gas station

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My pov
Me and shigaraki were going to the gas station, we had run out of snacks at the bar ,shigaraki was wearing his gloves so he doesn't decay anything, "this is perfect, imma try and hold his hand" (I'm also wearing gloves) i thought as we were walking "your awfully quiet" shigaraki said to me "oh i'm just thinking, nothing to worry about" i smiled at the end as he looked back down "shit i think he knows i'm cooking something up"i looked back up and kept walking

"can you stop looking at me its kinda creepy" i turned red from embarrassment "oh god im so stupid" i looked down and started walking faster i heard him chuckle to him self as we arrived. "okay what are we going to get?" i asked

"i don't know what the others want , im getting these" he held up a six pack of monster and cool ranch doritos, "oh hey Tomu~, you should get pocky, it's better that the cool ranch"

"don't call me that,and why can't i get both?"

"okay then get both,im going to get the stuff for the rest of the league" i left to the back ro get a slurpee and got the chips Dabi specifically said ... buffalo ranch pringles "ew these look gross" i said to myself ,i walked around and got the stuff they asked for and snagging some other things the store owner surly won't miss and went back to shigaraki

He was looking at the candy "hey~ so what are you going to get? Im getting this" i held up my slurpee and some watermelon sharks with everything else in the basket "i don't know what candy i should get, i was thinking sour patch kids"

"you should get them" i said. He grabbed them and walked to the counter "how the fuck did he get there so fast" we threatened the casher and he gave us every thing for free.Shigaraki left the store "why is he so fast"

"come one, we don't have all night¨ he said turning around as I, was speed walking behind him "well if you slowed down then maybe i could catch up" I started running... he stopped right there...... I ran into him "oof, damn why did you stop" I wined . I fell on my ass, he smirked and bent down to look at me eye level "you told me to slow down" he leaned into my ear "you just need to watch where you're going~" I blushed hardcore and my thoughts went wild "dammit he's right" I wispered and ran back to him


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