a small child?

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There is some ✨ at the end

Tomura POV
God I had to go out... A new part to my game came out... I was 'lurking' in the alleyways, I wasn't very far from the bar but far enough to not see it... God I hate everyone here, if only milo-NO I HAVE A JOB TO DO NO THINKING OF HIM,I was snapped out of my thoughts when then this child ran into  me "u-um mister?" It grabbed my pant leg... It seemed scared "what?"
"C-cann you he-help me, I need to get away from him" god this child reminds me of Tenko Shimura (myself if you don't know) "yeah sure" then this kids, I'm guessing, Quirk activated "n-nO GO DON'T GET HIT WITH IT" he screamed... I got hit with it "i-im s-s-sorry, it won't wear off anytime soon" he ran away... Great. I looked at myself, FUCK I was a kid my hair was black again, I don't remember being this small. my recent memories were fading "I don't want to be teNKO SHIMURA NOW" I passed out

' Tenkos POV '
I woke up in an alley "what? last thing I remember was father hitting me... and then me going to sleep... OH Hana was with me playing hero... That won't egxsplan this" I got up my clothes were huge now, black jeans and a black hoodie were under me ...IM NOT WEARING UNDERWEAR, I lifted the hoodie just enough so it won't drag "OH I remember a old.. bar thing, maybe if I go there it will help me" I remember the place like I have been there before so I ran the direction I remember. i got to the old door I knocked, nothing so I tried to open it "this is heavy" then a tall scary guy opened the door he didn't even look at me "yeah yeah, crazy I know" he almost stepped on me "EPP-" he looked down.. he was creepy he was A ZOMBIE "what the fuck?" I need to go he might hurt me I tried to run away but he picked me up "N-NO DON'T HURT ME" I was hitting his arms trying to get him to let go, I was squirming and then I started crying... I don't like crying "n-n-no don't hurt me, please" I was crying hard "I'm probably not going to hurt you kid so shut it"... PROBABLY!? The man stepped into a bar... I remember here, and he set me down on a stool "how did you find here" I stayed quiet I was still crying "not going to talk huh?" He stood up and raised his hand (THIS IS NOT IMPLYING DABI WOULD HIT A KID, JUST HE RAISED HIS HAND TO SCRATCH HIS HEAD OR SUMthing), no no nonononono he reminds me of father,
3rd POV
Tenko started shaking and crying repeating "no don't hurt me" he was backing into the counter "kid calm down, I'm not going to hurt you" Kurogiri walked back in "who is that... Dabi, is that your child?" He asked calmly, Dabi snapped his head over "HELL NO MY PULL OUT GAME IS WAY TOO STRONG" Tenko was still crying even louder now "alright little one, what is your name?" Kurogiri asked as nicely as he can "t-tenko" he was sniffling and rubbing his eyes "Tenko Shimura?" Kurogiri asked confused "how did you know my full name?" Dabi was confused. Kurogiri cleared his throat "that" he pointed to Tenko "is Tomura Shigaraki, but as a kid". Toga walked in "hi- WHY IS THERE A KID HERE," DABI IS IT YOURS?!?!" Tenko flinched and almost fell off "NO that's Shigiraki, his dumb ass got turned into a kid"
"Why does he have black hair, he has blue?"
"Like I know!" Dabi hissed "his hair changed color over time, from black to light blue"
Tenko POV
I do not like these people, I only have slight memories of a black and I think red hair shorter one with cat ears and tail, I need to find that one, the other three were talking about a Tomura Shigaraki guy (⁶⁶⁶ words) and pointing at me, I looked around trying to find the cat one so far... No one, I looked at the door as someone entered. THE CAT!  I smiled and jumped off the stool, yes this one :)
3rd POV
Tenko jumped off the stool a big smile on his face and ran twords Milo, Milo crouched down to get something only to be tackled by a small almost wight less child "what the-" he almost fell back "umm hi? Who is this?" He looked up holding onto the small boy "that is Tomura Shigaraki" Kurogiri announced Tenko was holding onto Milos neck burying his head into the nook of his neck "why is he like this?" Milo asked confused "we don't know he just showed up as a child and hasn't said anything about how he turned into a child" he tried to get up but Tenko wouldn't let go "Tomura... Can you let me go?" He asked "I'm not... Tomura"
"Ok what is your name?"
"Im TENKO" he smiled:) "um okay" "ok, do you remember any of us?"
"No, I can only remember someone who looked like you"
"Do you remember my name?"
"No, only last night, with father and Hana, and then I woke up in an alley way" Milo looked at the other three confused "umm okay, let's first get you some clothes that fit you" milo stood up and grabbed Tenkos small hand. "Okay so I don't think Tomura has any clothes that fit him properly let alone clothes smaller than an X-L so... What should I put him in?" Kurogiri warped something onto the bar counter "you can put him in this" he picked up the blue shirt and black jeans "alright Tenko can you go into the bathroom and put these on?" Tenko nodded and went into the bathroom.
"Do you expect me to take care of him!?" Dabi smirked "well sweet cheeks he's scared of me, and Toga... Is toga and kurogiri is busy, so your up, and he trusts you"
"Hey what's that supposed to mean!?" Toga screeched "exactly as you take it" Dabi walked out as Tenko Walked back in and went to milo making grabby hands "oh my fucking God he's so cute" Toga squealed. Milo picked him up "okay  what do you want to do?" Tenko thought "can we play?"
"Alright what do you want to play?"
"Can we play h-heros?" Milo  exchanged a confused and concerned look with toga "s-s-s-sure"  he set Tenko down "ok h-h-how ddo you play?" Tenko jumped up with a huge smile "I GET TO SAVE YOU!:)"
"From who?"
"Villains, you have been caught by a villian and I get to save you"
"Ok... Kinda like hide and seek?"
"Do you want to be a hero when you grow up" toga asked "YEAH, why wouldn't I, there so cool, they save people... But I don't have my Quirk yet... and father doesn't like hero's" toga was wide eyed exchanging looks of surprise with Milo "you can be whatever you want when you grow up?" he sounded unsure of what he was saying, "alright bud lest go play" Tenko jumped up "I never get to play hero's!, exsept in secret" he skipped off "ready?"
"Yup start counting" toga grabbed milo "you are being kidnapped, hehehehe" and dragged him away "nooooo, Tenko save me, hahehe"
1 hour later
We have been playing this game for so long, and Tenko doesn't even look tired "Mr, Milo are you okay?"
"Oh, yeah just tired, how about we watch some TV?"  He nodded and got onto the couch, I sat next to him and turned it on... That's when Dabi came back, he was noticably high, Tenko seemed to notice him and scooted closer to me. He seemed scared of Dabi "Tenko it's ok, he's not that scary if you get to know him" he nodded slowly his eyes were teary "I can introduce you to him" he hesitantly nodded "ok, hey Dabi can you come here?" He looked over "what do you need"
"Can you introduce yourself to Tenko?"
"Because, he had meet everyone else here at the moment, and all he knows about you is 'scary zombie man' "
"Ugh, fine" "my name's Dabi, I have a fire Quirk, it's called Cremation... I commit arson on my free time and kill people" he smiled
Tenko looked at me "w-whats arson?"
"Umm, setting things on fire, it's illegal" Tenko looked at Dabi "I hope a hero will stop you, it's not ok to set things on fire, or hurt pepol" dabi looked confused "what?"
"He wants to be a hero, well... He wanted too"
"Can't wait until you realize your a well known vill-" I cut him off "OKAY, what do you want to watch?" Tenko just shrugged "ok, how about cooking show?" He nodded
After 3 hours of watching TV
"Alright Tenko time to get to bed"
"Aww, ok" I picked him up and carried him to my room "do you want to sleep in your own bed,or share with me?"
"U-um can I share with you?"
Oh my fucking God he's so CUTE "sure" I set him down on my bed and I took off my shoes and sat down. He was already asleep "*how the hell is he so cute, he's a murderer*" I got into bef and fell asleep
________in the morning_____________
I yawned and woke up... But I couldn't move, a pair of arms were wrapped around my waist... Definitely not Tenkos "*he turned back*' I smiled.... But then I saw the clothe ripped up, I lifted the blanket, "*AHH SHIT HE NAKED*" I tried to get up but he is surprisingly strong "Tomura, can you let me go?" He just shifted in his sleep "Tomura" I poked him "hmm?" He slowly opened his eyes "good morning sleepy head" I smiled "Hmpf, let me sl-eep"he yawned and buried his head into my back "bubbas, get up, your naked" 
"So? You've slept with me naked, let me sleep"
"Can you at least let me go" he mumbled something and slowly unwrapped his arms  and pulled the blanket up, "heh" I kith kithed his head and went to get him clothes

1751 words


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