a couple?

22 1 0

Hero AU

"HELLO JAPAN! We are here today with the two lovely pros Dust and Catboy" the reporter said jestering to the two "hello"
Reporter "so today I have some questions about your story and about your time at UA"

Moi "ahh, okay! Fire away"

Tenko "okay"

Reporter "okay so first question, this is a fan submitted question, are you dating anyone" miles blushed slightly

Moi "no, I am not dating anyone" he shook His head lightly kicking Tenkos leg

Tenko "no Im not dating ether"

Reporter "next question is, about how you two are living in the same house"

Moi "o-oh yeah,...that"

Tenko "yeah, we are just roommates, we've been roommates sence UA days so it kinda made sense to move in together after ua"
The reporter nodded

Reporter "ahh, that does make sense!"
The reporter kept asking questions about personal life, hero work and friends *"I'm boreddddd, I just want to cuddle Tenko but we're in this talk show for about 30 more minutes, I just want Tenko cuddles.... Ah Ha!"* Miles discreetly  made a misty paper (a very small one) and made some more mist red (ma mist is purple and red) And wrote on the paper 'bups I want cuddles!' Tomura looked at it and signed 'fine when we get home, only this one time!' and continued on to awnsering the reporter

229 words

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