just promise you won't miss me bub<3💔

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TW, vent and suicide/death

"twinkle twinkle little star, alcoholics don't get far unless they drink and drive let's go out For a ride" this was it, I'm done I'm sorry tomura, I'm so sorry for doing this to you, I wish I can control myself but nobody seems to care about me, sure my scars are healed but fuck, those thoughts won't stop "yours such an ugly cryer~ your getting fat dead name watch what you eat, your loud, you annoying! Your so fat! You need to get out of the car, the waight limit is 100k pounds, YOUR SO SELFISH, you make me feel like shit, I hope you die, your like talking to a rock, oh nvm... Seen" I'm so fucking weak I'm so stupid I'm fucking ugly fat stupid gross how did I get a boyfriend he probably doesn't even like me, he only uses my body, he thinks I'm fat and ugly "you'll always be a girl to me~ this is why don't talk to you your annoying, KIDDING, I know he wasn't. The door got banged on it made me jump "HURRY UP FAT ASS" Dabi... Dabi why do you hate me... I didn't do anything to you at least I know I'll make one person happy with me dead I mean who will be sad I'm just a pathetic fag who only wants attention I should at least tell tomura goodbye

Me: tomura can you promise me something?

Tomura 🫀:what is it?

Me:just promise me
Me:you won't miss me, even after this okay?

Tomura 🫀:what?

Me: I love you bub
Me: please forgive me
Me: just don't be mad

The door was banged on "CMON SHIT HEAD, HURRY UP" thank you Dabi. I grabbed my gun, it was loaded "wow...welp good bye Japan goodbye villain life, goodbye tomura, I love you so fucking much"
POW the gun went off right in his chest his eyes went white then faded to nothing his memories flashed before him, Tomuras saying I love you the first time played though alot "what the fuck was that" the leader came running "IS MILES I-IN THERE?" Dabi hesatenly nodded, he didn't think twice he decayed the door seeing the gruesome gorey horrible scene in front of him "y-you did it..." he couldn't control his emotions he started sobbing running to the lifeless corpse dropping to his knees, he was shaking seeing his lover dead... Right Infront of him, his chest was blown open his blood and organs were sprayed everywhere, he's seen some of Miles
panic attacks and break downs but he never thought he would do it "miles... why? WHY" Dabi stood frozen the last things he said to him was...fat ass and shit head toga was there "tomura kun... here step away... your getting bloody" she couldn't help it either the whole organization was ruthless murders but he was everyone's soft spot, in reality the only person who felt nothing twords Him was all for one "no no no no no no no no no no no no no nonononononono little one why did you do this.." his fiance was really gone, for good "tomura..." Nobody saw the leader this vulnerable it was scary toga was beside the weeping leader, the heavy smell of iron was clogging there noses It all went by in a blur miles was dead
Timmmeeee skkkkiiiipppp
It's been 4 months, tomura hasn't been eating much him and toga has gotten alot closer whenever he leaves his room he sticks by her side. But now was one of the only times he left by himself, a bar, a gay bar "hey sweet cheeks~ what brings you here today"
"Taken" he was staring at his empty glass, and flagged the bartender "another coke and vodka... Can you swap the vodka for a red bull again" the worker nodded and started making the drink "oh c'mon he won't know~ just a hook up" this guy was pushy "no, I don't want to"
"C'mon sugar~" he had a similar look as miles. This made shigaraki get teary eyed with frustration, "I said no, I'm taken" he showed his plan silver ring, with an engraving that spelt 'to Jupiter and back, love you' "so what! Your hot let me fuck ya!" The bartender picked up on the sadness and grief tomura emitted "NO" he was getting pissed "but why~ c'mon bub" the villains heart dropped, tuning everything out looking out, wide eyed it was to soon, way to soon to hear that word pointed twords him. The creep laned his hand on the griefing males shoulder "s-STOP DON'T TOUCH ME" the burst of anger made creepo jump "don't ever call me that!"
"MY LATE HUSBAND- HE- HE" he couldn't finish it he was sobbing "sir, get the fuck out of my bar" the owner was also the server, he kicked the creep out. Went over the loud speaker "everyone we have an emergency please exit the building" the owner jumped over the counter watching everyone leave "hey kid, you stay" everyone left "I have a quirk that lets me see everyone's emotions, it floats around everyone in a coloured fog, I can see your grief...was it recent?" He nodded "it will be about 4 months now, we have been dating for almost 2 years and we got engaged at one year..."
"Hmm, what was he like?"
"He was the kindest person I've met, he was the first person who loved me. He was so energetic, but had his dark spots he had some kind of ADHD and got excited over the littlest things" he started smiling still tears steaming down his raw face "he was the sexiest person I've ever seen, he was emo? And he kept saying he was mall goth, his eyes were so unique...bright cherry red. His left eyes white were black" the 40 something year old bartender was painting a picture of what his late husband looked like "what did he look like?" Tomura was still solemnly smiling "he was about 5'4 very small, his quirk was a transform he had cat ears. beautiful, his hair was red at the time... Faded to a light pink and white, his body was filled with scars and ink, self harm scars... His ears were pierced 3 on left and 2 on right. He had snake bites," his voice got wobbly "a-and he never got to see himself without his braces..." The older had sympathy "never drank alcohol, he hated when I did.... I need to stop, he had a full life with me but he couldn't win" his eyes were red and puffy "he sounds like a wonderful man. may I know how he passed..?"
"H-he shot himself, right here.." he pointed to where Miles shot himself, right in his chest "it was a horrific...in the bath... The last thing he said to me was don't miss me"
"Even though he is gone, he definitely is looking down on you awaiting you, but I know he wants you to live out your life tell him everything when you're Time is right" the villain nodded "do you have any pictures of him?" He pulled his phone out opening his photos "yeah.."

"This is the last one I have he would always wrap his tail around my legs when sleeping" the owner smiled looking at the picture, seeing how young he was "I'm sorry for your loss, and if you ever need to I'm here if you need to talk, I now what it...

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"This is the last one I have he would always wrap his tail around my legs when sleeping" the owner smiled looking at the picture, seeing how young he was "I'm sorry for your loss, and if you ever need to I'm here if you need to talk, I now what it's like to loss a loved one to suicide" tomura may have lost a lover and his will to live and be happy, he made a friend

Lmao I'm fine now

1301 words

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