streaming is fun😀✨

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Tomura was streaming some game he had, surprisingly he was quite popular, most of it is people who like the league but doesn't know it was the real leader but thought he was a cosplayer who was very convincing "chat... No I will not rail you, I'm not your 'daddy' I don't have kids, gamerfrog i do have *idk PC part or sum shit* and I would recommend it, i- why do you want to know if I do drugs?" He didn't like talking to the chat but that's how he gets money "chat please stop calling me daddy I'm not your father and we aren't dating so shut it with that" honestly he didn't know people liked him that much they would openly comment that on a "cosplayers" stream. He was contemplating turning off the chat "BABBBEE" Tomura didn't respond, he knew only him and miles were at the base "ARE YOU IN YOUR ROOM?"  he looked over to his door "chat...I'm not telling you who that is, bruh xXprettygirlXx your 13 and you will not kill someone if there dateing me, your not a psycho it's past your bedtime go to sleep before your guardian finds you" he was done dealing with 13 year olds thirsting over him. The door opened and a soft voice spoke "there you are bups♡" Tomura looked over his shoulder seeing his very gay boyfriend walking up "hey~ chat! Shut up about me being 'daddy' or you edgy 13 year olds talking about murdering of my partner, you don't even know if I have one!!" Miles wrapped his arms around the streaming boy, whispering "baby can we cuddle later?" Unknowingly  right next to his mic, he nodded "what are you playing?" Tomura moved the mic away from his face "dark souls" (idk😭 I just looked up popular RPG games cause in the anime he says something about RPG games) "is it fun?" The gamer nodded "my chat keeps calling me daddy.. it's kinda uncomfortable"
"Imma fight people ^^ what's there usernames?" The chat was now blowing up with lots of questions "I wanna cuddle.. can we cuddle later?" Tomura sighed "why?"
"Cause.. it gives me comfort from my days filled with anxiety and sadsshe sighed again "fine..but you owe me"
".... .....can we cuddle now..?"
"I'm littiraly streaming?" He slipped the head set back on leaving an ear exposed "okay and? I wanna cuddle youuu..please?" Miles was hanging on his lovers neck burying his face in the white haired boys soft curls, softly purring at the touch "bitch- why are you purring so loudly?"
"Mmmmmmmmmm cause I barely do it anyways but only when I...m c-comfortable" he covers his face with his boyfriends hair blushing alot "your cute when your blushing~.. fine you can...'cuddle'" he grabbed his boyfriends waist pulling him closer and in his lap "stream this is my.. partner" the chat was exsplodeing with different question and the handful of 'wait why he look like that one villian?' and some misgendering him "I'll awnser 5 questions, as long as it's appropriate! If it is sexulizing I'll ban you" the almost blonde cuddled up closer (I need to redye my hair soon) "can I awnser 2? Or 3? Like half of them"
"Of course~, okay... xXgamergirlXx.. didn't I tell you to go to bed it's past your bedtime but your question is...what is your sexuality and is your partner a boy?"
"Yes...I am a boy..." Tomura wrapped his arm around his boyfriend "I'm bi, suck it nerds I have twice the options...or pan I don't really know" miles kithed Tomuras jawline laying his head on the leaders shoulder "next question.. blowingup_mygirlfriend, how long has you been dating?" He looked at his boyfriend "a year? I think"
"Yeah I would say about a year or atleast 11 months, next question, that one is sexual and so is that one, and that one, okay I've baned atleast 20 people". He typed out a very public pinned comment 'NO SEXULIZING, WE DON'T NEED TO SHARE OUR SEX LIFE' "okay... this one, I hate all of you equally, and the bar is on the floor but this person I loathe, ~keys~ asked 'is that 'boyfriend' a T slur you fucking f slur' ONE! If you Are homophobic, transphobic or racist get the fuck out, first off I am a person of color? I think that's what it's called, I'm asian specifically japanese, second I'm LGBT! And so is most of my friends, sure I'm mostly straight but I still like guys, I'm literally dating a guy, TWO! don't EVER say those words, AND THREE I hate you more than myself, and that's alot. So you're baned and reported fuck off"
(I feel like he has absolutely no tolrence with any of that shit) "yeah asshole fuck off ^ᴗ^ maybe die, homophobes don't deserve life~"
"Your so hot when you say that~"
"Really babe~"
"Yeah, ofcourse sexy" the cat boy smiled, blushing, tightly closing his legs "of course I am~" he slightly moaned at the end of the sentence
"Okay chat I'm ending the stream" the leader ended the stream "let's fuck~"

869 words

🐸🕹️ :🍄🎮

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