🍡finding the cake 🍡

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Me and Tomura have been engaged for about a month and we need to pick out a cake flavor so we rented out a very small cheap apartment, and still no one else knows, exspect kurogiri I'm pretty sure Tomura went to kuro before he proposed and they saw the rings "bups! The cake samples are here" we ordered the 'wedding tester cupcakes' from a local baker but Tomura had to pretend he was a girl cause the baker had a sign 'no gays under no circumstances' so I helped bups with hair and gave him a weird stuffed bra looking thing I found at Spencer's he did not like it one bit it's was funny seeing him with boobs "okay, now what do we do?"
"Well sence we basically went into this blind we haven't thought of a wedding cake or cupcake, so we ordered the cake testing mini cupcakes so we can try the flavors" he opened the box seeing like 20 cakes and a bunch of frosting and whipped cream custard and a hole lotta fillings ".... this is alot of stuff"
"Yeah.. were should we even start?!" Tomura probably hasn't even tried half of these flavors "this is going to be hard... What should we start on?" He shrugged "this one is red" he pointed at the red velvet with rose and champagne frosting on the side "wanna try it?"
"Sure? It looks weird..wait is there anything I'm allergic to?" (Okay I really really like the head cannon that Tomura is allergic to alot of things and I also head cannon that so yuh💅) "no I don't think so but you have your EpiPen right? If you eat something that I didn't know was in there then use that!" I grabbed up the tiny cake and split it "wanna try the frosting recommend for it?" He nodded I dipped it in the glob of frosting and gave it to him "it kinda looks gross, like like when toga made that horrible blood cake in the communal oven"
"Yeah.. but this isn't a blood cake it's a red velvet...so no blood" Tomura shoved it in his mouth "mmmm that one is good, but I'm hungry so probably everything would be good"
"Why didn't you eat yet?"
"Donno I just didn't" I gave him a cup of water "✨cleanse the pallet✨"
"Can I try that one?" He pointed to the angels food cake "mhm with what Frosting or filling?"
"The strawberry filling and... marshmallow frosting?"
"Okie!" I put the marshmallow and strawberry and gave some to him, he is actually so cute, he also changed alot alot more, I wouldn't say mature but he is more vocal about his emotions! And alot Better at saying thank you and saying love you, I loved him before but he's so much happyer looking and I love him even more "that one's good try it" he gave me some from his "ooo this one is good!" He smiled at me *big pleading eyes* I absolutely love his smile, like big scary villian, cute soft baby smile "that one is my favorite.."
"So far~ you've only tried two!" He's literally so damn cute, he moved and hugged me from behind "your gay~"
"Your gayer"
"Yeah but your marring me~"
".....shiiiitttt you right" he kissed me  ⁄(⁄ ⁄♡⁄ᴗ⁄♡⁄ ⁄)⁄ he's so cute love him "what that one?!" He pointed to alright yellow cake "banana cake with banana butter cream... Ewwwe! Bananas are gross!"
"Yeah...I don't like them, so it's a no go " he smiled and grabbed a shmoll coffee cake "this one is coffee.. with chocolate chips, this one is.. interesting? But not bad" miles smiled and tasted some "hmmm I don't like coffee but that one is good" Tomura nodded and grabbed a shmoll lemon cake "hmmm~ this one is good, it kinda tastes like that one think you made, the muffins"
"Lemon poppy seed?"
"Yeah, that!" The bluenette (I finally texted my hair) jumped up and hugged the taller looking up to his face "your cute~"
"Yeah, yeah but ... maybe not as much as you~" the engaged couple both blushed and Tomura patted the others back giving him a small kiss on his head (I dislike how short I am, but I'm fine with being short next to Tomura ╹ .̮ ╹, Tomura is not 5'9 he has to be atleast 5'11- 6'0) "luh you gay bitch"
"Like you aren't gay?"
"Yeah, but you are a gay blueberry"
"Now I'm blueberry? Cause I have blue hair?" Tomura nodded leaving bis head stacked on top of his fiancè's "I like that strawberry marshmallow one, we should have that one"
"Mmmm! Yeah that one is good. So the wedding is on October 31, so I'll tell the Baker, now we need to find our suits....fuck we'll have to do that in the next week"
"...""yeah the theme is dark red and black, so.. hmmmm how about I wear a black suit and you'll have a dark red one!" He smiled "we can get the cake shaped like all mights head and make it look like it got cut off~"

858 words

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