odd encounter (✨?)

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This is an AU, hero AU were I'm a hero in the Hawks agency :P

"Catboy, you need to go back out," Hawk's said finishing his chicken "and no more with the 'chicken strips', and having a chicken strips with lingerie on, on my desk"
"Pfft, sorry, so I'll just  be paroling today... again?"
"Yup, so get on that" he smiled and sent milo off, milo ran out of the agency
I was walking down the street so far, only 3 girls threatened me about 'getting "close" with Hawks' that significantly less than normal, but I have noticed a strange man following me around, he was taller and was wearing black jeans black hoodie and red shoes, "*keep an eye on red shoes guy*" I took a mental note I looked back and saw some of his hair "*blue curly shoulder length hair... I like his hair*" I took another mental note "*light blue curly hair,*" he was still following me, it was a little creepy but I can defend myself, if I need to fight I will fight. I walked into a convenience store, a couple fans asked for a autograph, I didn't see the guy in the store for a bit... Until I was getting my monster, he was there "oh great the green is at the top shelf" I. Couldn't. Reach. It, I was stretching up trying to grab my drink on my tippy toes "Fuck!" The guy looked at me and fuCKING LAUGHED, "I really hate to ask you this... But can you get me a green monster?" I asked him, he looked almost surprised and then hesitantly reached up and grabbed it and gave it to me... That when I got a good look at his face,"*SHIT SHIT HHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT, TATS TOMURA SHIGARAKI*" I tried to act natural "thank you!, And I l-love your hair" I smiled at him  "*he has a skin condition, scar's around lips and eyes, two large scares over left eye and right of mouth,a mole on left lower jaw next to mouth, red eyes... His eyes are really pretty NOPE HES A VILLIAN, okay, shoulder length light blue curly hair*" he smirked at me "I know you want to arrest me right now but your too scared" I stood there stunned. He started walking closer to me "come on I'm right here, why not just arrest me?" He was really close to my face, closer it's not that bad...NOOOO HES A VILLIAN I CANT THINK LIKE THAT, I still haven't said anything but I started to grab my handcuffs, he grabbed my neck only one finger lifted "actually, I wouldn't advise you move at all right now, unless you want to die" he started squeezing, god why did I have to have a choking kink ( ̄ヘ ̄) "hm~-"... I JUST DID THAT "what the fuck?" I was blushing from embarrassment "c-can you let go of my neck, I'll let you go, just please don't squeeze" I was not only asking for my life but also my embarrassment, he had a devilish grin "what~, like this" he squeezed "huhmp~" NO FUCK MY LIFE "I don't like hero's, but your interesting~"  I swear to God, Im going to throw myself off a building. He smirked and let go throwing something at me, it flouted down and onto the floor. I picked it up to see... My professional license "..this was in my back pocket this...whole..time" I checked every pocket "great,...no wallet or phone" I sighed and went up to the counter "Hello sir, I would like to inform you that a villian was recently spotted around here"
"Oh no, Should I close up the shop?"
"No sir, you don't have too, but expect more pro hero's around here" I smiled and left... I may have just shoplifted, but eh,
3rd POV
Tomura was walking down the alley counting the money "Hmm, 900$ in cash, and his phone" he turned on the phone "a password... It's password isn't it" he tried it... Nope "6942069... Yup, so transparent" he looked In the phone, turned off location and put in mute "hmm~, only one game, boring, the messenger 'big bird💅' I'm guessing that's hawks, 'endevwhore 🤮' pfft, doesn't like Endeavor huh 'touya😔👼🏻 RIP' guess he's dead  'bunny bitch 🤸🏾‍♂️🐰' idfk who that is...OH it's Mirko isn't  it" "hmm, pictures... OH FUCK" he opened the photo app only to be 'greeted' with nudes of Hawks and Catboy "I'm not opening that again... I'll go back to messages... It would be funny to add my phone number, I'll do that"
……..………………to be continued

800 words

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