🌈💍proposal 💍🌈

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Okay so I'm board as hell and I was just thinking about what my dream wedding would be... Soooo lmao this gonna be a series 😃😄😃

Fucking hell this is going to be a bad idea I don't think this is miles ring size but I gotta do this I've had the ring for like 11 months and he's talked about us getting married but... Got I need to stop overthinking. I grabbed the ring bag thing and got the other ring "*this is the dinosaur ring he said he liked... God I need to stop being this 'soft'"*  I have a idea for the day of the wedding if he says yes... deffanently on Halloween when we first started dating..oh wow it's been officially 4 years... It feels weird to say that we've been dating for 4 years. Wait, when is the normal time to propose? 1 to 3 years okay so I'm good. Oh fuck he texted me he's already at the meeting spot! I panicked fuck I need to calm down my neck is bleeding, bandages! I wrapped it in Goss  fuck fucK fucK fucK fucK fucK fucK FUCK FUCK!
3rd POV
Tomura slipped his iconic red shoes on put his hair in a very messy low bun and put on a mask, cause he is a wanted villian and texted his boyfriend back
Tomura:sorry I might be a little late

Moi:it's okay! But... Why you say sorry? You barely say sorry

Tomura:idk by i do have a surprise for you

Moi:^^ me too! I think you'll like it

His heart beat sped up (kurogiri is out of Tartarus lol) and quickly texted his father figure
Tomura: kurogiri, I'm going to do something

Kuro:what is it Tomura Shigaraki

Tomura:I might be getting married...

Kuro:well... Your only 23? Are you sure you want to do this?

Tomura:Idk miles has been talking about weddings and dropping alot of hints that he wants to get married

Kuro:well in that case, I don't think your ready, you are barley able to vocalize your emotions so I would say wait for atleast a month and gett more comfortable with sharing everything with him, and if he proposes I would say 'no but' and say that you do love him and you do want to marry him but I'm not  ready. That is what I would do

Tomura:what if i propose?

Kuro:well...I do not know, I say do it later and not now

Tomura:but I kinda want to

Kuro: Tomura Shigaraki, it is your relationship but I think you are far too young and not really for such a big leap in your relationship

Tomura:k I gtg

Kuro: alright, but if you do or he does please think it though

Tomura threw his phone "FUCK" the leader sighed grabbing his phone and left (k so... He's wearing a black turtle neck and black checkered pants, like the ones with white lines that make squares, with a mid length trench coat (?) That is a dark brown, cause I think it would look cool as hell) *"god I'm so fucking nervous this is a horrible idea...I shouldn't do this maybe I should take kurogiris advice"*
I was in the park we decided to meet up in,  Idk what to call it but the socks are crispy and uncomfortable lol so like it's warm out... surprisingly I should take my jacket off, but Tomura said I should wear 'formal' outfits so I'm wearing my nicer ripped jeans and a hella cool black and red rose long sleeve shirt with one of deffanently not Tomuras jacket with platforms so I'm 5'7. I like this outfit it's comfortable exspect the crunchy socks. Tomura was kinda acting weird earlier I wonder what he thinking on doing but I'm ✨nervous✨
3rd POV
Tomura  walked up to the cat boy "baby! What's the surprise!" He hugged the nervous leader tightly "I got you this, well...more like stool it for you sence I heard you talking about it" miles pulled a game out "t-thank you..I like it, but I'll give you your surprise later" the whitenette patted the bluenettes head, both set off on the date
The date was going smoothly, the arcade was a Big hit with both "tommmm I got a lava lamp with my tickets! What did you get?"
"I got a spider ring...and a candy.."
"Oh, I just cheated and opened the games up and grabbed all the tickets" Tomura smiled looking at his smile "your smiles cute~ now let's go to the park again" miles jumped up nodding "I like that park! It's one of my favorite ones because of the forest and the big clearing in the middle of it it's one of my favorite date places" he grabbed Tomura's arm (like his whole arm) making him blush "yeah yeah, let's go to that clearing later?"
"Can we? Once I saw a deer there, also why are you acting weird?"
"What? I'm not acting weird, nope not weird...." The shorter looked at him weirdly "okay...." The couple sat down on a bench, Tomura was getting more fidgety the longer the date went on "what is wrong I know something is wrong.."
"I'm okay just hungry" the nervous whitenette pulled out the plastic ring "hey..miles" he handed the ring over "wanna marry?" He was holding in a laugh "heheahahaha OMG YASSS HHAHAHAHA" his nerves calmed down seeing him laughing and started laughing himself. But now pulled out the real ring opening the box getting on his knee *"FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCKFUCKFUCK FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK"*  miles turned back around his laughing calming down wiping his eye seeing the other on one knee "but-but w-w-will you actually?" The taller was about to pass out from his nerves looking like a tomato
"Your joking...YES OFCOURSE"
Tomura POV
I am light headed, I need to breath but can't, fuckin can't even move. He yelled something and jumped on me "ofcourse I would want to marry you!" Oh thank God I finally breathed hugging back cautiously "love you, hubby~" I'm holding back tears "if I'm your husband than your the wife!"
"I don't want to be the wife?! If anyone was it would be you, your the bottom"
"Yeah..but you have long hair anddd it would be dysphoric for me" god he's cute...FUCK HES ACTUALLY GOING TO BE MY HUSBAND  "now we have to plan the wedding..."
"Hmm you should wear a dress" he nodded at me, and all I know is hell no "no thanks I'd rather wear my regular clothes" he was still hugging me "I love the ring! Does it fit?" He spread his fingers and I slid the ring on his finger, my heart is going to exsplode it fits his finger "EEEE IT DOES" he jumped up hugging me tighter kissing littiraly all over my face and neck I l0√e him so goddamn much "now we need to plan it... This is going to be hard"
"But it'll be fun! First we need a marriage certificate... That'll be easy?" I nodded "probably? Just disguise ourselves and then write...I'll just write Tenko Shimura and you'll just use your real name" god this is actually happening, I have no clue what to do...or my body is just saying fuck you and I hugged him picking him up he hugged me back and I donno what I'm thinking but I spun In a circle once. He giggled..oh my god my heart 💥 Im so fucking done with feelings I just want to not have them but... maybe I can live with them? I don't want to but I can manage "should we tell everyone?"
"I think we should wait see if anyone realizes the rings"
"I bet toga is going to notice first"
"Probably" he was smiling alot right now more than usual "when should the wedding be?"
"I was thinking on Halloween, October 31" he hugged me again, he's really huggy "like when we first started dating! We could just celebrate both anaverseys!"
"Yeah"  this is actually happening were going to be official and stuff  who are we going to invite and were are we doing it "I didn't think you'll actually get down on one knee"the smiled looking up at me "yeah..I didn't think I would ether, I was originally going to say, do you like your last name? And I know you don't like it then I would ask if you would want mine" my face is very hot "awwwwwww that's so cute!"
"Shut up.." we aren't even done with the date "wanna go back to the base and...Plan this?" the very light blue haired boy was kithed his new fiancè "yeah we should probably get a head start"

1474 words
Most of this idea is because of a video I saw of a skit were a girl was realizing she has to kiss infront of her parents at the wedding lmao

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