it's okay ☁️💔☁️

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"Tomuraaaaa," he said across the room, the man in question looked over at milo "what the hell do you want?" He was in a pissy mood, all his hoodies are dirty or milo and toga has them (I do not ship toga and Tomura, I just have a head cannon she steals everyone's clothes) he had recently been shot by a hero, so his shoulder was in pain, he accidentally Dusted his phone so he had to get another, they had to move places AGAIN so, he couldn't sit at the bar, he had to sit in a unfamiliar building on a old broken couch. His anxiety and depression was acting up, and so was his eating disorders, and Dabi was being an ass in top of all that. "do you wanna watch a movie?" He looked at him with the biggest 'bitch no,' face and hissed "no, go find toga or something" Milo pouted "Tooooommmmmuuuuuu pleeeeeaaaaaassssseeeeeee?"
"Don't call me that" he was angry, his shoulder was in so much pain, even milos quirk couldn't help that much, the bullet went all the way through, *sad baby catboy noises* Tomura went back to playing on his new phone. The shorter one of the two, started going up to the leader sitting right next to him "what are you playing?" He asked softly "game"
" more specific," he whined , Tomura slightly smirked "why?"
"Cause I wanna knoooowww"
"Your annoying" Milo leaned on Tomuras shoulder cuddling up to him, Tomura slightly flinched and looked over to him "what are you doing?"
"Your warm"  he softly smiled and nuzzled closer, Tomura was confused but just went back to playing his game, "Tomuraaa~, can we cuddle?" He smiled a closed eye smile "huh? Why" he was super confused, no one has ever wanted to cuddle him before, he tilted his head and slightly smiled "I wanna cuddle you" ,
"Ummm, fine?" He didn't really care, milo was the least annoying out of them all, from his point of view, milo smiled and slowly climbed into Tomura's lap. He lifted his arms in shock "w-what are you doing?!" Milo looked at him with a closed eye smile "cuddling" Tomura slowly lowered his arm around him and started playing again, Milo layed  his head on the non injured shoulder "why do you trust me?" Tomura Asked out of the blue "...why shouldn't I?"
"Well... I can hurt you so easily and yet you still stay so close to me"
"I trust you" he smiled brightly "and I know you won't hurt me on purpose"
" know I'm a litteral murderer?  I can kill you right now"
"But you won't" he smiled "but what if I do?"he started to sound sad "your very useful to the league" milo knew it was more that that "well....I can heal myself" "Oh!, Hold on" milo smiled and got up, "*so he is scared of me, tsk I'm stupid for thinking he would like me*" he was sadend but didn't know why, he never got the concept of 'love' or even friendship, he barely got 'hook ups' he only knew what they were beacuse porn hud and YouTube, "*master warned me to not even have friends, they just get in my works way, Hmpf, guess I have to cut milo off, no more talking, only talking to him if necessary... He always talks to me though, hmm I don't care, he'll have to deal with it. I don't need him, or anyone really...but it would be preferred to have him around*" he was drowning in his thoughts, not noticing that, the shorter came back "hi tomu" he had his phone and ear buds, he smiled, "we can listen to music" he slowly got back into his lap, "what do you like to listen too?" He was shocked "umm... I like 'punk' and Lo-Fi hip-hop" he whispered the last part, milo smiled again "I like lo-fi too" he put on a playlist of lo-fi and handed a ear bud to Tomura and snuggled into his chest and his arm, lightly purring, "*...what is this... Does he actually like me? No he's just doing this out if Pitty, right?, Why is he so kind to me, we both kill for a living how can someone still be kind to me, after... everything, I don't think anyone has been this kind to me since I was...3, I don't care what master says, I do need friends, and I'm okay with this*" Milo yawned and curled into a ball (Tomura is Cris cross) and sleepily looked up at Tomura "what level are you on?"the yawned again "40, almost 41" Tomura smiled under 'Father' "can you take the hand off? *Yawn* you don't have too though" he was almost falling asleep, he slowly raised his hand and took off 'father' off of Tomura's face."*oh no he's going to see my face and think im gross...just like everyone does*"  He sleepily smiled and said "a pure angel" and he quickly fell asleep, Tomura was left blushing and  stunned "what?" Tomura was so confused he grabbed his near by blanket and covered the sleeping boy up, put quickly started to panic. his breathing quickened and he was almost having a panic attack, he started  fidgeting with his fingers, tiring his arms out, he was getting teary eyed ,"*no no no no no no no no no, dont have a panic attack now*" he shut his eyes tightly and started to try and slow his breathing down  "*oh no, I can hurt him so easily, all it takes is a little mistake*" he was snapped out of his thoughts by Milo shifting and grabbing the blanket, Tomura let out a sigh of relief, and his breathing slowed, but he was still paniced, he didn't want to hurt him. He was getting tired, Tomura rested his head in the back of the couch,  he was getting tired, he grabbed both phones and turned off the phones and rolled his hands in a ball and layed his head back onto the back of the couch, watching milos figure rise and fall each breath, calming his nerves he wrapped his arms around milo and in his pocket, (so like I'm using his chest as a pillow in a egg shape and Tomura put his arms around me and in my's his hoodie and his hoodies are quirk proof)
He looked right, left, to make sure no one is there  then kissing the top of the red heads, head, and finally slowly drifted off to sleep, a light smile on his face, "this week has been bad...but I think you just made it my favorite week.of the year" he whispered very quietly and fell asleep

1146 words
I'm just in a fluff mood, u-u 🍓

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