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A lot of new people joined the league. Only the core, toga, twice, Dabi, compress, spinner, Tomura and me know that me and Tomura are dating so that's fun.
This k i d came up to me. . . He's probably older than me

*Place holder*: hey babygirl~"

Miles:uhh I'm a guy- but aren't you the only other american?

*Place holder*: yeah, I'm bruce
Bruce held his hand out for a hand shake

Miles: oh sorry I don't do hand shakes, my Quirk makes it hard and I don't know what your quirk is

Bruce: oh that's fine baby~

Miles: I'm not your 'baby'.
He said in a cold tone giving him a death glare

Bruce: but your cute~ can't contain myself~

Miles: stop. I have a boyfriend

Bruce: he won't know~ and~ I don't think he deserves a girl like you~"

Miles: again I'm a boy- and no!
The blonde wiped his eyes

Bruce: why~? I'll make you feel so good~

Miles gagged
Miles: ew-

Bruce:that was mean~, being mean doesn't suit a girl like you~

Miles: uh- like I keep saying I'm a boy

Bruce rolled his eyes and leaned on the counter next to the cat boy

Bruce: your 'boyfriend' is pretty lucky~ unless your lying. playing hard to get~
He winked licking his lips

Miles: b-back the fuck up

Bruce: c'mon kitten~ can I have a small kiss?

Miles: like I keep saying. I have. a. boyfriend! Back up! Or your DEAD!

Bruce: jeeze girl calm down, what~ need stress relief~?


Bruce: hmmm~ how would you like it if I brought you to my house and eat you up untill your convoluting with pleasure~

Miles: EW!
He backed up with a discusted face

Bruce: come on~ I'll make you feel so good~ you'll be addicted to my touch

Miles: only one man is aloud to make me feel good

Bruce:hmm~ I'll make it two~

Miles:ew- just stop or I will call to- my boyfriend~ over

Bruce: he won't do shit~ I'm a alpha male~ he's probably a beta cuck
(Nice guy has entered the chat)

Miles: yeah no-

Bruce: so let's get out of here babygirl~ I'll make sure you submit to me~

Miles: yeah- I only have one Dom and it ain't you

Bruce: my Quirk is better~

Miles: oh yeah? What is it

Bruce: instant control~ if I touch someone's hand I can control someone~ you tried to control me earlier?

Bruce: and~ I will leave you begging for more

Miles: yeah I don't want your two inches

Bruce: it's far from two~ how's 10 for you~

Miles: doubt that
The shorter looked anywhere but Bruce's blue eyes, looking to the door hoping anyone from the 'original' league

Bruce: but I know how to treat a lady~ I'll leave you gasping~ just give me a chance

Miles: my boyfriend wouldnt like that, he's a pretty big deal

Bruce: the most he is a low level thug. Unlike me~ I know the leader personally~ infact were friends~
Miles covered his mouth and giggled

Miles: do you~

Bruce: yeah babe~

Miles: don't call me babe. And if you are friends with him, so you know his full name?

Bruce: obviously, it's Shigaraki Tomura, so who's your boyfriend~

Miles: as you SHOULD know I'm part of the original league of villians~ so I say guess

Bruce: I can care less about who it is~ you'll be mine soon~
Tomura entered the room, seeing everything going on, miles looked relieved and softly blushed, tuning out bruce

Bruce: so come on babe~ be M Y girl and leave the loser your with~ I see your blushing~~~
The leader walked up behind bruce

Tomura: what is going on here?
He turned around

Bruce: nothing, just trying to get this hot piece to come home~ you kinda ruined it

Tomura:oh~ sorry
He was being sarcastic, the taller went behind milo

Miles: hello
Milo smirked

Bruce: so c'mon~ I'll make your tight *nasty word >:(* *fem word for cumming*

Miles: that's gross and like I keep saying,I M A B O Y!
Tomura smirked and snaked his bandaged arm around miles waist

Bruce: hey dude! Get your hands off my girl!

Tomura:oh~ I didn't realize
He was being 'mean' and removed his hand, keeping one on his ass

Miles : I keep saying I have a boyfriend, and it's not you
The bluenette smirked wrapping his arms around again pulling miles closer

Bruce: what? This loser? He definitely doesn't deserve you~ I bet he can't even satisfy you with his pathetic two inches

Miles: I thought you knew the leader
He fake pouted

Bruce: i- I DO!

miles: oh? Then why are you calling him a loser?

Tomura removed 'father' and deeply kisses miles

Tomura: you were saying? You know the leader?

Bruce: I do you creepy freak

Tomura: I didn't realize you insulted your 'friend'

Bruce's face dropped, he quickly turned around running off
"Heh~ that guy's was creepy" miles giggled wrapping his arms around the leaders neck kissing him "he's has the audacity to say we're friends too~"

855 words

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