femiler man

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This happens after like a week (because Shiggy 'wasn't in the mood' for new recruits) from the first time meeting Shiggy

I had to go back to the hand guy to see if I'm in the league... How delightful, I was wearing my demonia's (with all the buckles) ripped jeans and my frog hoodie (a dark green XL hoodie with a low quality frog on it), and my lóók (lots of blush unhappy face on left cheek upside down cross on right cheek dark purple under eyes), I went with the other ones I met before, 'Dabi' zombie 'Toga' red flag and 'twice' Jin. The zombie lookin one was... The most inviting? I don't know how to explain it, I felt like I known him for years, even though we just met about a week ago, my body was moving on its own and walked closer to him "what do you want clown?" He looked down at me "I was just walking?" I could tell I was blushing from embarrassment,good thing I was already wearing alot, I feel like... Safe? Like I'm safe around him,.. he reminds me of Touya and Tamaki :). "So why are you walking by me?" He looked down at me again "umm i-i don't know" I pulled out my phone to see the time "great the ass crack of dawn, perfect time to hold a villan meeting" I wispered sarcastically... "Heh"........ HE FUCKIN HEARD MEEEEEEE, I'm going to burn down a building, I looked down and walked silently my ears flat agents my head
Dabi POV
This kid is the one that hawks was friends with... He better not figure it out, I  remember the one time we were roommates for about three years... Then he got his heal quirk, it made him lose his memories from the last three years, It kinda saddened me, we were good friends, I wonder if we could become friends again... probably not, I've killed over 20 innocent people... He doesn't seem like one to do that, the sun was starting to rise as we arivved to the place where we had to meet up,
I was standing next to zombie contemplating my life choices he was literally super hot...wAIT like he was radiating heat, very nice in a cold morning, he looked like he needed a hug I want to give him a hug... I don't like hugs,,, at all but he needs a hug, Im not giving him one but he looks like he needs one. Tomura started asking questions like what crimes we committed and like other stuff... He pointed to me "what is the most 'flashy' crime you've committed" he used air quotations "u-hmm probably arson and murder" I was quite GOD DAMNIT NERVES zombie looked shocked "hey you and Dabi are arson buddy's" red flags beamed

We got in... I had to share a room with zombie for a couple weeks. There weren't any bone bloody rooms available

I have no clue why I wrote this 😃 I was bored 💅

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