a fanfic ✨

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✨🥁Hero au 🥁✨ this is because I've seen videos of youtubers reading fanfictions of them (hero me lives with Tomura and Dabi✌️)

Me:hey kids welcome to this horrid video
The pro greeted his fan base staring straght at the camera

Me:as you can see I have the..."wonderful" pro dust

Tomu:...oh, hi

Me:alot of people have been sending me links of fanfictions of me ... because I asked what I should look at
He sighed heavily looking at the livestream chat

Me:i- miloisdaddy is asking if dabi is here. I think so

Tomu:that's an interesting name

Me:whore had sent a link and said "please read this I totally didn't write it"what do you think Tenko?

Tomu:sure, we read this one then I pick one

Me: fine by me
Milo opened up the link and read aloud the name

Me: ~Unexpected surprise~ smut oneshotcollection, 1, you need a space 2, I'm not looking forward for this

Tomu:okay... Interesting already, wait-
He pointed to the screen pointing out a crucial part

The two were laughing hysterically  falling back on the couch

Me:heh- okay I'll read the first story- THERES 90 PART?!

Tomu: jeez- okay
Milo took a deep breath and pulled up the story

Me: number 1, "not that bad" a smut
Oh god have mercy
Me:the small- I'm not small- pro walked into his shared kitchen yawning as he had just woken up. ...I'm kinda pissed that I'm described as small

Tomu:hah! Small bitch

Me:STFU, moving on
Me: he had just woken up a few minutes ago looking at the clock  and whispered to himself "oh fuck off it's 9am", they get how much I curse, the blue haired male rounder the corner, this is when I had the Blue hair huh, well update it I'm a purple bitch now

Tomu:bruh- this FiC is slow when am I coming in

Me: don't get your panties in a twist I'm sure you'll come in soon dipshoot

Tomu: just keep reading

Me:oKaY, he rounded the corner only to be met by a half naked Shimura, *jokingly gags* TOP HALF OR BOTTOM?!?

Tomu: I say bottom, your just met with my cock at 9am
They laughed the chat going wild

Me:he wasn't wearing his shirt-

Tomu:aww I wanted to see how they would describe my dick

Me:shush, milos ruby orbs quickly shot down to the tile floor "g-good morning T-enko" he was still looking down, he didn't want to see his CRUSH! WHAT?! WHY WE GOING SO FAST ALL OF A SUDDEN

Miles sighed and started reading again

Me: "good morning Milo" the taller  turned around showing his chiseled abs and pecks,. ..this is uncomfortable
Me:his shoulder length baby blue hair was measly in a bun, half falling out a few lose curls infront of his face. Milo blushed "f-fuck he's hot in just want him to fuck me till I cry-" he thought looking up- okay what?
The purplenette was blushing and looked at the other male
Me:what are your thoughts

Tomura: I like how utterly stupid this is 10/10 also when is the fun parts coming in

Me: I think in the next paragraph. The bluenette wondered over to the blushing boy "want something to eat~" the boy blushed harder getting slightly aroused. Hold on why am i getting a hard on by you asking if I want breakfast?

Tomu: this just in, milo has a breakfast kink

he grabbed a throw pillow and threw it at Tomura

Tomu:HeY! can I read some?

Me: sure
Tomura chuckled and grabbed the computer

Tomu: the taller male smiled and started making eggs, and it has parentheses (I'm america so I barely know any japanese food so have eggs) okay guess we're having eggs
Tomu:it seems like I have no clue your busting a nut over eggs

Me:guess so

Tomu: again in parentheses (after breakfast, I'm lazy) and a little emoticon

Me: you sound like a boomer keep reading I want the smut

Tomu: okay jeez- the shorter was stuffed,the eggs were so good he let out a moan in satisfaction. POV CHANGE

Me:who's pov?! This is getting exsiting

Tomu: my POV, I had been non-stop looking at catboys ass, he was wearing tight short shorts and a loose tee god I might bust- okay I would never say 'bust' I would say cum or nut I think I've only said bust unironically like ...10 times,
He started laughing

Me: okay hahehe, I'm going to read some. I don't think I can take it I just have to fuck him his tight litTLE ASS NEEDS TO BE DESTROYED- WHAT THE FUCK?
he started laughing too falling back to the couch

Tomu:oh my god- this is going fast. It was like my body moved on it's own ask I speed walked to him, and grabbed his waist pulling him closer and deeply kissing him- i- o-okay
The duo blushed at the same time looking at each other and blushed harder seeing the other blush

Me:Im kissing him, Im actually kissing him!

Tomu: hah! Keep reading this is getting good

Me: I was shocked he didn't give me gay or bi vibes, I started kissing back closing my eyes grabbing his face....i- okay guess we're kissing
Me: another POV change writer's POV, the dominant- YOUR DESCRIBED AS THE DOMINANT ONE, I-💀
The two started dieing of laughter, miles fell on Tomuras shoulder . The chat spamming "OMG THE SHIP" and "DUSTBOYYY" and the all time favorite "THEY'RE SO CUTE😍" and the random simping comments on Milo and Tenko

Me: oh my god- the domanent grabbed milos hips  pushing him to the counter, lifting him up and pulled away "fuck~" the stronger- if it isn't me- I'm actually slightly stronger than Tenko I think

Tomu: I don't know I have been working out more

Me:you have BUT I have a cooler quirk

Tomu: yeah, it's alot more versatile

Me:EN WAYS let's continue, the stronger gasped from shock and immediately blushed at number 3. "W-what was that for?!"
" I don't know~ for fun"
Me: okay this is a little rapey, this is for all viewers 👏CONSENT👏 CONSENT👏CONSENT👏 you need consent for anything remotely sexual, no matter if it's hand holding or blow jobs you need verbal consent.
Tomura nodded in agreement

Me: now that that is put of the way let's continue, Tenko? Wanna read some

Tomu:yes, Tenko grabbed miles shirt pulling him into another heated kiss, "o-oh I might have sex right now!" The submissive thought kissing back, the wet mussels fighting for domanance.... That made me uncomfortable.. it is really rapey, and I wouldn't do that without consent and hearing my name do that makes me feel gross

Me: do you want to stop for a bit?
He nodded slightly with a very very uncomfortable look

Me: okay we are going to pause the live for a bit and look for a less rapey fic and if not we'll do something else

1202 words

✨Part two✨

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