lost little hero~😩 🍰🍄🍰🍑🍡🍭☄️✨

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(I drew that)
This is an AU 😌 I'm a hero investigating the LOV

I finally found there base, I've stalked it for a good month, A man with patchwork skin, Twice, a blonde girl, a magician looking guy, lizard man and Tomura Shigaraki all live there. I was right next to a window "*looks like an old bedroom, old bed and desk but very dirty, the window, I checked my watch "*11:40 pm perfect.. it's hard to look through*" I stepped to the window and pressed my hands, cupping them and looking through them, trying to see anything. I pushed too hard... the window collapsed in, I fell on the floor, TOMURA SHIGARAKI AND PATCHES WERE IN THAT ROOM! FUCK, I quickly turned around onto my back pushing back with my feet "shit" I quietly hissed, staring wide eyed at them. my heart racing They snapped there gazes to me "how did you find here!" Patchy the pirate yelled lighting his hands on fire. Shigaraki leaned down to were I was and stomped on my chest making sure i can't move "huuf~" he knocked the breath out of me "who sent you" He leaned down pushing his foot farther to my neck "I asked you a question," I was stunned, I knew he was scary but holy shit this is a whole new level of scary, the way I can see his grin under the hand and his eyes squinted in an accusing way his hair framing his face and almost touching my face, I stayed silent, good thing the room was dark or else I would d i e. My face was hot, patches walked up and stopped besides Shigaraki, "what should we do with him" I'm guessing Shigaraki was smirking by the tone of his voice "let's wait and see" he still was stepping on my chest, making it hard to breath "p-leas let me go, I w-wont tell anyone were you are" I was trying to get his foot off of me, not wanting to use my Quirk on him, that would be embarrassing, but he's strong for that frame "don't struggle, it's no use" he spat out, he was kinda scary, he pressed his foot harder, I blushed turning my head to the side *"............why am I like this"* "dabi go lock the door" this 'dabi' guy locked the door and came back to were he was, "what now boss?" 'Dabi' smirked. My thoughts were racing "i-if you want i can give you information on hero's, and I can leave" I flinched waiting for something to happen "tsk tsk tsk" Shigaraki shook his head, he gave dabi a look, dabi knew what it meant from how his face contorted to a, lustful? Grin "he wants something more than that" I froze *"this can be one of two things, 1: he want to fuck, probably not 2: I'm going to die tonight*" he took the hand off *"OH NO*" My face went hot again, my red eyes darting to escape his gaze, I moved my hands to my face, but before i could they got pinned down (ya know when baku and deku fought in season 3 and baku pinned deku down, yeah it's that only he's choking me
😌🚬) Shigiraki was even closer to my face now, when he dropped down I could smell his cologne, it was intoxicating, maybe i was just used to hawks bathing in axe, but his was intoxicatingly (I like that words, so shut up) good. I looked to the side red faced and met the gaze of Dabi, he looked surprised "wow boss didn't know you could do that" he was wide eyed and staring, he looked at me and grinned, I blushed even harder looking the other way this is so embarrassing, "heh~" he moved his slender finger to my chin forcing me to look at him "if you try to move you'll be dust in a blink of an eye" he was honestly getting less scary to me, I stayed silent trying not to move "w-what do you want with me" it sounded like I was going to cry,I WASN'T >:(, okay maybe I did let out some tears "oh i just love the ones who cry~" he had a scary grin "damn i knew you were a psycho, but jesus christ" Shigaraki turned to him "yeah no shit" my lip trembled. I remembered that I have a voice recorder in my hero bag. I made some mist go back and turn it on, making it go up all the way so it can pick up even the smallest noise, I heard the small click and retracted the mist. Shigiraki leaned down to my ear "your one of the young hero's right?" I nodded "mhm" he smirked "how old are you again~?"
"1-19" I trembled, he hummed "dabi, what was it that you said, about 'the hero you want to fuck'" he raised an eyebrow, my face went hot and i was red,
3rd POV
Tomura put all of his body weight to pinning the hero down, dabi blushed at the statement and spoke up "looks like 'catboy' would be willing to do it~" he smirked as his eyes drifted to the hero. Miles stayed quiet blushing more every second, Tomura looked down sighing when dabi talked "if you do let me~, we'll let you goo~" miles looked to Dabi then back to Tomura, then back to Dabi"o-one condition, I get to pick who does it?" Tomura got off of miles, he quickly scrambled to the wall, pressing his back against it "so~, witch one~?" Dabi asked smirking and moving towards the scared hero, he crouched down next to him "*gags* u-u-ummmm" he was blushing, Tomura was looking bored and leaned on the wall across from the late teen, fidgeting with his fingers hoping BEGGING to not be picked, he didn't want to lose his V card to a hero "did you fucking gag?" The purple man sounded sad and stood up, "pick one Bitch" the fire user was pissed from the hero's response "u-u-u-u-uh-h-hhhhmmm i-i don't know" he tightly closed his legs and looked to the side, darting his eyes between both of the older men, trying to hide that he's really turned on "u-u-uhhmmm" dabi spoke up again "pick one~" miles blushed and looked down "t-tomura Shigiraki?" he immediately covered his face with his arms. Tomura looked confused as to why he got picked "didn't see that coming, but I can see you cumming~" dabi looked surprised "what the- boss I thought you would have no idea how to do this-" he was stunned *"fuck...I'll just replicate what I've seen in porn right? Yeah I'll do that? It won't be that hard, I've watched some hardcore porn that I think would be fun to replicate"* The now horny leader pushed off the wall, arms still crossed coming closer to the hero, Miles blushed heavily "l-lets get this o-over with" he was already aroused from earlier. Tomura leaned over the boy "ready bitch"
"I-i guess?" He grabbed miles wrist pulling him up and close to his face "this will be fun~" miles was a stuttering mess "u-u-uh-h-hhhh,... y-yeah" he smirked "you sure~ you look scared" his tone was dripping with confidence "I-I just want to get out" he looked away "so your giving me your consent?"
"Heh, didn't think you would even ask" he hissed poison oozing with each word "I may be a villian but I'm not that bad, I don't even want to do this I also want to leave"
"Hmp, yes I-i give you my c-consent" he was blushing again. Tomura smirked again and started unbuckling his belt and unbuttoning his black jeans "well are you just going to stare or strip, let's just get this over with" Miles almost forgot that he's a villian, he started quickly taking off his hero costumes Cloak, dabi was in the corner ".... Should I just leave..?" He sounded uncomfortable "unless you want to see your boss fucking then you should leave" miles blushed even harder, Dabi got up and tried the door "it's jammed" he locked and unlocked it, he tried shaking the door with all his strength, he sighed and sat back down, Tomura smirked and grabbed the heros face looking into his eyes "heh, Dabi's jealous~" he looked back at miles and leaned in quickly kissing him. Not really wanting to do this, but loved to see the other villian pissed The hero was shocked From his surprisingly soft lips, he expected them to be super rough, he kissed back basically forgetting he's a wanted villian wrapping his arms around his shoulder deepening the kiss softly moaning into it "your a good kisser~" his eyes were half lidded. His eyes suddenly widened as he just realized he KISSED Tomura Shigaraki and said HE WAS GOOD. Miles pushed that down and kissed him again pushing Tomura to the closest furniture straddling his waist "that was a full 180"
"I-IM just trying to get out" he pouted crossing his arms. "Heh~," he smirked and tilted his head and deeply kisses him "that got you to stop pouting, it's annoying" he kissed again. Miles grabbed onto his hair moving his hips slowly grinding he let out a couple low groans. Miles could feel him get hard, it was actually pretty hot, he kept grinding it was getting him even more hornier; Tomura moved his hands to 'catboys' waist, he tensed up and stopped moving "if I wanted to kill you I would've
already" dabi looked up from his phone clearly jealous, miles relaxed slightly as Tomura grabbed his lower back, making sure two fingers from each hand is up. The red head moaned starting to grinding harder, trying to get him to cum before anything else happens, Tomura pulled away looking at the blushing hero and tightly squeezed his ass "hm~" he covered his mouth and looked away. He smiled slightly and started kissing down 'catboys' neck Making him shudder and softly moan, he smirked agents his pale neck, slowly sucking giving love bites, and sucking for longer giving hickeys, the smaller's pale neck was littered with dark marks of purple and dark reds. The sadist villian bit down drawing a tiny bit of Blood "ahuh~" he tilted his head to the side. Tomura was leaving Hickeys e v e r y w h e r e "Hah~ haahh~" Tomura started to get way more horny. slipping his hand down catboys pants making him gasp, the horny leader moved his hands to the front ".....what the-... didn't exspect that" miles stayed still not moving or breathing "....cool?"
"..yeah just don't say anything girly.." Tomura started playing around, trying to find his member. Miles relaxed and calmed down *"why? Why did I even care if he cared I'm trans he's a villian, this is basically a one night stand and hopefully I won't need to look him in the eye after this"* miles shuddered "hmm~" The leader smirked as he slowly removed his hand, showing the embarrassed hero the cum (?) "wow~, your really wet~ my whole hand is wet" he shoved his wet digits back down the baggy jean like paints, almost immediately thrusting his middle finger in "ahh~" miles grabbed onto Tomura's shoulders and shivered "jesus your sensitive~" Tomura smirked shoving another finger in, making him blush and surprisingly moan out the leaders name "s-shigaraki~" the male in questions cock twitched he loved the why he moaned out his name. The shorter couldn't take anything else in him, "damn~ it a tight fit~" it felt like fireworks Everytime he hit the spot
"hmm~, hah~ ahh~ s-shit~" his breath was heavy, he hasn't fucked or jerked in a long time all of it has built up, catboy landed his head on the tallers shoulder biting his lip, closing one eye "f-fhuhck~". He lifted his head. Only moaning into the powder blue haired males ear, feeling embarrassed that another person was in the room "please~, p-leas please pl-eas-e j-just fuck me~" Tomura looked confused but obliged. "Just a couple of minutes ago you were on the floor crying in fear and now your beging me to fuck you~" He smirked grabbing his zipper slowly unzipping pulling his cock out, stroking it a couple times getting it fully hard "holy- t-that won't fit!" It was bigger than anything he had saw, it was atleast 12 inches, two thick veins ran down the side of his cock, the head was flushed with blood a nice rosy pink
Tomura smirked "I CANT TAKE THAT?! if you can't tell, I am small, tiny, petite if you will" he leaned to Tomura, "the biggest I've had was like 6"! That won't fit not even close to it, it it would rip it!" He immediately regretted what he said to him. Tomura grabbed his neck choking him, whispering in his ear (like near the lobe of ma ear and like on my neck) "so~? You take this slut~ Now take your pants off, or I dust them~" the dusty red haired hero was still very worried. Miles lust was almost overpowering, he blushed hard and threw his utility belt off, completely forgetting about the recorder, Tomura looked at him and dusted his shirt "hey! That was my hero outfit!"
"So?" He looked at the smaller's bare chest "heh~"and grabbed onto his pants dusting them as well "hawks themed boxers... really?" Dabi said looking at the flustered hero "they even got wings on the ass" milo blushed and hid his face with his hands, landing on Tomuras shoulder "I'm sure you want to keep these~" miles lifted his head and slowly slid them down "heh~, what do these little things do~" he ran a finger around the mist opening "ngh~, s-stoP IT" he shuddered and moaned "heh~ your super sensitive!~ such a fucking slut!~.hands and knees now" miles started softly purring unconsciously but was to anxious to move, freezing in place spacing out "you good? Why you frozen"
"Yeah....I'm good just kinda forgot what was happening"
"How the fuck did you forget what you were doing" the pro shook his head quickly "I donno..I just do that sometimes" dabi was on his phone just trying to drown out everything going on around him "okay, now like I said hands and knees~" he was getting impatient and pinned the shorter pro to the bed "I said hands and knees slut, don't disobey me, or you'll regret it~"
"J-just don't hurt me that bad.."
"Not unless you ask for it~"
"Okay, i don't know if your flirty or threatening me"
"You chose~" miles face dropped "that doesn't help at all Shigiraki" the leader smirked "so formal~ but of course I'm not helpful~"
"Your so difficult to talk too~"
"I Know I really am~" Tomura grabbed miles thighs roughly pushing them to the bed *"SHEEEEET all I have to do is put it in and thrust but like FUCK how long will I last will it be long what if it's too long to short what if I only last like 5 minutes?! How do I make him cum?! I've seen the guy playing...well rubbing the clit thing, itssss right above the opening, his just looks like a small penis"* "Ready for this~"
"U-uhmm sure" he was looking wide eyed at the c o c k as it got closer to his entrance *"oh fuck this will be painful I DIDN'T EVEN THINK DICKS COULD GET THAT BIG"*
*"Shit this fucking happing! FUCK"* slowly pushing In the head "f-fhuhck" the number 8 pro winced, feeling him slowly thrusting filling him up. "Hah~ shhiit~"
"Fuck~ your tight~" miles blushed harder, now feeling pain, his eyes pricked with SaLtY tears as the taller male Started pumping, it felt like it was ripping apart, and it almost was. His opening stretched out and small lacerations making him bleed gripping on the leaders wrists keeping his middle finger up, carful to not use his quirk "hah hah ah hah f-FFuck~i-it hurts"
Miles started breathing heavier softly moaning each time Tomura pumped in, crossing his eyes in pleasure "fuck right there~"
"Jeeze~ your voice is really slutty~" he started going a little bit faster. Miles breath hitched opening his mouth moaning louder than before "w-w-wait~ are you wearing a con-dom" his words were breathy, the villian didn't pullout "no? I didn't have one with me"
"Do you have any kind of STD?!!?"
"no, why do you?"
"Then your fine~" he kept thrusting, grunting "hah~ fuck..ING hell~ d-daddy faster please!~"
"WOAH DID I HEAR THAT RIGHT?" dabi snapped his head up eye wide "you called me daddy?~" the pro had wide eyes "s-shut up"
"Fucking slut, you call me daddy?~ how did it go from Shigiraki to daddy~?" how there was a fire in his eyes, the whitenette chuckled and started going faster than before, getting faster each slap of the nuts (AJSUDHB I DONNO WHY BUT I THINK THATS FUNNY💀) "HAHFUF~ fuuucckkkkk~ huh hah ahhfh~" he grabbed the sheets throwing his head back seeing dabi looking at him, "huff yess god~ hahf~" the stinky one stared back at the one getting fucked, keeping eye contact "w-whAHH~y are you stareing fuck~"
"It's pretty hard to ignore that someone is getting fucked infront of me" he sighed seeing his face change "HAhff~ mmm~" the smug leader grabbed miles pulling him, lifting his hips "fuck~ p-please~ right there!"
"Right there huh?~" Tomura moved ready to hit it at every thrust, only getting 6 inches in, halfway in; every thrust sending electric shocks through miles body "f-f-f-huuck~" Shigiraki tried pushing more In wanting to see how much he can get in, "ow ow ow ow ow!" Shigiraki didn't care he just grabbed his neck choking him, making his vision go black. Only to quickly release; going softer making miles moan, tears still streaming down his cheek "ow fuck that's hurting!"
"I don't fucking care you take all of me" the pros body shook as the villian thrusted up hitting IT directly, he was already getting closer, moaning louder, his mind went blank rolling his eyes, nothing else but pleasure could be felt "hah~ hmmfm~" dabi looked over at the two fucking, looking very confused it has been 30 minutes, he would've already finished how is the leader going this long? He hated it, he wanted to be the one that's fucking, not the younger leader, he's the oldest, he is the 25 year old virgin, not the 19-20 year old virgin, it's unfair, unfair unfair UNFAIR! He was pissed very pissed SUPER PISSED he kept watching seeing the pro getting relentlessly fucked infront of him *"I hate him I hate him I hate him I HATE HIM!, He actually promised if anyone of us are still a virgin by 23 we do it...well miles probably has no fuckin clue it's me"* Shigiraki hesitantly touched miles weiner making him gasp shuddering against the touch. Feeling him slowly rub cercles "shit"
"Heh~ you really are sensitive~"
"S-shut up hmmf~" he covered his mouth looking to the side still getting relentlessly pounded into trying to muffle any sound the purplenette made "I can still hear you~" Tomura smirked teasing the already embarrassed hero. Miles hair was getting jumbled and knotted matting down on his forehead "ahrff~ f-ucking hell" his eyes rolled back opening his mouth trying to not make any kind of noise; but failing, failing horribly he was a moaning mess. The dripping of blood and 'lubricant' making the sheets wet, light pink mess "Jesus fucking Crist~" Shigiraki groaned wanting to cum, but he couldn't "*why can't I cum?! I want to cum it's feeling so fuckin good but I can't cum? Shit"* the hero let out louder moans getting ready to cum, he was overwhelmed, he couldn't take it any longer everything was feeling good "f-fhuhck c-c-cUM~" he could barely speak, miles eyes went blank as the taller kept pounding it was painful, but so good "HAFH~AHB HA HAA~" he came "good boy~ such a good little slut~" the taller villian slowed down still with his hand on the shivering pros cock, softly circling his fingers on it. He was going crazy now; he can feel the younger clenching on his cock "fuck a-are we finished..?" Milo was breathing heavily wanting to leave, but he didn't even think he could stand at this point, it ached like hell "are we? I didn't cum yet~" the purplenette didn't even realize...he came but Shigiraki didn't..."it isn't finished until both partners cum~" the cat boy blushed not knowing this side of the villian until now "now be a good little pet and turn over~" dabi was getting more pissed by the minute, every thrust, every moan, every flirty word; he hated it, it was supposed to be him, not the boss! But he could only watch.
Tomura didn't pull out "B-but it hurts"
"I don't care~ you picked me~ right~?" "Turn over and ass up whore" miles couldn't move "I don't think I can move"
"I'll make you move" the villian leader grabbed the pro hero's waist turning him over, lifting his ass up to his L a r g e C o c k, Shigiraki guided it in, slowly pushing in the head.
The purplenettes face scrunched going more red "-uck~" the taller villian grinned gripping at the muscular pros ass using it as leverage pulling him closer getting his cock deeper in his opening already pounding in, Tomura looked at his fuck toy (my friend legit calls me 'tomuras fuck toy'.. so I call him 'hatsumis baby'💅🏻) spanking him a couple times "f-uc~ s-shigaraki right fuckin there"
"Tomura" the whitenette almost demanded that he would be called by his first name by the pro "t-tomura~ hafh~ ahhHH~ uhH~" the villians first name was foreign on his tounge but it wasn't bad; he knew the pro liked Moaning his name "fucking whore, you like moaning my name huh~" miles didn't respond just moans falling from his open mouth "well? You do don't you~ like the whiny little slut you are~"
"Fucking hell your dick is amazing Tomura~"
"Heh~ I know, just from the way your moaning it's pretty obvious you like it~" dabi looked up hearing the dirty talk, he hated it but; he couldn't lie, it was hot seeing the hero getting fucked right infront of him, but also a little weird sence he knew miles sence 10
years old "fuuuucccccckkkkkkk~" the strong villian groaned rolling his eyes and head Back getting closer "-ing hell your fucking tight. Well... probably not anymore~"
"Ahhuh~ f-ck t-t-"
"Say it say it slut!" Shigiraki pulled miles hair making him look at dabi "T-Tomura~ fuck AUHFH~" He couldn't keep a straight face He couldn't stop moaning "do you like it~" the number 8 could barely form a sentence "well~" the sadist slapped his ass digging his sharp nails into the soft skin "use your words~" he sped up trying to get a reaction "o-h~ f-f-f-eel --- g-oo-d~" his words were breathy and cut off by moans "hafh~ such a good little slut~ so fucking whorish" His breath was getting ragged and sharp "fucK such a good little pet~" he was getting closer, still pounding into him. dabi wanted to leave he hated seeing miles like that, actually he wanted to see him like that but by his hands, not the bosses; miles was crying, it hurt so much but it was like he was addicted to the feeling, pain and pleasure it was so fucking good but yet odd at the same time
his mind is blank it's all a fog of emotions, but couldn't help but moan, no one was able to do this to him, hawks was frankly a pussy around sex and inexperienced with everything the most he does is cum inside and doesn't let the other cum. "F-ck~ t-tomura f-f-uc don't stop!~" he had no clue what washed over him, but he was completely different he was willing to do anything for Tomura anything for his cock "heh~ such a whore~ your my whore now~" miles was supposed to be scared of the idea but he wasn't. Infact he liked the idea "hmfm~ HA-" his mind went numb looking over to the dusty clock on the desk "*1am, fuck~ this is feeling so good"* the pro couldn't help it, he wanted him, the villians cock he needed it, badly too "your such a whore!~" the shortest couldn't form a word, half jumbled curses and moans filled the room, and probably the whole base. Tomura slowed down feeling his orgasm bubbling up, he wasn't done yet, he wanted to see the pro fall apart, completely under HIS control, nothing else except him melting at his touch, teasing him more "H-harder~" the shy pro murmured hiding his face, his plea was heard. But only for Shigiraki to snap back "now now, can't have you cum too fast now can we? I want to hear you beg" his eyes widened; slowly moving back and forth, sliding the cock in and out of himself. Needing more and more, he was still in pain from the size, infact it was all setting in• The pain of rough sex but yet, he wanted more, alot more; it was shameful for a hero to want more of a villian but so far miles was shameless "ngh~ please please k-k-keep going~ fuck!~ I'm so close~" The taller leader was surprised "wow~ I'm surprised you used your words~"
"Plea-please right there~" the leader was full of himself, he was oozing confidence "hmm~ " Tomura Started going slow, sensually even didn't want to break him anytime soon. Miles reached out grabbing the old pillow burying his face is the cold fabric trying to cool his sweaty skin. Tomura caught his breath and started thrusting
Dabi POV
It's weird...miles looks so young- he looks at the most 14. Boss is one sick fuck, fucking someone who looks under age he still has his braces (lmao I had braces) it feels wrong wanting to fuck him, sure he's legal but he doesn't look "Ah! Fuck ~ t-tomura keep going~"
"You fucking whore~ you came here to capture me, not fuck me~" this is fucked I don't like Shigaraki Tomura, he will be damned if I don't fuck miles more than him. I will make him watch me ruin miles he won't forget this dick 
3rd POV
Shigiraki started going harder, gripping miles sides harder "fuck~" hot sticky cum was dripping down the pro's thigh everything was sticky now, the sheets, the mattress, tomuras pelvis and hands then... All of the leaders clothes; it was really smart to not move them from under the fucking area, the whitenette was getting close, super close "you will not clean up unless 'hawks' See's my work~" the bOtToM moaned. Shigaraki grabbed his hair making him look at him "got it?" His tone was firm and vaguely threatening "g-gngh~ got it" he couldn't keep it in any longer reaching over rubbing miles out of his orgasm the tighting of the hole pushed him over "fuck fuck fuCk fucK FUCK!~" cum, cum dripped out, even more of a mess "fuck... My ass hurts now, thanks"
"Your welcome" he smugly smiled seeing the damage he did pulling out his phone and taking multiple pictures "are you finally done?" Dabi looked up from his phone the number 8 pro softly nodded looking away from the villain "c-can I go n-noww?" His breath was heavy and warm "sure~ but it's" he looked at the clock "3 am and you have no clothes"
"Damnit" shigaraki kicked open the door (lol this is like right before re destro kidnapped grian) "there Dabi, leave" he quickly left going to the bathroom, promptly vomiting "did you have to ruin my clothes?"
"Yup" the villain pulled out some tissue throwing it at the ruined hero "clean yourself up" and left the room; closing the door "*I'm hurting and tired, this bed is cold... And wet, ew"* miles tried to get up but only collapsed in pain and weak knees "fuck... How am I going to get to my house?" The door opened shigaraki emerging from the light hallway "your fucking lucky, twice is making me give you clothes.." the older male threw a soft cotton hoodie at him, followed by warm sweat pants "t-thanks ^^ " twice popped his head in, looking at the youngest "boss isn't that bad!" And quickly ran off "ya know...I'm still gonna have to turn you in" he rolled his eyes "even though you were calling my name? Calling me daddy and moaning?" The red head's face turned bright red, almost as bright as his hair "just put on the fucking clothes~" the late teen couldn't help it "fine... I won't tell them were you guys are, but won't stop them if they find you"
"Good boy~" he put on the leaders clothes, the cotton almost completely engulfing his pale body. Tomura leaned against the doorway pulling out his phone taking another picture " I could totally ruin your hero career~"
"Huh?" Tomura reached his phone out showing the pictures "and you have that audio~" miles eyes widened frantically looking around for the tape recorder only to see the leader holding it "fine! I will stop the other heros...is it okay if I sleep here? It's really late and I don't think I can move without being in pain..." He thought "this is my room~" the younger blushed "... ... ...can I sleep in a spare room?"
"We don't have spare rooms" he thought long and hard "you can sleep with Dabi, twice or me" he was still thinking "...can I sleep with you..?" Miles was quiet not looking him in his eye "what you want to 'cuddle' too?"
"MAYBE" he laughed "fine just sleep" miles took off the sheet and moist thin blanket Curling up in the warm hoodie quickly falling asleep already purring. Hours later, tomura was still in the room, sitting on the couch watching the pros phone blow up with calls and notifications "geeze... doesn't his employer ever shut up?" He grabbed the phone "shit- face code"  turned it to miles "please unlock..."  The phone unlocked Right as another call ringed through, he picked up "miles what the hell? You said we'll be fucking... What's up with you?"
"This isn't 'miles' and I don't think he wants to fuck anytime soon~ " hawks grunted "who is this"
"Your worst nightmare~ miles is on me right now so... Ive ruined him~ he won't want you anymore~" tomura muted and quickly got on his bed, scooting miles on him "WHAT? WHO IS THIS!?" Shigaraki smirked "like I said, someone you wish to be~" and hung up snapping pictures as his phone blew up. Then adding himself on miles snap "there~ hook up the wifi~ boom and send" sending all the pictures of the younger over, then saved and resent to Mr number 2 hero
Me: I ruined your 'boyfriend'

Hawky:who are you

Me: pictures of moi literally fucked af and then one of me on Tomura's chest, showing only his chin and hair, and smug af grin

Hawky: you'll get punished, he would never agree to fuck someone other than me

Me: well it seem he would much rather fuck a villain than you ;)
He shut off miles phone putting it on mute "* why did I have to put him on me..."* The whitenette pushed the red head off "good~ now it's 6~ wake your ass up" the pro stirred up "hmm? Just a bit longer...".
"Hawks keeps Texting you it's quite annoying" the younger shot up grabbing his phone seeing the massages between the hero and villain "fuck..." He blushed seeing the one of him on Tomura's chest  "fuck, now I'm going to explain exactly what happened, including the tape" he pouted while sighing "your so mean!"
"Well yeah I am a killer for a living~" "anyways when are you leaving? Yesterday you were begging to leave now you just hanging around" miles got up stumbling a bit "I'll leave now..give me my recorder" the older smirked "why? I think I'll keep it~ or give it to hawks myself"  the pro deadpanned, wanting to slap a bitch. He threw his phone, as another call ran though. And tomura promptly pick it up, answering the call "STOP ITTTT". The youngest yelled out grabbing at his phone "YOUR GONN-NNA GET ME FIRED!"
"Good, one less hero to deal with~" the stronger put the phone to his ear, listening  to the dirty blonde talk on and on about how he's going to pay for this, kidnapping and r*pe? Unforgivable!
"My guy... He wanted to fuck, I'll give you audio evidence~" miles snatched the phone away "bye hawks see you this afternoon~" and quickly hung up "I'll be leaving, and....I can give you the clothes back as soon as I can..?"
"Just keep them kid I didn't want then anyways, fucking twice made me give you clothes" he did finger gun and got up "I'll just go then, it was a good fuck thought" and he jumped back out the window

5647 words  :)

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