?, Hell you bed even"
"DABI TOGA SHUT UP" milo yelled blushing

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