stupid face

15 1 0

Dumbass💥💢: listen here bitch

🔪 my man🥺: what? Did I do something


Dumbass 💥💢:  >:(

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Dumbass 💥💢:  >:(

🔪my man🥺: your mad beacuse you want a kiss?

Dumbass 💥💢: you better fuckin get over here >:(
Dumbass 💥💢:and snacks with the monsters 😠

🔪my man 🥺: WHY ARE YOU MAD?!

Dumbass 💥💢: you ignored me, and you haven't kissed me scenes i kissed you this morning  >:(

🔪my man🥺:okay?

Dumbass 💥💢: if you want i can just go to dabi😠...but he's stinky yeah I wouldn't go to him

🔪my man 🥺: fine, I'm coming to your room

Dumbass 💥💢: good🥺
Dumbass 💥💢: luv u🥺💖

🔪my man 🥺:jeeze 180⁰


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