status report (✨?)

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Dabi POV
God DAMNIT I have to see the bird for the reports "bye bitches if I don't come back in about three hours I'm dead" toga jumped at me "HOOOLLLLLDDDD OOOOONNNNNN, Tomura said you have to take someone with you today" FUCK MY LIFE "ugh fine, who's the least annoying" milo,,toga HELL NO,twice, isn't here, shig,no.... "Fuck,I'm going to regret this, MILO,YOUR COMING WITH ME" I yelled up stairs, he came stumbling down the stairs "hmm?were are we going... ARSON?!"
"No I need to get info from a... Bird man"
"Oh okay let me get dressed first" he ran back upstairs "why did you pick milo?" Toga asked "he's the least annoying-"
"But he teases you and Shiggy all the time,oh OH~ okay I'll leave " I was probably red, milo jumped down and landed on some of his cloud things he makes, "ready?," milo was wearing really ripped jeans a black band tee with striped long sleeve underneath fishnets underneath the jeans and his demonia's (ya know the ones with alot of buckles) and a choker with a feather on it. "Okay let's go"he went out the door "oh the back is cut out...coollll" (like just the shoulders)
About 30 minutes into the walk
Milo was shivering... Like alot "w-why is it ssssso ccccold" 
"It fucking winter,that's why" he got closer to me "your warm" he fucking grabbed my hand "w-what are you doing" I'm pretty sure I turned red I pulled my hand away "your warm and I'm cold Soooo I grabbed your hand" he looked up at me... He was still shorter than me even in those shoes I put my hand back down he held onto it again.  we kept walking
Just before they arrived
"Ok you need to behave, no fighting,no flirting and no wondering around, got it?"
"What if I don't do any of those things" my god this kid is stupid imma just kill him... No, Touya take a deep breath, you can do this "just don't" I dragged milo along into the old building "now he will be here soon, you'll probably hear him first" I let go of his hand and walked to the wall milo was walking around "HEY DABIII! LOOK AT THIS!" I slowly looked over and saw him with huge dark wings and he shot up into the rafters. "WASN'T THAT COOL!?" His screams were echoing "yeah, sure it was cool ,I guess" then bird brain showed up "heyyy dabii" I shot milo a look he seemed to get the hint and jumped behind hawks "HI" hawk jumped "HOLY SHIT... I feel like I know you" shit ... All three of us were in the same hero program... And those two were friends "hmm, I don't remem-TAMAKI!? YOUR STILL TALLER" milo stomped "amm, MILO THATS YOUR NAME," bird jumped "wait...WHY ARE YOU WITH DABI!?" Milo paused he looked over to me, I just shrugged "wereeeee dating?" I went hot "what the fuck" I wispered wile looking down "that more sounded like a question"  oh god why did he say that, buttttttt, I mean... No..., ."were not dating, he's just tagging along" I said looking up "then why did you say that? Also dabi are you good your lookin a lil red" hawks said "o-oh you put me on the spot and I'm an idiot so I said the first thing that popped into my mind"
"So you were thinking about dating me~" I leaned down I was face to face with him "ⁿ⁰" he was bright fuckin red I chuckled "alright tell me everything that is going on"
3rd POV
Hawks started talking about what is going on with the heros. Milo was walking around picking up random things and throwing them at the walls... Untill he missed the wall and hit a window "WHAT THE HELL?!" Dabi yelled "oh sorry" milo was looking down, and slightly bowing, hawks was looking as he walked away, milo was swinging his hips and his tail was slightly moving around "damn not going to lie, he got hot" hawks said looking to Dabi "yeah..." Dabi added still staring at Milo's butt, he could feel there eyes on him, he knew they were eye fucking him "take a picture it would last longer~" the other boys looked away and started talking again... But not about what they were supposed to, "sooo, is he dating anyone?"  Hawks asked glancing at the black and blue haired boy. "I donno I know he is a stripper thought"
"What?! I didn't expect that"  milo could hear them talking so when they were distracted he snuck up behind them. He extend his hand and touched there backs, "ngh~" dabi bit his lip holding back his moan, hawk's wings spread out and a few feathers flew around, they both looked behind them. "W-why the fuck did you do that" Dabi snarled "well you guys were talking about me 'being hot'" hawks turned around facing milo, Milo's eyes were glued to the bulge in his pants, dabi then turned around... And milos eyes were glued to his bulge, he couldn't look away "hey stop looking there" hawks said "you guys kept looking at my ass," milo was now looking hawks in the eye. Milo looked at Dabi "anyway, are you guys done I'm board"
"U-uh yeah, let's go" dabi said trying to hide his boner, milo started walking away but turned back "byee hawky~" and walked out

933 words

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