high times (😩)

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(I drew that 😊)
There is going to be kith kiths and a 🍆 suck

Milo was looking through everything he owned, he couldn't find his lighters his clothes were on the floor and his drawers were open with paper hanging out "they have to be here somewhere, I put them in my top drawer" he landed on his bed "OH i could use Dabi~" he thought as he giggled to himself, he walked out to the bar. Toga was sitting there talking to Magne and Twice "hey as anyone seen Dabi?"
"Um I think he's in his room or dead" Magne respond "why?" Toga asked "I need him for something"
"Oh....OH~" Toga thought she caught the drift but she was way off "n-nothing like that Toga"
"Yeah Okayy~"
"Toga, I mean it" with that he left to find the patched up man
I walked down the hallway and stopped at the burnt chicken nuggets door, I knocked. No answer, I knocked again, no answer so I said "Dabi? Are you in there" again no answer "I'm coming in, you better not have your dick out" I slowly opened the door and looked in... He was sleeping, so being the logical person I and I basically jumped on him, I walked up to him and pushed on his chest, nothing happened, so I poked his cheek, nothing happened "wake up!" I loudly said in his ear..... He still didn't wake up, so I started pushing on his chest, harder, he coughed once, once, I slapped him, poked him, everything, I pulled his blanket off and started pinching his leg..."why is he sleeping in jeans?" nothing, so I started poking him again... He started smiling... He was awake "DABI! Get your lazy ass up"
"Mgh, nooooo"
"For what?" Got to admit sleepy Dabi is cute he was groggy and surprisingly his voice gets softer when he first wakes up "I need fire for something"
"don't you have lighters" he rolled over to face the wall holding on to a blanket "I lost my lighters"
"hmmm, n-o"
"Ugh, fine I'll let you have something" he sat up and faced me "and what is that something?"
"Probably weed" he slowly blinked "ugh, fine , what do you need fire for?"
"You'll see~" he got up and followed me to my room, I grabbed my bong (it was set up with the sweed inside already) "I need you to lite this" he was still sleepy, he was standing there with his eyes closed, "hmm?, Oh yeah ok, I get to take the first hit thought"
"Fine, I just need my dRugs" I said it in like a sassy lady voice he chuckled and grabbed it out of my hands and sat down next to my bed and lit his finger up and started smoking. He handed it over "here" he coughed a couple times, he lit up the bowl and I took a fat hit, we kept passing the bong between us, hot boxing the room.
Dabi POV
God this was a good wake up call,... what if i just like set the hideout on fire? No, unless... Yeah no I'll be homeless again, don't want that, (I have a head cannon that he has intrusive thoughts, most are murderous but on occasion it's sexual) I looked over and lit the bong up, Milo took the hit when he blew it out GOD DAMN THAT WAS HOT AS FUCK the way he blew it out, so hot damn, what if I kissed him? No, no, no,no... unless, he handed the bong over and I lit it up "hey can I try something?" WHY DID I ASK THAT WHAT IS WRING WITH ME "sure what is it ?" QUICK THINK UMMMMM "um this" think, think,think,think,AH HA I took a hit and held it in heating it up with my quirk, and blew it in his face "Heh hahahahahah, that felt weird, not in like a bad way though it hard to explain"he laughed? "Here I'll do it to you" he grabbed the swong and took a hit and blew it in my face "yeah that is weird"
"OH,let's see who can take the most smoke to the face"WHAT IM GOING TO KILL SOMEONE, WHAT DID I GET MYSELF INTO, he took another hit "re-ady" he tried to hold it all in i nodded and well he blew it in my face "that was hot"
"What?"I SAID THAT OUT LOUD IM GOING TO BURN THE HOUSE DOWN.He handed me the bong and I took a hit and blew it at him this went on for a long time, probably only five minutes, he's hot, god damnit my bisexual is showing
3rd POV
It was Dabi's turn they already blew through two bowls they were higher than a kite, Dabi lit one up and blew it at milo and wispered "ya know what fuck it" and slammed his lips on to Milos "oh so this is happening" milo thought as he kissed back, the kiss lasted for only about four seconds, dabi was bright red "I-" milo pulled him into another kiss. Dabi kissed back and bit the smaller males lip asking for entrance. Milo refused but slowly climbed into Dabi's lap "your eager~" milo opened his mouth letting Dabi explore his mouth. He felt dabi getting a little hard so he took advantage of that and started to grind on his lap "aarrg~" dabi let out a low groan "your hard~" milo wispered into Dabi's ear, Dabi's cheeks dusted with red, "I can help if you want~" Dabi went more red "i-i mean sure," milo started to unbuckle his belt "also why did you sleep in jeans?" Milo asked putting his hand into Dabi's pants "w-ell, I was tired so i j-ust went to bed" milo put his cold hand into his looses fitting boxers. Dabi hissed at the cold hitting his hard cock "why are you so like hot?" Milo pulled his jeans to his knees "i-ts my Quirk" milo pull his dick out of the loose boxers "jesus, it's not the biggest one I've seen*cough Tomura cough* but still, at least 11 to 12inch" milo thought as he started to stroke. Milo lowered his head and licked the tip, dabi gasped he lightly kissed the head and licked up the shaft earning a low growl "this is kinda weird, I've known milo ever scence he was, what 7? we were roommates once" dabi thought but got snapped out of his thoughts by Milo lightly pullings his balls. He started bobbing his head not even getting halfway down, Dabi grabbed his hair careful of his ears and started pulling and pushing his head down,Dabi was moaning "ngh~ your good at this~" milo smirked and went all the way down "ARgH~" dabi thrusted his hips "g-od I'm gonna cum~" milo started giving the super Gluck Gluck 3000, Dabi bucked his hips and came down his throat "hmm~ good little slut~"

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