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Dabi POV
God...I need to jack off I'm so horny and I haven't had enough time to ether fuck or jerk off in like months, pornhub here I cum "heh, literally" I grabbed my head phones and pulled up the good 'ol PH "*what should I watch... Probably my normal stuff*" I searched up 'loud bottom gets destroyed' this better work i pulled up a video
After watching so many videos
This. Isn't. Working. What do I need to do to cum? Like god damm... I can't believe I'm going to do this, I pulled up my contacts and dialed in a number
* Ring ring*
* Ring ring*
*Ring ri-*
'da-bi? Do you need something'
'no I was just board'
he laughed "*oh God his laugh is cute*"
'so  do you want to talk about something?'
'anything really' I was smiling alot
'I could tell you about this thing I'm drawing'
'wait, you draw?'
'yeah, I draw alot, ether it's an ns-fw thing or a sfw, I just draw whatever's on my mind'
'you draw nsfw!?'
'yeah I don't have to worry about clothes,heh haha' he laughed... Okay NOW IM HARD?!
'okay then, tell me about that'
'okay, so right now I'm working on an nsfw pice of someone suc-hu~-king a dick, but I don't know who the two should be'
'well, you can make it like , a real person or someone you made up. Hell you can draw me~'
' I don't think my pen size can get that small'.... Well that unlocked something
'hmm~, still it could help with drawing Burns'
'okay, so who's dick would you be willing to suck?... Im just kidding'
'hmm,you can always draw yourself~'
'ugh, not with your small pp'.... I think I found my new kink
'but... Okay~, you just want to hear me go "ahh~Da-bi~ fasTER~" don't you'
'... I mean i-f your willing' god damn that was hot,, and of course my breath had to hitch as I was talking
'heh, of course you do~ but, with my drawing, right not it's at the sketching stage, so it's just a rough sketch, and they look like under developed peanuts, heheheheh'
Oh my god, why, just why did I have to get off to the one person I knew scene I was... What 13?
'but, with the medium I use, it could be hard to draw the scars '
'w-hat do you us-e?'
'i use digital, I used to use pen and paper, but I found out that I like digital more' oh god I was going faster, I really wanted to moan, just a little one
'chuh~ool'...........FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK, I don't think he realized... He's still talking about the drawing thing
'yeah, bu-t...hmm~ t-he drawing is going good'...... Did I hear that right?... Did, did he just, MOAN?!
'i bet~' I was getting close, I was breathing heavily
's-oo ye-ahh~-…' okay THAT was a clear moan
'did, did you just, moan?'
'n-no'…………that's when I realized... I could hear a light buzz
'your jacking off aren't you~'
'shut it so are you, I was in the middle of jerking off when you called, and I didn't want to stop'
'so slutty~'oh god I'm almost there
'well now that I know you can make noise~'
'same to you~, huh~'
'argh~, your moans are so lewd~'
'sh-huh~-ut it'
'ooO, that one was loud~'
'shu-huh~- t it daddy~'
'arhmm~, oh fuCK~'
'you call me lewd' 'huAHU~-'
'cause you are' I was about to cum I was so close 'AhHUH~, FUCK~'
'..did you just cum~?'
'you did didn't you~' I was starting to cum 'OHH~fUCK~'
'yOu DiD dIdNt yOu?'
'heh~, at least I would admit it~'
..... He hung up

640 words

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