lil spot

16 1 0

I was on face time with jesse
(Zey said I can use zem )

Me: okay Tomura is gaming and I wanna put some of my touch to his room

Jesse: your like so gay, but what are ya gonna do

Me: I'm gonna put some of my things in his room, cause monster energy is already in Tomuras room, becuz I spend most of my time in here and with Tomura, and it gets tiring walking back and forth mine and his room

Zey nodded

Me: so I am making a small corner of my stuff

I grabbed a box filled with some of my stuff and headed to Tomuras room


Me: I'm not a simp!

Jesse: yes. you. are.

Me: Hmpf, it's not my fault tomuras pretty

Jesse: Oh My God GAY!

Me: Hmpf shut it
(Zey simp for hatsumei ✨)

Jesse:n-NO I don't!

Me: e n ways Tomura is very pretty and handsome so I'm moving some of my stuff to his room

Jesse:gay, but yes show me the process

I walked into his room and held my phone low

Me: hi baby
I hugged him

Tomura:hmm hi Angel~

I blushed pretty hard, I looked at my phone and Jesse was fake barfing, i kissed my baby....but he just pulled me onto his lap "your so small~"
"Hmpf no I'm not!" He kithed my head. Resting his chin on it

Jesse: Ewwwwwww!

Good thing I was wearing headphones

Me:bups I need to get up
Me:I'll cuddle later

Tomura: oh I just thought you wanted to, cause everytime you do that you want to "cuddle"

My heart melted and my brain is mush. Kith kith Time I kissed his cheek and got up "luv u bubs~" I whispered in his ear and went to the corner near monster energy

Jesse: your gross
Jesse: I LoVe YoU bUbS

Me: Shush!

Jesse: and he didn't say it back

Me: he's not good with words, and I know he loves me. E n ways this is monster energy, and imma put my stuff next to his tank

Jesse: alrighty, monster energy

I set the box down

Me: put my T patches here

Jesse: how many do you have left?

Me: I donno like 30, my art things here!

I put a pack of lighters on the desk

Emily:...are those lighters?!

Me:yeah, gotta lite blunts somehow

Jesse: jeez- but show meeeee!! I can't do that with Mei cause we in different dorm buildings

Me: okay, I already have some clothes in here and...well most of the shirts I wear are Tomuras


Me:hush but I'll put my anti depressents here

Jesse:that's weed

Me: I Know, I have some se- toys here so that's good

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