fishy ✨☁️

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I want a fish, I'm going to get a fish, I sped walked to Tomuras room opening the door "get ready to go out we going to the store"
"No" I pouted "yes get ready...oh I could actually ask dabi he can help me" wow I sound pretty I toxic? "Where are you even going?"
" A store" giving him a tase of his own medicine "bitch- atleast tell me where your going and maybe I'll go"
I smiled, hugging onto his neck kissing his cheek "pet store, I wanna see the animals"
"... that's it? Okay" he stood up "ok now get out so I can change"
"Hmpf but I don't want to"
"Pervert" he pushed me out of the door. I'm gonna buy a fish I'm gonna buy a fish I'm gonna buy a fish~ I'm already in good...ish pants and a hoodie so now shoes. I'm ready I have my backpack and some money "oh Tomura do you have a eye Dee?" (I fuckin know it's iD but no❤️) he gave me his bitch is you dum look "yeah I have an eye dee, of course I don't!"
"Hmpf don't need to be rude, I just need an adult to acompany me cause I'm still only 17 and the store I want to go too you need to be over 18 to buy a pet "
"...your buying a animal"
"...yeah, c'mon bups!" I grabbed his hand...well his pinky and sped walked out the door "I'm not going to help take care of it"
"Of course it is going to be my pet" he sighed "what are you even going to get?"
"Yes, fish, now c'mon bups!" Tomura sighed again "why did you choose "bup" and "bups"?"
"I dunno it was bub" I blushed starting to go quieter he leaned down to me "your cute when your flustered babe~" he whispered in my ear, I internally screamed blushing harder "see~"
"S-shush" Tomura pulled me closer snaking his arm around my waist "you love me, cringe"
"Falling in love? Cringe" I laughed "having a heathy relationship? Lame"
"Loving boyfriend? That's cringe" we both laughed "we need to get a cart when we get there, cause we need a tank, substrate, decorations and plants, then the fishy"
"Yeah...wait is that why you are bringing me? To carry the tank" I stayed quiet "maybe... Yeah Cause I can't fit it in my backpack and ill have to carry everything else" I looked at him "I don't trust you carrying a fish" I am offended "that's rude" we arrived at the pet store Tomura grabbed a small cart. He had his hood up "thank you babe" I started wheeling the cart to the fish section
3rd POV
The couple went to the fish tanks "okay I want to get a 18 liter or a 5 gal" Tomura nodded looking at the tanks "what about that one" he pointed to a neon green tank "that one is a half gallon! That is way too small"
"Oh" miles grabbed a 5 gal putting it in the cart. The blonde grabbed a bag of sand and threw it in "next is plants!" He smiled "okay, were are those?"
"This way" he lead Tomura to the live plants "I wanna get these, These and some of those" he pointed to plants grabbing them and putting them in the tank; next grabbed some rocks "okay what else, I don't like it in here"
"Okay ya big baby~ now I need is the water conditioner and them more thinggys" Tomura nodded
After buying the tank and possibly stealing everything else
"I shall name him monster energy"

"That's an interesting name" " he going to be in your room?" I looked at my bups "why?"
"Your always in my room and your barely in your own" I thought about it "...I donno I can put him in your room!" He did not like that idea "no, he's your pet so in your room" I pouted "but then I'll forget about him, my ADHD does a stupid thing, if I don't see it it's not there, so I have to have him were I am the most" "so that is your room! ^^" he sighed "your ADHD is weird.." I smiled at him kithing his cheek "luv u bubs". We got to his room "okay so I need to set the tank up, are you still okay that monster is going to stay in here?"
"I guess.." he rolled his eyes "only cause your important" I pretend not to hear the last part but I blushed really hard, "where is an outlet that I can use"
"Behind my desk is an empty outlet" I put the tank where I wanted it got the filter and heater put those on with the light. "There we go, now for the sand (black sand) and then water and plants" I poured the sand in "baby come look!" He got up from his bed and saw the tank "okay? Now what"
"Rocks" I put in the rocks and beta hammock and some silk plants. "Can you get a bucket of water? An ice cream bucket?"
"Sure" he went and got the water and I poured it in and added some water conditioner Making it safe for monster "Time to acclimate!" I set the cup he was in, in the tank making it float "now we wait!" Tomura booted up his game "sweet" I skipped over to him and climbed in his lap "what are you doing?"
"Cuddling, duh" I got as close as I can with out moving and kissed what ever was closest....his jawline, I didn't care I kept kissing his jaw and maybe, MAYBE giving him hickeys And love bites "what, are you doing?" I plAyfUlLy smirked "giving you love~"
"Why? Are you horny or something" I thought, *"we haven't fucked in about 2 I guess so"* I sat up facing him "maybe~" Tomura shook his head a smirk forming "okay~ let's fuck" he kissed me
3rd POV
Tomura grabbed miles thighs gripping onto the cloth "what if I just~" he tried ripping it, the fabric ripped "Tomura, I liked these pants"
"You can buy new ones" he decayed the pants off "you need to stop decaying my pants~"
After fish done acclimate
"Time to put him in the tank" he poured the fish in the tank  "now that's one cool fish, right babe?"
"Hmm? Yeah, he's blue"

1100 words lmao I really want a fish for some reason lmao


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