soulmate 💞🍄💞🍄

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Please tell me  this line is cannon

Ya know that au were you can see what ever your soulmate draws and feel there pain, it's that

The blonde skipped in the bar "hi Tomura still no luck?"
"Why do you care if I find my soulmate?" She pouted "well dabi doesn't have one, compress has one but it's a girl and he's gay, twice found his! Mage is with twice! Spinner's is a hero and I kinda killed mine, then Milo doesn't share anything about if he found it yet" the leader heavily sighed "no I haven't found her yet"
"What if it's a boy? Or non beany"
"... didn't think of that" he was now thinking about all of the random tattoos he now had from his soulmate and the drawings he finds on his knees and hands "I think it's a boy....." Toga squeeled in delight "does your mate even draw to you?" He nooded looking at his covered arm thinking about the random doodles on it from yesterday "...yeah...yeah he has" slightly blushing he got up and left to his room knowing that the drawings look very very similar to a certain cats drawings "*it better not be him, if it is I'll actually kill him"*as he plopped on his bed. Miles was in his room trying to write something for his murder notebook but only doodling on the sides small hearts stars smiley faces, blushing while writing T+M in a heart knowing who it was for *"I should be thinking about who my soulmate is, not Tomura Shigaraki before I met him I didn't even think I could have a crush but here I am crushing on him.."* he shook his head continuing to draw but this time only on his hand, small hearts and T+M drawing faces and eyes.
Tomura POV
He's drawing on himself again, I don't even know if it's a boy but I just have a feeling it is a he. T+M...miles, but it could be dabi cause he hasn't told us his real name maybe it's...Mr compress? No he has one, dabi doesn't have one that we know of, 'tomura + me= cute couple' what the hell, so it's in the league or a weirdo its erasing, is he using a fucking cheese grater?!  Fucking hell I should write to stop. Wait 'sorry about that :( I'm just horny For my boss :( but I can't wait to meet you!!! -///- :)) I'm sure we can get along!' horny for his boss, and the bosses name is's someone who works for me "fuck"  should I tell someone? Toga? No she'll probably make fun of me

Me:toga I think I found out who my soulmate is

Annoying 17: OMG who?!

Me: someone in the league


Me: calm the fuck down,

Annoying 17:BUt ITS EXSITING

Me:I'm done talking to you

Annoying 17:rude

She is so goddamn annoying, I'll wait until concrete evidence that's it's him, I'm 69% sure it's miles '♪♪♪∆∆∆√ΩΩ' bruh I grabbed a pen and started writing 'whats your name'
'my name is m
Miles, what's yours?'
'wont tell yet, what's your Quirk'
'i can turn into a cat..  it I don't really like it what yours'
'i can dissinagrate anything I touch'
'oh cool! I wish I had that! Oh can you see my tattoos? If so witch is your favorite'
Oh fuck I can see his tattoos it's definitely miles! 'yeah, I would say that ; cause it shows strangth next to bone hand'
'yeah. How old are you'
'no I'm 19, how old are you'
'17, 18 in January' (this set at like November) 'cool' he kept writing 'ok serious question, cat person or dog person'
'i would say dog person, but I can vibe with cats' (I love the head cannon that Tomura uses gen z slang when texting but never out loud)('s my own head cannon) 'im a cat person..... Littiraly and I do like cats' yeah this is definitely miles 'what do you do for work'
'im a' he stopped writing 'cashier'
'sick...what store'
'what area' if he says kamino I Know it's miles right now I'm like 80% sure it's him 'kamino, were do you work?'
'im a boss Actually leader is a better description'
'wait are you sure you don't work for the league of villians?' he stopped writing 'wh' he's thinking of what he should say. He's kinda stupid.. 'why do you ask?'
'you said your boss is Tomura, and I'm guessing Tomura Shigaraki' he started erasing the sentence with my name in it 'no? I don't'
'weird, cause your tattoos are very fimiler, and I would personally know'
'i work in the league'
My heart dropped and my blood went cold FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK my eyes went wide OH SHIT NO NO NO 'really?' it was very wobbly I am 100% sure this is Tomura 'im Tomura Shigaraki nice to met you, we can meet up' FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK WHY DID I HAVE TO TELL HIM THAT IM HORNY FOR MY BOSS HES MY BOSS AAAHDUBTU FUCK
Tomura POV
I was trying to not laugh but this is honestly so fucking cute...NO NOT CUTE funny yeah funny

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